If you haven't heard...
          Donald Trump and FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, a former lawyer for Verizon, are on a mission to end Net Neutrality which had already been promised to us during Obama's term.

          If we don't fight now, the internet as we know it will be gone.


What is Net Neutrality?
Net Neutrality is the internet’s guiding principle: It preserves our right to communicate freely online.

Net Neutrality means an internet that enables and protects free speech. It means that ISPs (Internet Service Providers) should provide us with open networks — and shouldn’t block or discriminate against any applications or content that ride over those networks. Just as your phone company shouldn’t decide who you call and what you say on that call, your ISP shouldn’t interfere with the content you view or post online.

Without Net Neutrality, cable and phone companies could carve the internet into fast and slow lanes. An ISP could slow down its competitors’ content or block political opinions it disagreed with. ISPs could charge extra fees to the few content companies that could afford to pay for preferential treatment — relegating everyone else to a slower tier of service. This would destroy the open internet.

What would happen if we lost Net Neutrality?
The internet without Net Neutrality isn’t really the internet. Unlike the open internet that has paved the way for so much innovation and given a platform to people who have historically been shut out, it would become a closed-down network where cable and phone companies call the shots and decide which websites, content or applications succeed.

This would have an enormous impact. Companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon would be able to decide who is heard and who isn’t. They’d be able to block websites or content they don’t like or applications that compete with their own offerings.

Without Net Neutrality, how would activists be able to fight against oppression? What would happen to social movements like the Movement for Black Lives? How would the next disruptive technology, business or company emerge if internet service providers only let incumbents succeed?

Taken from https://www.savetheinternet.com/net-neutrality-what-you-need-know-now

If it wasn't already bad enough, guess what the title of this act has been called? "17-108 Restoring Internet Freedom Act"

In order to support Net Neutrality, you have to oppose the "Restoring Freedom Act".

They are deliberately trying to confuse and disenfranchise us. How? For one, it's nearly impossible to file your comments due to the lacking servers. Two, they explicitly state on the site "Note: You are filing a document into an official FCC proceeding. All information submitted, including names and addresses, will be publicly available via the web" as a way to put off citizens who are suspicious of having their information posted in public. They are counting on this to deter people from making their voices heard. Do not let them.


Go to: www.gofccyourself.com
Alternate Link to form: gofccyourself.com alternate
Should say: 17-108 Restoring Internet Freedom Aleta.Bowers Apr 26, 2017 Wireline Competition Bureau
Site is slow to respond, hit +Express and wait as long as it takes, it will go through.

Make sure to click the STATE dropdown and make sure it works, if it's blank and you cannot choose your state, refresh the page.
This form is NOT for just the US:
Tick the International checkbox under "Address" and the State, City, and Zip code fields will disappear.
How to fill out the form:
Proceeding(s): 17-108 Restoring Internet Freedom
Name(s) of Filer(s): Your Name (hit Enter after)
Primary Contact Email: Your Email
Address: Your address is required
Address 2: Optional
City: Your City
State: Your State
Zip: Your Zip Code
Brief Comments: I am in support of Strong Net Neutrality backed by Title II oversight of ISPs! Make it clear you are Opposed to Docket No. 17-108!
Review the details and click Submit

(It can take time to process, but wait as long as it takes because it will go through.)

ALSO! If you can, please! Write to your House Representative, your senators, and FCC Chairmain Ajit Pai





Here is a prepared comment to help

"I am strongly in support of net neutrality, and against the FCC Chairman's intent to reverse net neutrality rules and allow ISPs to control access to content. The internet is, and should be treated as, a utility. My ISP should have no influence on what information I choose to access, and all data should be treated equally. Broadband companies have gotten away with anti-consumer practices for far too long: throttling internet traffic, implementing arbitrary data caps, lying about "unlimited" internet access, lobbying to prevent competitions at the local-federal levels, and giving preferential treatment to companies they own.

I am AGAINST the chairman's position to remove net neutrality rules, and instead urge that more should be done to ensure the internet remains free and open."

Borrowed from redditor BrainSturgeon