Name: Khione
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual and Polyromantic
Weyr: Unaffiliated
Rider Rank: N/A
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Harper
Physical Description: In spite of her short stature ( 5'4" ) and curvaceous build, Khione makes a striking impression with her sun-bronzed skin, pale blonde hair that she wears in loose, thick waves and honey-gold eyes. Her eyes are wide and slant ever so slightly up and are fringed with thick, curling dark gold eye lashes. She prefers to wear pale colors or just plain white to accentuate her physique and coloration as well as to better match her dragon. She is also prone to occasionally dying the tips of her hair with berry and plant juices.
Personality: Khione is a supremely self-confident and cheerful young woman. Which quite suits her chosen role of Entertainer. She has zero problems putting herself out there and doing her best to charm her audience. She is also almost insanely loyal to those she loves and has been witnessed to go into near berserker-like frenzies if anyone she perceives as helpless (children, animals, elderly) is hurt in any way. She's been witnessed as going into worse rages when the being hurt is someone she actually loves.

Opportunities for frenzies are rare however, and most of the time, Khione is just a little bubble of sunshine. Only her beloved dragon gets to see the Khione who sinks into a depressed gloom, doubting herself and wondering if she's good enough for the blessing she's been given in Jisath.
History: Khione grew up in the Harper Hall and showed a proficiency for music from an early age. Her parents, who served the Hall in non-musical capacities, were both delighted and supported her desire to enter into training when she turned 12. Her apprenticeship was uneventful, though she was noted as having a lovely alto voice which she trained to it's utter limits.

Khione walked the tables at age 18 and as customary, was assigned to a distant hold to further hone her craft and be of service to those who needed a Harper. What no one expected was for Khione to be Searched shortly after her arrival to her assigned hold by a rider from Western Weyr. Feeling that this was an honor she could not in good conscience refuse, Khione notified her superiors and went with the rider. At her first Hatching, Khione managed to impress white Jisath after her compassionate nature wouldn't allow her to leave the little egg to struggle and possibly die.

For the next Turn, Khione and Jisath went through training, growing and becoming a strong flying pair. However, when Jisath was strong and skilled enough to Between safely, Khione coaxed her dragon into leaving the Weyr. After all, the skies were forever clear of Thread and they had an entire world to explore and entertain! Only, about a Turn into this plan, Thread returned and Khione's carefully built world crumbled. Seeing what Thread was capable of, Khione decided that random explorations would have to stop and that she was not taking Jisath back to the Weyr. The idea of losing her dragon to Thread was more than she could bear and the pairing decided that other employment would have to be found.

Given Khione's roots and talent (as well as the fact that she'd taught Jisath to sing with her), the obvious choice was to seek out one of the traveling circuses and offer themselves up as entertainers.

Other: Khione sang to Jisath when the latter was a hatchling and over time, the dragon learned to sing. A fact which delights their rider to no end.

Name: Jisath
Age: 3
Color: White
Size: 16'
Physical Description: Jisath has a dainty, delicate build. They look as if they shouldn't be able to carry a feather much less their rider. However, under the Jisath's skin is lean, supple muscle. They have a dainty, sweet face and a slimmer than usual tail which is usually seen twitching on a 24/7 basis.
Personality: If Khione is the fire, Jisath is the sweetly whispering snowfall. Though born male, but also effectively neuter due to being a white dragon, Jisath often acts more feminine and has found that they are more amused and accepting when Khione occasionally forgets herself and refers to the dragon as a 'her'. And since Jisath is never likely to feel an urge to rise, logic dictates that their sex doesn't matter anyway.

While sometimes logical to a fault, Jisath is also highly compassionate and is absolutely the force that can calm their partner's rages. Jisath is known to throw themselves bodily between Khione and the target of the once-Harper's rage. While the dragon may agree with Khione, it sees no reason to get so angry. It is better to save that anger for when Thread falls.

Jisath regrets leaving the Weyr, but to refuse Khione would have been unthinkable. So they salve their conscience by flying to protect their caravan during Fall. Still, the guilt sometimes eats at them and Jisath often wonders if they are as bad a dragon ad Khione sometimes thinks she is as a human.

Why do you want this character? I love the idea of a Harper/White Dragon pair that is part of a traveling show and who earn their keep by singing. I think they'd both be so so much fun to play. They're both also altered imports of two of my favorite characters from other shops and being able to play them both again would be so lovely~
What do you love most about this character, if anything? That they're both outwardly cheerful/serene but both so eaten by doubt on the inside.
Anything else? Singing. Dragon. 8D ♥