What a quiet day. Well, that was any day really. Aisu sighed as she strolled out of her den, onto the lands she had called home for so many years. Not many were left. Her family, although they were her direct relatives. An uncle, and cousins of sort. A few others as well. While it should not have been hard to keep track of, Aisu found it so. She did not know what held her to the lands, and thus found herself spiraling into a state she never wanted herself to be in.

She tried to perk herself up, what it was almost in vain. Every week she found another member gone. Up and left with no warning. She had failed the pride as a queen. She had failed her ancestors.

“Sorry,” she murmured as her brown eyes gazed to the sky. “I wish I could have done better.” The part that kept Aisu reeling, was the fact her own father was the one accused of murder, and thus brought this downfall. She shook her head. She loved her father.

The charcoal female gazed to the forest, noticing a flicker of a shadow. Her eyes narrowed as Caia appeared from the dense foliage, along with three other felines following her tracks. While visitors were welcomed, none had gone so far to cross the forest borders. She was happy that Caia was always there to fish out those who got lost in the maze like borders, but normally the shadow would lead them out of the pride, not in to it? Something had convinced Caia to bring these strangers in, and for that, Aisu was intrigued.

Rising from her seated position, the female moved towards the group, intent on meeting them halfway. The walk did not take long, for Caia had led the group quickly.

"Caia." Aisu bobbed her head to her cousin. "Lost wanderers, I take it?" Aisu's voice was low, her eyes calculating the group of misfits. Normally she did not see such a large number of travelers. One was usually it. "What brings them here."

"They wish to speak with you, Aisu. They are wanting to stay within the lands. Normally I would bring them out, but I figure there was no harm in having someone entertain their request." The dark female stated, golden eyes flickering towards the charcoal female.

"If you would rather," the shadow spoke quietly. "I can lead them back out. I am sure Denahi or Qi would be willing to help."

"Not needed. Thank you." Aisu said dismissively, looking at the three.

The first was the gold lion, larger than the other two. The obvious leader of the group. He seemed to have an air of smugness around him. He did not look Aisu into the eye, but rather away every time her chocolate orbs landed on him. Hmm. She'd get to figure out who he was.

The next was another male, shorter in stature, but probably the most curliest hair she had ever seen on a lion. His pelt was white, an unusual feature for the Kusini lands, although her own mother was the pure color. On it, rivets of brown dots winded up and down his back. His tail held the equally as many curls as his mane. The male looked oblivious, grinning stupidly when Aisu met his gaze, before something distracted him in the air.

The final member of the group was a female. It was obvious with the lack of a mane, but the female did not even have a fetlock. Aisu shifted her head, her own bangs falling into her eyes as she observed the three. The bald female was staring down Aisu, just as she was to her. It was not your best reaction when meeting someone new.

"Names." She stated.

Caia shifted on her feet. Surely they had introduced themselves to her, but the shadow was on her way out of the pride to even remember.

Luckily, the golden male took a step forward.

"Forgive the intrusion, my lady. Caia was so gracious to bring us here to you..."

"Names." Aisu stated again.

"Right...Names. I am Dastan. I am from the west. My male friend here is Tycho, and then our female companion is Impisi." The male advised.

"And your business here?" Aisu asked, glancing at Caia.

"As Caia mentioned, we are looking for a place to call home. We have all been traveling for a while now and well, we figured it was time to settle. A forest was our idea at first, but yours is well...Not very user friendly." The golden lion chuckled.

Aisu stared at the male, before she too began to smile. "Yes, I suppose the Kila forest is not the kindest to strangers. Lucky for you Caia was able to find you. We have lost many members at one point before we established someone to map the forest and patrol it for lost souls." The charcoal female explained.

"Sadly," she continued. "If you are looking to make yourself home here, it may not be your best option. Our land is dying. We have lost herds, dens, families. No one wishes to stay here."

"Perhaps...or perhaps that was your past. Maybe we could be of use to you. Impisi and Tycho are both from a pride that learned how to restore a land, although their specialty is more than strength than plant lore. However, you two have basic knowledge, do you not?" Dastan questioned his companions, who nodded. "Ah, perfect. They can teach you, and whoever may still reside here. You say the land is dead. It may be. But we can always restore it. It may take a while but," the male paused finally looking Aisu in the eye. "I am willing to try, as are my friends, if you are. What's say you?''

Aisu thought for a moment. "And all you wish to ask in return is the ability to stay?"

"A place to call home, is more like it." Dastan corrected, raising a paw to his head. "Cub's honor." He grinned.

"....Prove yourself. Not many of us our left, and some may be wary of newcomers. You bring a herd back to the land, then perhaps we have a deal."

"Just one herd? My dear Aisu, I plan to bring more than just one herd." Dastan smirked. "Shall we get started?"

"You may go Caia. I will take over from here, thank you. This way, Tycho, Impisi, Dastan."

Caia nodded as she turned in left, leaving her queen with the three newcomers.
