
Bath time was serious work for a certain rider. She'd dressed in shorts and a loose top that wouldn't expose too much when wet. Killakeeth always made sure no part of her was missed. Which worked in her favor and against it. Vosin was hot and sweating under the afternoon sun as she rubbed oil into the golden hide of her dragon. She could always tell when the gold was getting a little too chunky. It would be time to cut back and take her flying more often. Killakeeth was bound to resist and fight her every step of the way though.

The last back ridge oiled, the young woman slid down the gold tail in a practiced movement. She stepped back to admire her work. The gold glistened in the sun, excellent health shown by her deep burnished gold color. Killakeeth posed dramatically for her rider. And you question why I insist on every spot.

"No, not at all. I question why there's so much of you." Her lips smirked. "Time to go exercise instead of taking a nap on the beach now. Don't go anywhere," the last three words were said with enough force the gold starting to pout knew there'd be no getting out of this. That didn't stop her from trying though. But the sun is so warm right now. We could just take a tiny nap?

Vosin ran to get cleaned and changed and grab her riding straps. Don't even think about rolling in the sand after all that work I put in. And you have to because I want a ride after all that. It's your turn to do some work. Plus we can't disappoint your admirers. She knew it wouldn't do to try to insult the gold to try to get her to change her ways. Killakeeth just let it mostly roll off her shoulders and ignored it. The dragon grumbled and settled down carefully to wait, being mindful not to mar the careful work on her hide her rider had just finished.

Cleaned and dressed for a ride, Vos headed back out to strap up Killakeeth. With barely a boost from a foreleg, she swung into her spot. She was certainly fit given just how large her dragon was. Killakeeth was one of the largest golds she knew of. With a fist bump, the dragon leaped up powerfully in a shower of sand.