Belen moved swiftly despite the slickness of the rocks. The cove was dripping and there were little trickles of water rivulets all over the place. He was just out for a bit of fresh air. He of course would bring back a rabbit or something if he saw one on the way back. His father encouraged him to go on walks and get to see the tribe land in all the states the weather left it in. Belen saw the logic in it. Should a hunter or anyone in the tribe require help then he could move about with no issue. He also spent a lot of time in the castle proper helping to clean. His gloves scrapped over the rocks. He was grateful for them and considered getting some for his back paws as well, but then if they slid he might lose balance. He didn’t want to risk that. It would help keep his paws warm which would be nice.

Taking a glance along he noticed a green mess to the water’s edge of the cove. Trotting down he noticed a sopping wet green and red fox. At first he thought she might be injured but looking closer he saw she was physically alright and just curled up by the water’s edge for some reason. “Excuse me.” He called out while still at a distance so as not to startle her. A scared fox was a fox that could attack. He watched her open her eyes and they stared back at him unflinching. “You are in Caledonia tribe lands. I am Belen. Please state your business here.” If it was something benign and harmless he would at least take her back and get her dried off and out of the wet for a while. Soon enough the nights would get cold and if was night the vixen might well freeze. He didn’t want that on his conscious and he doubted his tribe would either. If she intended harm he would run full on and shove her into the cold waters and flee back to the tribe circling to lose her and to get assistance. He was not a paladin but he would do what he could to protect his tribe.

Flora blinked and stood up. She was tired. She had outrun a pack of coyotes that had found the den she had been in during the night. A fighter she was not. The words clicked in place one after the other. Tribe land? Well that was something. “I seek refuge and rest. I was found by wild beasts and running all night. I would like time to recover.” Her paws were bloodied messes that she had cleaned in the water. Even now they stung from the water and she had opened a few of the clotted messes when she stood up. The male looked over concern on his face. She was surprised he was bothered given he said this was tribe land and she was a stranger. Feeling a little dizzy she didn’t realize she was going to fall over until she felt something holding her up. Blinking she took a deep breath a musky odor touched her nose and she felt herself being lifted up. She tried to make herself stand up on her own legs but was clearly unsuccessful. Groaning she gave up and relaxed more. Annoyed with herself she really hoped this was a kind tribe and not the kind that was cannibalistic.

The female was clearly not a threat her weight was light on his back. She didn’t even put up a little bit of a struggle. He knew he would have to get her back to the tribe and have them see to her wounds. He didn’t know enough about medical plants to make a difference. He thought it was a bit foolish to bring an unknown back to the tribe but he really didn’t have much of a choice. He wouldn’t just let a fox die out in the wilds when he could help. The tribe had raised him better than that. The trip back to the castle was a quick one and he was feeling lucky.

Of course he had to explain where he found her and what all she had said so far. He was assigned to watch over her as should she be a threat he would have to deal with it. Though the fact she had said she was seeking refuge was enough to grant her a bit of grace. He watched her sleep in and out of her fever dream. The druid had given her balms on her paws and had her drink something when she had been conscious for a short time.

She looked odd sleeping so much. He was assured it was normal when a fox was ill. Food had been delivered so he could keep watch and alert the druid’s to changes. He was halfway through rabbit when she stirred. “Well hello again. Well met. I don’t know what you remember, I am Belen, you are in Caledonia tribe lands. And you should eat to gather your strength.” He would alert the druids to the change after she had a moment to eat and he was sure this wasn’t another short term bit of alertness before another deep sleep. Nudging the half eaten rabbit toward her. Her head lay down on her front paws but she didn’t reach toward the rabbit at all. “Hey now you haven’t had much to eat for a few days.” He moved closer to her wondering if she had fallen asleep again, but no her eyes were half open still. “Need me to get a healer for you?” He almost said druid but then he would have to explain what druid’s did in the tribe. Her head shook as she denied a need to see a healer. “Well then you might want to eat or I’ll have to go get a healer and they’ll nag you to eat.” He watched her face pull a grimace. Perhaps he should get something softer and a little easier to chew. Still she reached out and took the rabbit from him. Good it was a start.

Flora spent quite some time in the care of the druids as she had somehow stepped in something or caught some sort of illness while she had been on her own. Belen had been with her much of the time. She had shared her story and what she was up to in life with him. It really wasn’t much to tell. She lived alone and had just been traveling and surviving the best she could. She had no affiliations or enemies beyond what any fox had when living in the world. The tribe was a gentle one to her. She had met Belen’s father after a time. He seemed kind like his son. His other father seemed just as kind, though a bit more wild at the edges. She wondered if the whole tribe was like that. As she gained her strength back and began to explore with Belen at her side she found the castle was comfortable and the depth of knowledge that the scholars had was impressive. The weather turned chillier and while she was healthy enough to leave she found herself dragging her paws and finding excuses to watch and keep an eye on Belen. Apparently her gazes were not unnoticed by some members of the tribe who took it upon themselves to send her on little errands to get Belen to help with some mundane task. Flora knew what they were doing but found herself not minding too much. Soon enough she asked if she could stay longer just as a tribe member. There was not reason to turn her away as she was willing to work hard and had no conflicts. It was also quite plain she had her eye on Belen in a more romantic interest which the male didn’t seem to mind and in fact reciprocated when she was bold enough to make propositions.

Belen was feeling quite glad who he lived with. His fathers’ had both given him a bit of teasing when it was clear that Flora was interested in him. He had to admit he thought she was cute and he liked to spend time with her. He didn’t cut corners to spend time with her as he felt that would make time with her harder in the future, but he did spend as much time with her as he could. He didn’t want to pressure Flora to become his mate but he found he did her to at least stay in the tribe. He felt he was on cloud nine when he found that she wanted to stay in the tribe and become a tribe member. He found he wasn’t sure how to ask her to become his mate so he asked about and got advice from other tribe members on a good way to pop the question.

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