Tarenoth was beyond himself, it was taking a great deal of strain from T'nor to assure the bronze that he was fine but the dragon was not having any of it. He could feel his distress and wished there was something he could do to reassure the great beast that he was alright but it had been days since he had seen the dragon and getting him to cooperate with anyone was a headache.

Surely enough Tarenoth was worrying himself to death. T'nor thought the beast might have an anxiety attack, not that he'd ever heard of a dragon having one before. He was an absolute mess and wouldn't let anyone near him to try and groom him. T'nor couldn't do anything about it despite his fleeting talks with the dragon, while it wasn't all that straining he was rather weak despite everything and even talking to his dragon was hard.

He sure was getting an ear full from him though. Mostly things like, 'I will burn this Weyr down to get to you.' or, 'I won't touch a single Wherry until you're better.' and other such random things. He knew it was just overreacting but this whole thing was new for both of them.

He needed help but wasn't sure what to do. He'd never had his dragon like this, then again he'd never been sick before either. The two had never been apart in their long time together and this had him worried. He was sure Tarenoth would come around eventually but when? He knew he'd take care of himself the best he could but the fact he was fretting over his state of health wasn't making him feel any better and he'd def scold him later for acting like a hatchling about the whole thing. Tarenoth, by the shards you are not 2 turns old anymore. He finally managed towards the testy bronze who suddenly seemed to have a shift of mood.

His rider was right, but what else could he do? He couldn't see him all he could do was feel him and how he felt made him uneasy. T'nor wasn't well and Tarenoth was afraid of what might happen. In all the turns they'd been together he'd never been as worried as he was now and he could tell that T'nor could tell because his sudden snap had made him pull back and reassess himself. It had been a little more than a week since he had seen his rider and while T'nor couldn't make himself better he needed to remember that he still had to take care of himself and make sure he was healthy and strong for when he got better.

If T'nor died though... He wouldn't think of that couldn't think of that. 'I'm sorry mine. I'm so worried, you aren't well and I can't do anything...' The dragon was feeling guilty now.