xxxxxxD A N I E LxxxJ A M E SxxxS H E P H A R Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» DJ, Danny, Jamie
              AGE »» 18
              BIRTHDAY »» July 26th, 2027
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Portgas D. Ace
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood
              WAND »» Holly, dragon heartstring, 12 and 1/5 inches, pliable, bent shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Estuary
              PET »» Small Turtle named Leif

              xxx»» Cartoons
              xxx»» Junk food
              xxx»» Football
              xxx»» Martial arts
              xxx»» Dogs
              xxx»» Formal wear
              xxx»» His parents
              xxx»» Being indoors
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Disappointing people
              xxx»» Trying new foods
              xxx»» Jiu-jitsu
              xxx»» Collecting comic books

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» DJ is a bundle of energy in a wiry frame; he's always got something to say and somewhere to be, and it's nearly impossible for him to sit still, keep his head down, and shut up. He's not a very moody or withdrawn person, although he can be bitter and resentful at times, especially when he feels dismissed or ignored. In general he's always up for anything, such as going out to get Chinese food at two in the morning. (Be warned, he is a very obnoxious night owl).

              xxx»» DJ is easily distracted and often operates on impulse; he may have been trying to read, but then a commercial came on the telly and ten minutes later he remembered he had originally been reading, but was too sucked into a sitcom to get up now. He typically doesn't think before he acts, which tends to result in his foot landing square in his mouth and people writing him off as immature and rude. He flits from thing to thing without even realizing it.

              xxx»» At heart Dj is a very lonely person. He never had many friends growing up, and his parents often left him to his own devices, which meant a lot of being parked in front of a television or told to 'go play outside' by himself. This resulted in not making any close personal connections with anyone until he met his half-brother at the age of eleven, and so DJ is extremely clingy and possessive towards those he considers friends.

              xxx»» Despite his somewhat lacking social skills, DJ is a very outgoing, sociable person, who enjoys the company of others most of the time. He hates being alone for long periods of time or cooped up at home, and would much rather be out with friends or doing something. Unfortunately he tends to come on a little strong, which can put people off, but he's intensely loyal and quick to befriend others, even if they're more introverted.

              xxx»» DJ is sort of a touchy person- he's always leaning on someone or knocking shoulders with someone or high-fiving or hugging or fist-bumping- it goes on and on. He's also very big into sports, although he'll admit he's not always the best team player, and would much rather be outside doing something active than just sitting around. He's also a fairly healthy person and enjoys getting his exercise... although it often involves bouncing off the walls.

              xxx»» DJ is usually very good at hiding it, but he does have a lot of resentment simmering deep down, particularly aimed at his parents and a lot of authority figures in general but also towards anyone who dismisses or ignores him. Growing up in a not very happy household, a lot of misdirected anger was aimed at him as the cause of all the problems, and he can be very sensitive when he feels like he's being blamed for anything because of this.

              xxx»» He's quick to make and keep friends.
              xxx»» He's a very active, energetic person.
              xxx»» He's too rash and impulsive.
              xxx»» His bitterness can impair his judgment.
              xxx»» Growing up to be just like his parents.
              xxx»» People hating him.

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» DJ's parents married and had a child late in life, which many would say was a mistake on their part, as neither was particularly interested in raising their son in the first place. DJ's existence was more so as a result of his father's ego in wanting a son to 'carry on the family name'- not that a Shepard had ever accomplished much- and his mother wanting to complete the image of the perfect middle class family. DJ's parents' marriage was not improved for it- neither had ever had much patience for children, and they grew to resent each other for their respective parts in bringing said child into the world.

              They found looking after a rambunctious little boy draining and irritating, and so from an early age DJ was quite aware that neither adult in the house particularly like him. DJ was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of seven, which explained some things, but it hardly endeared him to his parents, who found it embarrassing that it had been suggested that their son be on medication. Therapy had also been recommended, but that was too much for them, and they found it easier to just make sure their son took his meds. DJ hated school, hated his teachers, and hated his classmates- he was small and scrawny for his age and combined with his sometimes erratic behavior, it made him an easy target for bullies.

              His magic manifested when he was eight, presenting another set of problems. Unbeknownst to DJ or his father, his mother was a witch, although she'd lived the life of a muggle woman for decades now. Edith Bradley was very good about keeping her past life under wraps- her husband knew she'd had two children previously, but she claimed they'd both been given up for adoption, and that while she'd had drug problems in the past, she'd been clean for quite some time now. What he didn't know was that she'd once attended a school called Hogwarts, and that her remaining 'living' child was a vampire. For fear of what the truth would do to her already strained marriage, Edith convinced her husband that DJ was going to be enrolled in a boarding school for boys with behavioral issues, and contacted Eleazar, her estranged son, to take care of the boy's school things.

              The two half-brothers, whom had never actually met before, struck up a tentative bond and no objections were raised to the idea of DJ spending the holiday breaks with his brother rather than his parents.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» DJ was introduced to his kind of sort of cousins, the Whitethorne twins, over the summer, and was happy to already know people while going into school. He was sorted into Gryffindor, not that he knew enough about the houses to care, but was pleased Zach was in the same house as him. He wasn't overly fond of his schedule, but at least the classes were more interesting than the ones at his old school. And there was a cool Halloween festival.
                  SECOND YEAR »» DJ spent his second year goofing off and exploring the castle, since he hadn't really gotten the chance to during his first year, too busy trying to find where everything was.
                  THIRD YEAR »» DJ instantly regretted taking any electives, even though he had to, because of all the excess homework it gave him. He also developed an intense crush on a classmate named Brenna, a Hufflepuff.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» DJ didn't do much his fourth year, beyond getting detentions for being constantly late to class, and blowing all his spare money in Hogsmeade at the jokes shop. He did ask Brenna out on a date, summoning up all his courage, but she (politely) turned him down, which dealt a crushing blow to his adolescent ego.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» DJ spent most of his fifth year convinced he was going to be kicked out of school if he failed his OWLs, so he did actually buckle down and study for once, with lots of encouragement (and sarcastic commentary) from Lea, who had a vested interest in making sure his brother didn't become a fifth year drop out.
                  SIXTH YEAR »» DJ had an interesting summer before his sixth year, which involved his dad finding out he was a wizard and reacting just as badly as predicted, and his mum essentially handing him over to Lea, who he promptly moved in with. He repressed this with copious amounts of junk food and late night outings, since Lea's internet connection was pretty spotty. His sixth year wasn't that bad, though, aside from the family trauma.
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» Aside from all the stress over NEWTs, graduation, and the prospect of growing up into an unwashed loser living in someone's basement, DJ managed to have a decent final year. He befriended a Ravenclaw named Charley, and the two struck up a connection over a shared love of manga, D&D, and living with verified hermits. By the end of the year, DJ had developed a serious crush on the younger girl, but didn't want to ruin their friendship by making a move. Instead he tried to focus on his exams and graduate in one piece.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts
              HOUSE »» Gryffindor
              YEAR »» GRADUATED
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» DADA
              xxx»» Transfiguration
              xxx»» Wandless Magic
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Potions
              xxx»» Herbology
              xxx»» History of Magic
              DREAM JOB »» Ninja Pirate

              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» P
              xxxCHARMS »» EE
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» D
              xxxPOTIONS »» T
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
              xxxALCHEMY »» A
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» EE
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» EE
              xxxWANDLESS MAGIC »» O

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» EE
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» A
              xxxCURSEBREAKING »» EE
              xxxWANDLESS MAGIC »» EE

        xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Heterosexual
            RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
            SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» None

            xxx»» PARENTS Daniel and Edith Shepard
            xxx»» SIBLINGS Eleazar Bradley
            xxx»» BEST FRIEND Zachary Whitethorne
            xxx»» Desiree Whitethorne, Elvira Hughes, Kory Whitethorne, Charlotte Jenkins
            xxx»» - - -
            xxx»» - - -

PENDED BY ~ murrue ❤ 06/11/2017
ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [09/01/2017
UPDATES ACCEPTED BY J Galaksylph ✦ [5/17/2018]