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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] Garbage Fire Boys [Falienn/Renose]

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:22 pm
A tug. A pull. A huff (far too gritty and low, which made him glare) and a quick twist. Falienn's damn scarf refused to stay put. It wasn't his fault—he'd never been one for neck adornments, but he was even less keen on flaunting the still-ragged, still-red torn expanse of skin below his chin. That damn green... how dare it think to mar his perfect skin? To steal his voice and then go flouncing off, to be coddled and praised and loved? It should have betweened, his thoughts were bitter. Vicious. As red and ugly as the evil star overhead.

Well. Sitting around and moping, even weeks after the hatching, would only mean that green wretch had won. And Falienn was far too good to let some dragon get the best of him. With a last tug to the crisp blue scarf around his (scarred, mangled) throat, he finally came strutting out of the candidate barracks.

It was a rest day, and the weyr was dusted in new snow, and he had nothing to do. And before he even really thought about it, he found his feet taking him up along a familiar path, towards a public ledge where candidates often would mingle and relax. It had a slight overhang, which kept it relatively dry, but the more or less exposed nature of it was why it was often abandoned by older or more ranking sorts. So, essentially, it was the perfect hangout for the bottom rung of the weyr. He'd be surprised if it was empty on a day like today.

It was, after all, also a very popular hideout for those shirking chores or lessons.

Hope this random start's okay >> I realized that, given Renose was born in the weyr, Falienn would be the newbie, more than him? And he got whisked away to Western's Hatching right after he arrived, so he's still new to meeting the natives.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:04 pm
The air was cold, but not too cold, and Renose had found that a slight chill always made a workout far more successful than a sweltering heat. When it was chilly, he worked harder and faster to get done sooner, when it was hot he just pretended to work and instead slacked in the shade while working his jaws. The faint snow that surrounded his (not quite) personal gym only persuaded him to move faster, and as he completed yet another round of stretching the young man was surprised to see that someone had joined him.

The face was new...to the Weyr anyway, and Renose thought he might have an idea of just who specifically he was. Being born and raised in High Reaches, and nosy as possible, gave him somewhat of an edge when placing names with faces, but this face was sort of slipping his mind when it came to matching a name. The scarf about the neck had to totally be the reason, that was what he told himself to feel better, and naturally Renose accepted it without issue.

Renose's next thought was to greet, or not to greet. He was in the middle of his exercises after all, so maybe this not-likely-a-stranger stranger would think it rude to interrupt him or something like that. Maybe he'd even leave and Renose would be starved again for an audience and for conversation. So, with the need to talk to someone before he exploded building up, he spoke. "Nice scarf."

Nailed it.



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:20 am
Okay, so shaff this guy. Falienn could feel his ears going red (from the cold, from embarrassment, from anger!) at the 'compliment', and his mouth was open before he could stop himself, the retort of "Nice stretches, gonna cartwheel across the bowl?" was out, his voice croaking like a pubescent child that had gargled rocks, before shattering on the third word into a low, whispery rasp. Shards! Even just that much made his throat ache, made the tickle of savaged flesh come back, and he had to take several slow, cautious breaths to keep from falling into a coughing fit.

"Sharding green," He rasped, one hand massaging his neck. "Wish the bronze'd gone for her instead of those candidates...!" His bitter musings were unchecked—he'd never been the sort at all to hide his feelings. He snared the other fellow with an eye, the brow over it arcing as if to say 'what, got a problem with me?' This poor guy hadn't done a single thing to him, but Falienn didn't care. He was angry at the world, and Renose unfortunately just happened to live in it.

And if Renose was looking for an identifying feature, that smug arced brow might just do it. After all, who that had grown up in the weyr hadn't met or seen or heard of Wingleader K'ienn, Sir Smugness himself?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 6:43 pm
"I thought about it, but I can't do a cartwheel to save my life. I mean, I can give it a go if you really want to watch me face plant into the ground the entire time." If Renose got sass, Renose gave back sass. All relationships were give and take and he was such a giver it wasn't even funny. "Granted, I'm sure you laughing would only hurt so I'll spare your throat. Sound good?" Such a giver. Before he could say anything further, the explanation for the voice came out and Renose could only have what would be explained as an 'ahhh' moment. The reason why the face wasn't overly familiar was he'd been brought in after that hot mess that was considered a hatching at Western, but that raise of the eyebrow? Everything else?

Yeah he really had no idea and he was wondering just why he was failing so hard on names and faces as of late. If this kept up he'd need to keep a diary or something, in an effort to make sure his 'I know everyone' sentiment was not a bold-faced lie. Renose made a mental note to buckle down on that after his exercises.

Clearing his throat, he moved on. "Looks like you made it to that...hatching they had at Western. Didn't personally see it, just heard that it wasn't something people expected nor wanted." Some kid had died, or so he'd heard, and there had been quite a few maulings. The boy he was talking to confirmed that little snippet of gossip. "As for why I wasn't there, let's uh...say it was good luck? Or else I probably would've ended up looking like you, or looking like that kid." Renose didn't want to die any time soon, least of all at the hands of a dragonet who would go on to Impress and be forgiven for its actions. Most everyone knew you didn't blame a baby for what it did before it found a proper lifemate, but this hoarse whisperer was proof that grudges could still be held.

It was a little refreshing, to be honest. The teen liked people who spoke their minds, as it let him know where he stood with them were he ever to need it. Which he often felt he didn't, considering who would not like him? He was awesome and everyone needed to like him. "Not healing too well, on account of the weather?"



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 3:12 pm
It was vindicating, a bit, to hear someone similarly critical of that hatching. Lucky tailhole hadn't had to go, so that was super great for HIM. The idea of seeing this guy fall on his face wasn't bad...but nah. He'd find someone less on his side about things to tease, later. "Thanks for that. One good laugh and I'm afraid you'd never get to hear these golden tones again," He grimaced. That had sounded exactly like a whole flock of firelizards screeching in a hailstorm, hadn't it? Fan-fardling-tastic.

"No. Sharded green bit too deep, healers said." Honestly even if he'd been in tropical Southern or something, the odds were against his throat ever being the same again. The teeth had just dug in at the right spot, and her bite had compressed his neck, and...well. It was like the hoarseness of a strangling victim, but never ending. "But I guess I was tougher than what's-his-name. That other kid, yeah." So much talking hurt. He moved closer, leaning in as if to whisper conspiratorially, though really it was just to spare his own comfort.

"I can't imagine ever wanting a green now though. More for you, huh?"

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 4:19 pm
When the other teen leaned in to talk since he was clearly having issues doing so, Renose decided to continue being a giver and leaned in as well. Part of him did feel bad for this guy since losing one's voice was downright awful - he didn't even want to think about what life would be like if he couldn't talk. "Honestly I'm feeling I won't even Impress or ever be properly allowed to stand, what with all the chatter going on around about me." Renose had a strong personality, he knew that, but sometimes he felt like that made him basically undesirable to anything. He shrugged it off as best he could.

"As for you throat, man - that really sucks. Glad it didn't you all the way through though, since there is still some chance you'll heal up." There was no chance but this kid already was miserable and Renose was still going to be a nice guy. He really was losing interest because they couldn't talk about him but he would still be nice. So nice. "They think about sending you anywhere else for treatment, or did you ask to come back here?"

It really did suck about whats his name though, may he rest in between or whatever they did with his body. Eww.



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 1:46 pm
There was something about Renose that just read as 'cocky motherfardler'...but Falienn could work with that. Heck, he WAS that. It took a tail-fork to recognize another, right? "Rumors? Well, hate to break it to you, but I have no idea who you are," He hiss-rasped, shrugging a shoulder, because really, who cared? It was entirely possible he'd even helped pass, or unknowingly started a rumor about this guy, if there were a lot of them. "Not like they could stop you. If there's a dragon for you, it'll find you, right?"

That was an ominous thought. He really actually didn't want to be a rider. Was there a way to...to really hide from the unhatched babies? Maybe. He sure hoped so. The idea of becoming his wher-dung of a father...well. He tugged at his scarf, watching Renose as the other guy looked again at his throat. "Probably not? Sharding green's got teeth, even fresh out the egg." Another shrug. "Like where? I got sent here to 'find my place in life', and home's the only place I'd like to go...no better than here for it though." Just as northerly and cold, though the lower altitude, the not as thin air...well, maybe. Not that the Lord Holder would ever allow him back.

His voice had gone raspier and raspier as their chat had gone on, but...it was the first time he'd felt so like talking since That Green had happened. "Rather try to stand on the Red Star than be here, but if wishes were dragons then everyone'd be a rider, right?
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 6:36 pm
"That's a bit extreme, don't you think?" Renose raised an eyebrow at the whole wanting to be on the Red Star bit. "I mean yeah you got your throat tore up, but being on the Red Star will lead to a shardin' lot more." Like....instant death or what not, but the teen assumed the other fellow was still just grumping along about getting mauled. "Also, not talking about rumors per say, just....it's not like I wasn't at that Hatching because I said no."

Maybe there was a small sting in Renose's pride that this guy didn't know who he was, but then again he had no idea who he was so it balanced out. All he was aware was this person was a bit dim, a bit grumpy, and perfect for being a banter buddy. They were going to be friends, oh yes. "There are a ton of people in this Weyr that I'd rather kiss the Red Star than see on a dragon, regardless of how hard they wish for it. Not everyone deserves to be a rider, not everyone needs to be a rider."

Renose wanted to be a rider, but that was for his own reasons and his own ambitions. No need to go full manifesto on someone he just met, someone who was barely whispering and was likely in pain.



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 2:58 pm
"Instant death means it'd be painless, obviously?" Falienn bit back, as much as his throat would allow. As if that'd been the point he'd been trying to make. Still, the toothy grin accompanying his scoff was friendly. Mostly friendly. Just complaining for the sake of complaining was such a stress relief, and fun, with the right person. Especially if they could take a jab or two. "You sure sharding didn't miss anything there. If ever there was a clutch to skip..." But he'd attended himself just as a rude gesture to his father. And because if he was going to be a rider, he'd rather be one anywhere but here, but High Reaches.

"Didn't even want to be one, myself. Go ahead and give my great lizard to someone else, if you don't mind." There was a bitter note there. History of some kind. "Wouldn't say no to a flirty little green or blue though. Something fast, and something...maybe a white?" No, they were rumored to never rise or chase, and Falienn was certainly a young man of passions. How could something without those sorts of inclinations ever be a match for him? But man, to see K'ienn's face if he cracked out a white would just be hysterical.

"Candidate's life's easier than being holdless though. Or getting shoved into some busywork craft."

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:12 pm
"So I've heard and so I've seen. People talk like Western is some amazing place, but not if they've got dragonets who come out of the shell swinging." And biting, and mauling, and murdering, but whatever. Renose hadn't been there, end of story, and mulling on it probably wasn't going to make Mr. Whispers feel any better any time soon. Not that him feeling better was Renose's end goal, of course, but he was out here flexing half-naked and chatting him up. Sometimes it was nice.

As Mr. Whisper continued, Renose found himself leaning in to hear him better. "Oh man, a proper white hatching at High Reaches would just about send some folks here Between, though I'd enjoy every minute of it. A green does sound nice, but with my luck I'll just be doing candidate work until I age out." He sighed. "You're not wrong about candidate life being easy, but what am I going to do when I hit the sands for the last time? I don't want to be saddled with a craft, and I sure as heck don't want to just idle my time away doing nothing of import." The teen had ambition to be remembered, though he wasn't sure in what manner. It wasn't going to be for living a calm and quiet life, nor was it going to be for dying on the sands.

"I mean, does suck though that you got tore up to the point you don't even want to look at a dragon again. You think it'll change, or would you rather just spit on their eggs from the stands for a while?" That...actually sounded sort of fun, and he could imagine making a points system for where it landed.



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 1:27 pm
You know, I'm not sure," He rasped. And honestly he wasn't. He'd always been ambiguously ambitious, but now? Now he was just mad. Cranky. He just wanted time to rewind, to go back to the day of the hatching and opt not to go through with it. It wasn't like he'd have missed out at all by not going—he didn't even have his own hatchling to make up for the trouble and pain.

But what else would he do? Where would he go, and to what purpose? If nothing else it'd made it clear to him that, despite his cockiness and ego, he'd not really been focused at all on doing anything but what felt good, would get the biggest reaction, or would in some way get back at his dad."What about you? If the day, the egg, never comes, what'll you do?" Most candidates didn't like to think about being left standing. Being rejected that way. He'd heard about one or two that'd aged out still being chosen, but they all of them had found some better way to spend their days by then.

"Maybe I'll just find some pretty lady holder and play mister to her, live spoiled and unbothered away from all the mess of dragons." If he'd still had his voice. Who knew that so much of his confidence had been tied up in the combination of his looks and his ability to sweet-talk people? "I suppose I may as well stick with it for now. At least until that wealthy lady...or lord, I suppose, comes along to sweep me off my feet."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:27 pm
Renose snorted a laugh at his companion's confidence, his shoulders shaking with a tiny bit of merriment. "Well someone sure is confident in his looks - though I will say a lot of people have the sheet sweats for scars." The teen may have had his own level of fondness for them, but that was something he wasn't too keen on thinking of at this moment. "You aren't that bad looking, so maybe it will come true. Or maybe you'll change your mind and find yourself on the back of a dragon instead of on your back on a bed." Or floor. Or against a wall, or whatever. People could do what they wanted.

"As for what I'll do when I don't Impress....hm. Maybe I'll just follow in your steps and find myself someone with a lot of money who is getting up there in Turns." He spoke as though he knew what he was saying, hoping his natural charisma covered the fact that Renose was a terrible virgin who'd never even kissed before. "Though I'll likely just find myself slogging in the creche, becoming a bitter drudge. It's not like I can settle down and have a family, and I don't have any parents I know of to judge me for my failures."

There were foster parents, sure, and the foster siblings, but he didn't care what they thought. Sometimes being Renose was just fine, valuing only himself over anything else. "Still though....we're all basically raised here to think we have to get a dragon to be worth anything. It's sort of messed up in a way when not all of us do, or the dragonets end up killing and maiming people who weren't given options otherwise."



Sparkly Decorator



PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:41 pm
Falienn flicked his sleek black locks over one shoulder, a smug, cocky look on his face. Of course he was confident in his looks! He was Falienn! Though a moment later he remembered all that'd gone on with him in the recent months, and he let the stance drop. "Or maybe both. You know how it is when dragon rise." He enjoyed his time in the sheets, and couldn't see a reason to stop that hobby, dragon or no dragon. "Tell you what, when I find my handsome Lord or Lady, I'll refer their sibling to you, shall I?" He rolled his eyes, though there was a smile beneath it.

"I can see why, I suppose. The dragons are fairly needed, now that thread's come flying back into the scheme of things. Piss on that of course, would that things'd gone on as they had been before." He'd been more than happy to prepare for casual life of trouble—and love—making, but noooo. Sharding thread.

"Think I'd rather take a short hop between than work the creche." Wailing babes and wild toddlers? No thank you. As fun as bedsport was, he'd little interest in the potential results of such things. Another plus for being at the Weyr and dabbling only with riders when given the chance. All that leaping between? Much easier to avoid certain unfortunate strokes of luck. Though then again, with his luck lately, he'd probably end up bogged down in sprogs. Maybe he'd best keep to the menfolk of the Weyr. For now. At least until he had a dragon and thus an excuse to not have anything to do with that sort of thing.

He'd seen how well a job his father'd done raising him—that was to say he'd done nothing at all—and he'd rather not find out if he'd do any better.

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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