xxxxxxS H E R W O O D xxxR O O S E V E L Txxx M E A D O W Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Sher, Sherry, Robin
              AGE »» 18
              BIRTHDAY »» 28 May 2027
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Mikaze Ai
              BLOOD STATUS »» Pureblood
              WAND »» Willow with Dittany Stalk, supple with a spiraled shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, French, some Latin
              ACCENT »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Turtle Lady Elaine

              xxx»» Music
              xxx»» Stories
              xxx»» His sisters
              xxx»» Poetry
              xxx»» Indoors
              xxx»» Being hot
              xxx»» Loud noises
              xxx»» Dirt
              xxx»» Ties
              xxx»» Fish
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Studying
              xxx»» Drawing

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Having an older sister with a rather loud mouth, Sherwood has grown more than accustomed to letting her speak for him. He finds that he would much rather whisper in her ear and have her relay his words than speak up himself. This can’t quite be said to be a bad thing, though, considering that his speaking voice naturally tends to be quiet, and he’s often hard to hear. He also tries to speak in a positive manner, often creating a tangled web of confusing statements to try and make something bad sound good. He’s not particularly fond of negative language, and tries to avoid it when possible.

              xxx»» Sherwood is always one for a flight of fancy; he’s not overly fond of actual adventures, particularly not when they’re apparently dangerous, but he’ll listen for hours to his sisters tell him stories. He gets very caught up in tales of daring do and the like, the more fantastical the better. He likes to hum theme music as his sisters tell their stories, and insists that the scary ones are best told on stormy nights. He likes to dance and sing and generally act like a total goofball, much to the amusement of his sisters.

              xxx»» In general, Sher is very introverted and withdrawn, and finds people exhausting, particularly if they are loud and extremely outgoing (with the obvious exception of his eldest sister). He’s not very fond of speaking to strangers, or really anyone except his immediate family. Even his cousins and grandparents get the silent treatment from him. He finds meeting new people to be anxiety-inducing and somewhat terrifying. He would much rather keep to himself and his sisters than try to make friends. Considering how rarely he’s presented with the opportunity, he fails to see a problem with this.

              xxx»» Of all the Meadows children, Sherwood is perhaps the one who shows this trait the most. While he finds meeting strangers to be nerve-wracking, he will always find a way to tamp down his anxiety and treat them with the utmost respect and speak as politely as possible. He’s very careful in his actions, both because he dislikes being abrasive and because he finds it simpler than anything else. His manners are impeccable, especially for such a young child, and he’ll often be found lecturing his oldest sibling on her own behavior.

              xxx»» While not particularly adventurous, Sherwood is very curious. He’d rather make his discoveries between the pages of a book than out in the real world, but makes up for it by consuming everything he can, to know as much as he can. He doesn’t have any real need for the knowledge, he just likes having it. As a result, he’s often quick with random trivia and interesting, if seemingly useless, facts, about just about any subject you can imagine. He’ll pour for hours over books if so much as the title sparks his interest, and rarely allows anything to be left alone if he finds it interesting.

              xxx»» Sherwood is quick-thinking and exceptionally bright. He is often quick to find plotholes in stories, and even quicker to come up with a theory on how things could have worked better. He’s very astute, reading people easily in spite of not knowing much about how to interact with them. He’s quick to notice little details that some people miss, and often has thought of a solution for a problem before he even voices that he noticed one. He likes to fix things, and will seek out a way to do so if he thinks it will be helpful or useful to someone else.

              xxx»» Observant
              xxx»» Well-spoken
              xxx»» Timid
              xxx»» Wimpy
              xxx»» The dark
              xxx»» Being alone

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Sherwood was the third child born to the Meadows family, a final, successful attempt at producing a male child. His parents, pleased with at long last managing to have a son and shut up Hyacinth's parents about needing a 'proper heir', doted on their son quite a bit. It was a while before Sher noticed the obvious favoritism, but when he did, it disturbed him greatly. His older sister didn't mind as much, since it meant they were paying less attention to him, but he could tell sometimes that it bothered Finny, which in turn bothered him. But, he kept everything to himself, not really sure what to do about any of it. Besides, he was a very private child, and tended to keep quiet about most everything, even his magic. Sher showed signs very early, but always at night, when no one else was with him. He would make his mobile sparkle in the night as a toddler, something that soothed him greatly. Of course, he never said anything to anyone, and no one ever saw, so his parents continued to believe he hadn't shown any signs of magic for a long time.
              xxx»» In fact, it was getting to the point that the family was afraid he was a squib. Not that it mattered overmuch to any of them, but they weren't quite sure what to do with themselves or with him as a result. They were saved the worry, though, once their eldest went away to school. Sher was quite distraught at dinner the first night she was away, and seeking comfort from his parents. But, they were somewhat distant on the matter, not wanting to encourage Sher's emotional outburst, and told him to calm down. He responded by getting even more upset, and started to cry. At the same time, a great gust of wind blew through the room, seemingly from no where, all the candles in the room went out. His parents were certain he was the source, and were relieved that he was magic. All attempts to figure out alternative schooling for him ceased, and they began preparing him for Hogwarts in a few years alongside his sister.
              xxx»» Being without his eldest sister took some adjusting, but he eventually got more or less used to it. That didn't make him any less thrilled when she was home, though. Unfortunately, one such occasion was ruined for him when Chrys was brought home for the holidays her second year, and at the family dinner, her engagement was revealed. Sher had suspected from bits and pieces of conversation he'd overheard from his parents that such a thing might be happening, but he'd not wanted to believe it, knowing how much it would upset Chrys. Sure enough, she spent the entire dinner glaring and sullen and resentful, and the rest of the holiday break avoiding everyone except her siblings.
              xxx»» The following year, Delphinia joined their big sister at school, and Sher was left alone, except for his cousins Blair and Byron, who he had never liked very much. Still, in the absence of his sisters, his father and Uncle Chandler made attempts to keep him occupied by setting up the three boys on playdates. Of course, they didn't call them playdates, since the boys were supposedly too old for such a thing, but Sher didn't know what else to call them. He didn't much like spending time with the other two boys, finding them rude and abrasive and entitled, especially when there were no adults around. He found himself looking forward to attending school and being away from the both of them, and with his sisters. His first year couldn't come soon enough.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Sher's first night in the castle was nerve-wracking, but every night (and day) following seemed to get a little easier. His sister and her friends were a great help, along with a few kids in his own year that he managed to befriend. His older sister encouraged him to tryout for the house Quidditch team, much to his surprise, and though he wasn't entirely sold on the idea, he wanted to give it a shot. He was put on reserve, thankfully, but found he enjoyed the sport far more than he'd expected to. All in all, he's call his first year at school a resounding success. The only blip on the radar was Finny's betrothal to her classmate Sorin, which was unexpected, at least to him. He got the feeling that was not the case for his sister, who had been out of sorts for a while after a visit with her best friend, Sorin's sister Celeste. He hoped that things would settle out, and began wondering if his parents would betroth him the following year as well, and who to.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch (keeper reserve)
                  SECOND YEAR »» Just like his sisters, this was the year that Sher was betrothed. However, unlike his sisters, he wasn't set up with a classmate at Hogwarts. Rather, his parents used his connection to his best friend Colten, who was attending Beauxbatons, to set him up with one of the boy's classmates. Sher met Gisele over the holiday, and decided that they were a much better match than either of his sisters had gotten. He wasn't sure he'd ever fall in love with her, which was really what he'd like, but he thought they could be very good friends.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch (keeper reserve)
                  THIRD YEAR »» Third year was mostly spent with his nose in a book, something he had no one to blame for but himself. Having signed up for a rather high volume of electives, and not being allowed to let his grades dip even a little, he had a lot of work to do. Meanwhile, he was avoiding his cousins, who had started school. Thankfully, Blair seemed content to ignore him, and Byron (somehow) made what appeared to be a friend, so neither of them bothered him overmuch.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch (keeper reserve)
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Fourth year was almost entirely uneventful, except for the food fight. He very much could've done without that, to be honest, and spent the majority of it hiding under the table and praying none of his more playful friends (read: Cady) saw fit to hunt him down and shove a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head. Other than that, he continued to focus on his studies, and on Quidditch, gaining some level of confidence in the sport.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch (keeper reserve)
                  FIFTH YEAR »» The Summer before Sher's fifth year, his parents summoned himself and his sisters into the library after dinner one night. They announced that, due to insistence on the part of Miss Regina, they would be getting a divorce. Sher was shocked, of course, but certainly not as shocked (or as angry) as Chrys, and neither of them came even close to Finny. His oldest sister met the announcement with her usual detached sarcasm, but Finny positively exploded, informing their parents that, even if her own betrothal wasn't called off due to scandal in the Kinsley household, she was calling it off herself. Chrys didn't say anything until Finny stormed off, but then she was quick to back up her sister, and tell them that she was also calling off her betrothal. Both sisters moved out of the family home and in with their Aunt Anthea shortly after, leaving Sher more or less alone with his parents, their mistresses, and his grandparents. It was an uncomfortable summer, to say the least, so he was relieved to return to school and get back to his studies.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Quidditch (keeper)
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Hufflepuff
              CLASS OF »» 2045
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» History of Magic
              xxx»» Astronomy
              xxx»» Flying
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Transfiguration
              xxx»» Defense Against the Dark Arts
              xxx»» Potions
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» O
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» A
              xxxPOTIONS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» EE
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» O
              xxxMUSIC »» A
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» O
              xxxWANDLORE STUDIES »» A
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» EE

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» EE
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» O
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» EE
              xxxWIZARD LAW »» E

              DREAM JOB »» Bard

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Betrothed
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Cerise Renaud

              xxx»» Parent Hyacinth and Abigail Meadows
              xxx»» Siblings Chrysanthemum and Delphinia Meadows
              xxx»» Grandparents Chrysanthos and Jillian Meadows
              xxx»» Aunt Anthea Harden
              xxx»» Aunt Blodwyn Lockwood, uncle Chanlder Lockwood, cousins Blair and Byron Lockwood
              xxx»» Best friends Chrysanthemum and Delphinia Meadows
              xxx»» Colten Lambert
              xxx»» Rebecca Richardson
              xxx»» Cadence Gregory
              xxx»» Detch Horne
              xxx»» Nani Heulwen
              xxx»» Lucien Markov
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» Hufflepuff House
              xxx»» Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
              xxx»» Fifth year students

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU P D A T E Sxxx

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