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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 7:18 pm

Dragon Riders
...K'ladan of Bronze Razasith (page 1)
...Akkaida of White Siminith (page 1)
...A'ud of Brown Iccuroth (page 1)
...??? of Green Elyeth (pending; page 1)
...??? of Blue Iruwaith (pending; page 1)
...Isolda of Gold Aloheth (page 1)
...??? of Brown ??? (pending; page 1)

...Fidda, Western Weyr (page 1)
...Rinor, High Reaches Weyr (page 1)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 7:36 pm
.K'ladan of Bronze Razasith.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.[The Rider]

[Name] ... K'ladan (formerly Kaladan)
[Age] ... 21
[Sex] ... Male
[Sexual Orientation] ... Bisexual
[Weyr] ... High Reaches
[Rank] ... Wingrider
[Wing] ... Tornado Wing

[Physical Description]
Tall, dark and (arguably) handsome. K’Ladan stands at an even six feet tall and is wide of shoulder and thick with muscle. He has dark skin and even darker, corded hair with eyes the color of a light whiskey. Although he has many scars from his time as a rider, none are quite so pronounced as the claw marks across one side of his face that he suffered during a hatching (he learned rather quickly what dragonets do not do upon impression).

K’Ladan is old enough to know what he’s doing and still young enough to think he knows everything. Although many of his misgivings about the charm and glory of dragon riding were beaten out of him as a candidate (and even more so during his early years with Razasith) he still has a tendency towards being brash and foolish when not under the watchful eye of his superiors. With an overabundance of confidence and bravery, he often does not hesitate to plunge headlong into impulsive decisions (at least outside of combat) and is always the first to volunteer himself for anything even remotely risky. Luckily for everyone, his dream of being his best self has given him a strong streak of obedience in addition to his fool hearted nature and he has not typically been a great risk to his wing (even if he has been caught muttering under his breath about choices he disagrees with).

After five years in training, he has come to think quite highly of himself and his skills. There is not a task too great for him or a challenge too hard and it shows from the strut of his walk to the smarmy smirk he likes to wear best. Here is where “the greater it is, the harder it falls” truly comes into play - he can be charming and playful on a daily but the moment he fails to succeed or is denied something he truly believes is his, he is incredibly, impossibly hot-headed. There is no begrudging silence in the wake of his anger, only the explosive volcano of his fury. After being scolded by everyone from his grandmother to his superiors, he has learned to take a long walk (or ride) to cool his head, but rest peacefully the soul that thinks it better to confront him before he’s ready.

[Positive Trait List] ... Brave, Obedient, Charming
[Negative Trait List] ... Impulsive, Hot-Headed, Conceited

Kaladan was a weyrbrat born and raised in High Reaches by his mother, Aella, who worked (and still works) in the kitchens - just like her mother before her and her mother before her. His father, by his mother’s account, was a dragon rider she met in her youth but she would never tell him who it was; Aella was adamant that a rider’s job was not to coddle a child and he had no right to bother the man. As such, Kaladan always felt that he had huge shoes to fill. The moment he turned fourteen he hauled himself off to become a candidate, working longer and harder at his tasks than he had ever worked at anything in his life. Shortly after his sixteenth birthday, two years into the sludge and challenge of a candidate’s busy life, Razasith hatched and his entire world changed. He was no longer Kaladan the weyrbrat but K’Ladan, bronze rider.


[The Dragon]
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[Name] ... Razasith
[Age] ... 5
[Color ] ... Bronze
[Size ] ... 44'
[Obtained] ... November 2017, Starter Pack

[Physical Description]
Like his rider, Razasith is large and bulky. He is not among the quickest of his brethren but what he lacks in speed he makes up in determination and stamina. His hide is a medium bronze tone with pale stripes across his cheeks and bracer-like markings upon all four limbs. The webs of his wings are a deeper bronze, fading to a dark tint upon the outermost sections.

Unlike his rider, Razasith is calm and balanced although no less ambitious. What K’Ladan lacks as a young rider, his dragon has in abundance. He is the gentle word when no one else can get through to K’Ladan and he is the wise thought when the man is considering something overly reckless. As much as he balances K’Ladan’s quick temper, so too does K’Ladan balance his uncertainty. Razasith wants, too, to be the best that he can be but often has his doubts that he can move quickly or with enough grace to master a maneuver he is challenged by. Never once has K’Ladan given up on him and together, they have found their stride as a pair. His skill comes in his unwillingness to give up, often fueled by K’Ladan’s determination when his own falters, and he has found accomplishment in their combined commitment to drills and practice.

[Clutch Information]
Caracath x Worenth
20 Eggs
0 gold / 1 bronze / 2 brown / 7 blues / 10 greens


[Notable Connections]

[I'llian & Blue Xith] ... I'llian and K'ladan are not only agemates born and raised in the High Reaches Weyr but, through some luck, also clutchmates. Their friendship is an old one and their history long. For all that they appear at firs to be complete opposites in both personality and appearance, no other in the weyr is quite so close or familiar with K'ladan as the bluerider and such is apparent from any time spent with the peculiar pair.

[R'shahar & Viandarth] ... Bound by their outgoing personalities and over-large presence in any room, K'ladan and R'shahar are easy friends. Most often they can be found drinking together and can only be described as 'bros'. There's really not a better word for it.

Tornado Wing
K'ladan of Bronze Razasith]
HP: 44
Status Effect: If applicable.
Target Accuracy: 7
Flame Length: 7
General Stamina: 9
General Agility: 6
Between Accuracy: 6
Pain Resilience: 6
Instinct: 6
Luck: 6

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Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 7:37 pm
.Akkaida of White Siminith

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.[The Rider]

[Name] ... Akkaida
[Age] ... 29
[Sex] ... Female
[Sexual Orientation] ... Technically pansexual but mostly disinterested.
[Weyr] ... High Reaches
[Rank] ... Searchrider
[Wing] ... Harbinger's Wing

[Physical Description]
Willowy and pale, Akkaida is on the tall side of average at about 5’7’’ but quite slight in build. Her hair is a very pale platinum and always at least half-up in some form of intricate braid. She has snowy skin and large, steel-blue eyes that do nothing to warm her too-proper demeanor.

Akkaida learned the art of diplomacy at a fairly young age only as a means of surviving a life doused in political turmoil. Although she has always played the part of a quiet, proper young lady to a T, she uses her ability to become a wallflower as an opportunity to observe every ounce of her surroundings undisturbed. At her core, she truly and honestly believes in the greater good and expects others to conform to that before their own selfish desires. This often leads her to pushing others toward roles that will benefit the many above the few and sometimes causes her to grow suspicious and disinterested in anyone that is clearly incapable of thinking of ought but themselves. She prefers to observe before she speaks and has a knack for seeing through to someone’s true intentions if only because she asks too many questions and never grows discouraged by aggression or a lack of interest.

[Positive Trait List] ... Observant, Patient and Level-Headed
[Negative Trait List] ... Distrusting, Know-it-All, Nosey

Born as the youngest child and only daughter to a minor lord, Akkaida was raised most of her life to be a proper lady. Her father’s every intention was to use her as marriage fodder to raise his own standing though she managed to chase off nearly every suitor that came calling with some help from the youngest of her six brothers. Overcome with grief at the death of her eldest brother and teetering on the edge of bankruptcy due to his own wicked schemes, her father gave her a gift on her eighteenth turn - an arranged marriage to an old, foul lord she had met only once as a child. Her only saving grace was a Searchrider that came calling mere days before she was meant to leave. Knowing that they would never be able to return and face their father, Akkaida announced that she (in the company of her favorite brother) would be leaving to become candidates at High Reaches.

Two years into her candidacy, Siminith was born.

Akkaida had only the riders to thank for the chance to escape her fate as a decrepit old fool’s trophy wife and, with that thought ever present in her mind, she dedicated herself to not only serving to the best of her ability but finding those that would also serve. As Siminith grew, the pair began to study what made the best candidates and what a rider would need to truly devote themselves to a dragon. A sense of pride swelled in the White rider as candidate after candidate impressed, as dragonet after dragonet grew and took flight with those she brought to the Weyr and for a long time there was no concern or worry over what she was doing. She was helping others as she helped the Weyr.

Then the Thread returned.

The first time Akkaida knew true sorrow as a Searchrider was when one of her candidates, some many years a rider in his own right, died in flight. For days she stewed in silence, refusing to eat except at the urging of Siminith when her White felt her grow too weak. It is a constant battle in her own head, knowing that those she draws into the fold could be injured or worse, though the initial shock seems to have resided. She has grown more withdrawn and quiet in the days since the return but would still ride out on Search the moment she was asked. Her own sorrow, after all, is a pale shadow next to duty.


[The Dragon]
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
[Name] ... Siminith
[Age] ... 9
[Color ] ... White
[Size ] ... 15'
[Obtained] ... November 2017, A Gift from Z o m b i k ii's Starter Pack

[Physical Description]
Elegant and lithe, Siminith’s small stature lends her both speed and precision. What she lacks in stamina and power she makes up for in grace.

Though small, this elegant white is no pushover. She has a mind for tactics and is fierce and proud where her rider is calm and humble. There is no such thing as fear in her fiery heart and she has never once held back her bark or bite should someone cross her. She has a reputation for being incredibly hard to please and her favor is not easily won by anyone other than her Akkaida. There is a small soft spot in her heart for the candidates that she finds with her rider while they are out Searching but even among them she is known for being sharp and particularly abrasive.

[Clutch Information]
Sheyoth x Junenth
27 Eggs
1 gold / 2 bronze / 3 brown / 9 blues / 11 greens / 1 white
Saed & Brown Cath :: Traveling Caravan :: Played by ShinosBee
Tyra and blue Orodreth :: High Reaches Weyr :: Played by BastetAmun
??? & blue ??? :: ??? :: Deceased
??? & blue ??? :: ??? :: Deceased
??? & green ??? :: ??? :: Deceased

Queen's Wing
Akkaida of White Siminith
HP: 15
Status Effect: n/a
XP: (+6 base, +5 to distribute)
Target Accuracy: 6
Flame Length: 6
General Stamina: 6
General Agility: 8
Between Accuracy: 6
Pain Resilience: 7
Instinct: 8
Luck: 6

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 7:38 pm
.A'ud of Brown Iccuroth.

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Name: A'ud
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Minor lord’s son
Physical Description: Aud is all lean muscle and height, almost what one would consider willowy for a man. He is very fair for someone that spends most of their time outdoors training with dragons and his hair is a blonde so pale that is nearly white. It hangs long and pin straight, though he usually has it up in a bun or (on the rare occasion his sister gets ahold of him) a neat braid. His eyes are the same cool, icy blue that his family is known for.
Personality: Although Aud is typically known for being outwardly calm, recent events have inspired a nagging anxiety in the cool natured man. He is obsessed with becoming better and stronger, being all that he and Icurroth can be, to the point that he sometimes forgets to take a break. There is a protective streak in his heart a mile wide but due to his rigid upbringing he is sometimes bad at showing his care for others and can often be dismissed as disinterested or apathetic if a situation is not blatantly obvious to him: for instance, he may not respond to someone pouting but the sight of blood will immediately concern him. His humor can be lacking and passive aggressive natures are all but lost on him.
Positive Trait List Devoted, Hard-working, Respectful
Negative Trait List Oblivious, Anxious, Apathetic
History: Aud grew up as the youngest son of a minor lord holder and perhaps the only one that bucked their father’s strict authority. He was closest to his youngest (and only) sister Akkaida and saw first hand the lengths their father was willing to go to in order to secure power. Although he held very little responsibility as the youngest of four boys he disliked the pressure put upon his other siblings and when the time came that his sister was expected to marry an older, rich man to suit his father’s plans, Aud decided to help her escape. Together the two ran for High Reaches, the closest Weyr to their hold, and never looked back.

While his sister remained and impressed at HR, Aud found himself in Western. The non-traditional lifestyle appealed to him after a lifetime of forced propriety and he felt at ease until the Thread returned. Since watching his friends and comrades get gravely injured (or worse) he has lost a bit of the free spirit he assumed among the folk of Western Weyr. He is always worried for the safety of others (especially his baby sister on her dainty white) and finds it sometimes hard to focus on anything other than training in an effort to be the most help that he possibly can.
Other: Older brother to Akkaida, my white searchrider in HR.

Name: Icurroth
Age: 7
Color: Brown
Size: 37’
Physical Description: Icurroth is average in length but bulkier than most browns. It takes a little away from his speed and stamina but he makes up for it with training and skill.
Personality: Icurroth is fiery and wild, a spitfire that is cooled only by Aud’s gentle nature. He is impulsive and does not always think before he speaks. Unfortunately, he also has a tendency to be incapable of reading between the lines which means neither dragon nor rider are very good at complex social queues. It is always best for them to be addressed directly. Though he often will match his rider’s drive toe for toe, he is usually the one that breaks down first and demands that they take a break.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Pallette Dragon

Neliath x Higanth
21 Eggs
1 gold / 2 bronzes / 3 browns / 6 blues / 8 greens / 1 white  


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:19 pm
.??? of Green Elyeth.

--pending write-up--

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:41 pm
.??? of Blue Iruwaith.

--pending write-up--

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Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:41 pm
.Isolda of Gold Aloheth.

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Name: Isolda
Age: 29 (impressed at 16)
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: ???
Weyr: Other
Rider Rank: Gold Rider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat
Physical Description: Isolda is a tall, willowy woman with dusky olive skin that is spattered with a dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose and along her shoulders. Her eyes are a mossy green-brown though her hair is dark, thick and wild, typically kept in intricate braids or updos in some attempt to tame its mass.
Personality: Isolda is a silent observer and a schemer who prefers to know situations before diving into them and prides herself on her awareness of the webs that are weaved around her. Sometimes her suspicion lends to over-thinking and paranoia but she is exceptional at keeping her cool even with how turbulent her thoughts can sometimes get. She is generally a charismatic, pleasant person to be around but does not easily forgive those who act against her or take advantage of the less fortunate and very often has a difficult time letting things go. Once jaded she can be cold or dismissive of a person but it takes a great wrong-doing to earn open ire in place of her polite, false niceties.
Positive Trait List Level-headed, observant, protective
Negative Trait List Begrudging, prideful, paranoid
History: Isolda was a weyrbrat born and raised in High Reaches by her mother, Aella, who worked (and still works) in the kitchens - just like her mother before her and her mother before her. As a child, she was raised under the impression that her father was a dragon rider (like many of her agemates were). She would sit and dream outside all day long as she watched the dragons fly by overhead, wondering if any of them carried her father and who he was, what great things he had done. When she was about six turns old, her mother took to romancing a travelling merchant that came in and out of the Weyr at varying intervals until her mother became pregnant with her younger brother, Kaladan, and the man stopped showing up altogether. The older Kaladan got, the more curious he became about his own father, and she heard her mother tell him the same grand stories she had once told Isolda - he was a great dragon rider with many responsibilities and he did not have time to spend with him. It made her realize that her mother had probably lied to her too and ruined both her sense of identity as well as her love for the community.

Over time she became bitter and begrudging and only performed her duties out of a sense of responsibility, not out of love for her Weyr. She had all but made up her mind to leave the Weyr when one fateful day she took her kid brother Kaladan to view a hatching and impressed from the stands. Again, her world was tipped over as she embraced her role as a dragon rider to a beautiful, wonderful Gold. They grew together and bonded but try as she might, Isolda still could not reconcile her feelings toward belonging in the community and purposefully withdrew as often as possible from her clutchmates and thrust herself, instead, into her duties and her classes. At some point during her time raising a young, growing Aloheth she was noticed by junior weyrwoman of the time, Zheria, and found that was one of the very few dragon riders that encouraged her to go out into the world.

Now, some 13 years later, she is mostly a wandering dragon rider who owes no loyalty to any Weyr. She helps those outside the Weyrs, usually for gold, and spends long stays at Holds whenever they will offer her the hospitality. She does come home to HR to check in upon her family, especially her bullheaded younger brother, but it is rare. When she does return home she always finds time to meet with Zheria; though she does not consider herself a part of the High Reaches Weyr any longer, she does show a deep loyatly to the other woman.

Other: <3

Name: Aloheth
Age: 13
Color: Gold
Size: 45.5
Physical Description: Aloheth is longer than she is bulky, lean by gold standards but perfectly average in size. This lends to graceful and quick flight patterns though not so much to her strength or skill as a fighter.
Personality: The young dragon is accustomed to solitude and though she comes across as a gentle soul, she is often very quiet. Though she often seems alone, she would not call herself lonely and she always prefers small groups when being social. Despite this, she is an inviting and mothering gold with very little ill-will towards anyone that does not pose a threat to herself or hers. Much of her life has been devoted to healing the aches in her rider’s heart and it has made her apt to do the same with others whenever the situation calls for such; she hates to see any other soul hurting.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Aloheth from the size chart raffle.

3561.10.13 - Serenath's Maiden Flight
Serenath x Rizoth
21 Eggs
1 gold / 2 bronzes / 2 browns / 06 blues / 10 greens
K’vos & blue Slistalth :: High Reaches Weyr :: Prism Shine
??? & green ??? :: ??? :: Deceased  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:45 pm
.??? of Brown ???.

--pending write-up--

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Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:45 pm
.Western Candidate.

Name: Fidda
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: ???
Craft: Trader (previously)
Rank: Candidate
Location: Western
Physical Description: Fidda is very small, both in height and all around size - a fact which enrages her to no end. Her hair is a rusty auburn and her skin is more than just a little sunkissed from years spent outside practicing her “craft”. Her eyes are a watery blue so pale they are basically gray except in the right light.
Personality: Fidda is fiery; she has a crass mouth and overall unpolished demeanor. She absolutely loathes being told she is short or small and will actually pick physical fights with someone if they refuse to take her seriously. She is extremely temperamental, especially if she feels disrespected, and tends to be constantly trying to prove herself. Despite being a little selfish and lacking in loyalty, she loves to be surrounded by people that love her and will do just about anything for positive attention. Fidda is not blind to social queues, she usually just doesn’t care about them and thinks very little of interrupting someone’s conversation. Her confidence and bravery know no bounds and there is rarely a situation that she backs down from out of fear or uncertainty, even if it’s a stupid, reckless decision.
Positive Trait List Brave, Outgoing, Confident
Negative Trait List Selfish, Crass, Temperamental
History: Fidda is an only child to a traveling “merchant” that spent his years bouncing from hold to hold to weyr selling his ill-gotten and lackluster wares. They spent very little time in any one place but whenever they lingered, Fidda was sure to get into at least one brawl with some “gutless holdbrat”. Unsurprisingly, she always had a hard time making friends and spent most of her nomadic life as an outcast. Her father’s trade was anything but honest and though Fidda’s confrontational nature never helped, they usually fled wherever they were staying due to someone calling him out on his stolen or lackluster goods.

When Fidda was seventeen, her aging father fell ill during their travels and never recovered. Since it was the only life that she knew, the young girl picked up where her father left off, contacted all of his old suppliers, and made an attempt at becoming a trader. Unsurprisingly, due to her father’s reputation (and her memorable hair) in combination with her quickfire attitude, she did a damn poor job at it. After nearly two years of struggling, half-starved and close to begging, she was recruited by a searchrider and taken to Western Weyr. There, she regained her strength and found her purpose in trying to impress: even though she had never considered it during her years of travelling with her father, the idea of having her very own dragon to prove how brave and strong and powerful she was seemed absolutely perfect.
Other: <3

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:46 pm
.High Reaches Candidate.

Name: Rinor
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: ???
Craft: N/A
Rank: Candidate
Location: High Reaches
Physical Description: Rinor is tall, lanky and broad of shoulder but a bit too thin due to a quick growth spurt. Due to this, his hands and feet also seem a little too large. He is an average skin tone with shaggy gold-brown hair that never does anything he ever wants and eyes that are a deep, dark brown.
Personality: Although he tries his best to emulate the brave dragonriders he grew up admiring, Rinor is afraid of just about everything one should be able to face on a day to day basis: public speaking, meeting new people, accidentally making eye contact with someone and then looking away quickly and making it worse - the list goes on and on. He has always had a tendency to be a dreamer and very often his attention wanders away from him in the middle of doing chores or studying. By now he is accustomed to being snapped at by his superiors and always jumps right back into whatever task he was doing at the time; luckily, he doesn’t hold grudges and doesn’t usually let it get him down. His self-confidence is not very high and he tends to be a bit shy and hesitant in new situations but despite that, he has big dreams that he won’t let anyone sway him from.
Positive Trait List Committed, Good-natured, Forgiving
Negative Trait List Distractable, Shy, Nervous
History: There isn’t a lot to say about Rinor’s history. He is the son of a dragon rider that grew up with other weyrbrats and spent most of his early years doing menial chores for his foster parents or just about anyone that needed his help. His parents were very loving, if (like every other soul in the Weyr) always busy, and his early years were actually rather unremarkable. The only constant was the dragons, flying overhead and enticing him to dreams of impressions and bravery. Whenever he had free time, he spent it daydreaming of what it would be like to be beloved and revered as a brave warrior - something he was decidedly not.

As soon as he was given the opportunity to become a candidate he took it and though the work is hard and the hatchings (kind of) terrifying, he has not given up and continues to pursue his dreams of being the stronger, braver, better person he has always dreamed of being.

Other: I’m aware he is going to be a challenge as a candidate; I wanted to explore someone that is unprepared for the reality of his decisions.

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No  


Eloquent Lunatic

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