Name: Ye-seul (Yeseul)
Gender: Female
Age: 203

Faction: Monster
Race: Raiju (lightning beast)

Natural Ability: Can shapeshift into a fox, grey as a stormcloud, whose fur and tail crackle with lightning.

Personality: Reckless, confident, carefree. Ye-seul doesn't really think about what she's doing as she does it. Words tumble from her mouth, she breaks into places she shouldn't be in, and embraces trouble and mischief like some people embrace sweets. She walks on the wild side and doesn't care what anyone thinks about her. Why should she? Brash is another very good word.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Yeseul is a little impulsive. Which is a nice way to say that she does what springs to mind without thinking of it. 'Ride the lightning' is not just a joke or a slogan; it's her way of life. Her parents sent her to the Academy to not only calm down, but because the property damage had to be someone else's problem for awhile.

FEAR Ability: Of the Swift Strokes type Yeseul's fingers elongate with long lightning claws and she slashes at her enemy.

Physical Description: Ye-seul is not very large but she is more than alright with that. Her entire body is lean and when she moves it is with utter purpose. Probably no more than five and a half feet tall (she never checked) she is proud, confident, and reckless.

Eye Colour: [x]
Hair Colour/Style: [x]
Skin Colour: Irish-level pale white.
Clothing Style/Colours: If it's not shredded then Yeseul's not wearing it. She will deliberately rip, tear, or otherwise distress every bit of clothing she wears. Metal is also a high point; you'll find she wears rings, bracelets, a thick belt with metal studs, and lots of earrings. She looks like someone chucked a Hot Topic into a wood chipper and loves it.
Extra: Ye-seul does not have human ears. She does have a pair of long, fluffy, fox ears instead. They are pierced! She also has sharp teeth with delicate canines and her nails are sharp claws instead of the usual human fingernails.
References: None -- this is a non-art slot.