Name: Aika Suzuki
Nick Name:
Ht/Wt: 5'5 126 lbs
Hometown: Tokio prefecture Japan
Entrance Music: Psycho Soldier
Entrance moves:


Common Moves:
Mongolian chop
Spinning back fist
Spinning back chop
forearm smash
European uppercut
Elbow smash
Elbow drop
Short lariat
Super kick
Calf kick
Axe kick
Roundhouse kick
Jumping back kick
Wheel kick
Boston Crab
Running swinging neckbreaker
Sliding elbow
Lou thez press
Japanese arm drag
Rope walk arm drag
Hand spring forearm smash
Angeled spear
Rolling kneebar
Ankle lock
Reverse indian deathlock muta lock combo
Chiken wing face lock
Crossface chicken wing
Camel clutch
La majistral
Tiger spin
Osaka street cutter
Tiger feint kick
Dragon Screw
Single leg boston Crab
Figure four leg lock
Baseball slide
Headscissor takedown
Wheelbarrow bulldog
Wheelbarrow facebuster
Handspring cutter
Crucifix pin
Sunsetflip powerbomb
Double wrist lock
Fireman carry slam
Fisherman suplex
Belly to belly suplex
Butterfly DDT
Float over DDT
Lift DDT
Avalanche butterfly suplex
Spanish Fly
Suicide tope
Asai moonsault
Back arching camel clutch
Diving moonsault plancha
Corkscrew splash
Corner dropkick
Diving kneedrop
Tree of woe stomp drop
Vertical drop suplex
Tope con hilo
Body Scissors
Heel hook
Achilles tendon hold
Kneeling piledriver
Spider German Suplex
Back wristlock lariat

Signature Moves:

Step up enzuiguiri

Tiger suplex - J-Popper

Corkscrew shooting star press - Ai-splash II

Finisher: - spinning reverse Piledriver- Heartbreak Driver

Seated armbar - Ai- Lock/Love lock

Gimmick: Happy smiling, cute girl with a deadly balanced and technical puroresu style. She's a young upcoming wrestler ready to face whatever comes her way. Aika is always smiling and making "I heart u" and "Peace" hand signs to fans.
Big fan of Tiger Mask and Manami Toyota thus pursuing her career. Once an idol starlet in her native japan she decided to quit the life and pursue her true dream. She trained under Fuka and Eliza.

Alignment: Face <3
Match Type Expertise: single match, Tag match, Ladder match
Match Type Weakness: Steel Cage, fatal four way, handicap (3-1)
Weapon Expertise: Kendo Stick
Division: women's
Title History: