Night time. To say it wasn’t a beautiful sight was an understatement. Fireflies glowed as they flew through the air, a small breeze whistled through the trees. A lone male had crossed the river from the stepping stones, keeping to the shadows while the land was still quiet. He did not need anyone following him. The last thing he wanted was to answer questions she did not need to.

Dastan enjoyed this particular time of the day. Aisu had gone to bed, as did most of the other members of the pride. This allowed him to sneak away, to meet up with the two lions he had traveled with in the past, now dubbed warriors or Mpigani, as Aisu liked to put it. Such a traditionalist, the lioness was. Dastan had to refrain from rolling his eyes at the thought, spotting Impisi and Tycho nearing.

“You two are late.” The pale gold male said with a gruff.

“Blame him.” The female started, accusing the lighter color male right next to her. “We’d be earlier if someone wasn’t mingling.”

“Hey. I thought that was what our job was. Become one of the pride. Right Das?” Tycho asked, refraining from glaring at the wolf-colored female.

“Ideally. I still expect you two to be on time next time. We don’t have much to spare, every little bit counts.” The male said. “Have you been training the new warriors?”

“Yes,” Tycho started. “Though, I think they will be difficult to break. We need recruits, those not bound to the pride like these members are. You won’t get anywhere with the loyalists.” He advised.

Dastan nodded his head. “I see. Impisi?”

The female’s ears perked forward, before tilting back. “I have spoken with the head healer. He is ready to leave in the next few days. Tycho and I will accompany him with your permission.”

The lion nodded again, thinking. “I think only one of you is necessary. I still need to have eyes in the pride here. Unless either of you can somehow convince me there are those loyal to me, and not just Aisu.” The new King questioned. “Can you?”

Both lions shook their heads, but it was the female who spoke. “Not quite. At least, I am not comfortable with saying that just yet. If we can delay this healer’s trip, then maybe we can work something out.”

“I can scout for more. Those gatherers on the mainland believe that the river they once loved will not become what it used to be. This means we can get new recruits form the East for ease of access. Or.” Tycho hesitated, just for a moment. “Just beyond our camp there is a small mountain range. Perhaps we can find some creatures of use there? Those may be hardier lions, being as where they come from.” The white male explained.

“Perhaps a good mix from each. Tycho, you head North, Impisi- you east. You two know what I am looking for.” The male stated, a glint forming in his eyes.

“Do that, and one of you is sure to become the general we so desperately need. If I don’t have to, I would not like that old blood to stay around in these high positions. Once she’s gone, the pride will be ours.” He cackled.

The two others smirked, chuckling softly with their leader.

Both subordinates glanced at each other, nodding. “We accept.” Impisi said with a firm nod towards Dastan. “I dare ask, will you be looping us in on everything that you are planning in the future in detail though?” She asked. “You know we are both loyal to you, not this pride, yet we think we should be able to be trusted with what you are planning.”

Dastan’s eyes narrowed towards the wolf-lookalike, causing her to shy away. “Do you not trust me now?”

Impisi shook her head. “It’s not that my lord. Not that at all. We just figured that we could help you. You never know when someone starts asking questions. We don’t want to put you in a situation like that if it is something that we can take the burden for,” Impisi glanced at Tycho, who remained quiet. “Or are you thinking second thoughts, Tycho. You are awfully quiet as I spill these words.”

Shaking his head, Tycho finally spoke. “No second thoughts. Impisi is right, sir. We want to make sure we can be available for you at every point. If not now, perhaps considering in the future. Hopefully, what we bring back will be show you what we have to offer.”

Dastan hummed slightly before resting on his haunches. “You two have definitely served me well. I will keep this in mind for the future. Right now, things will not be said, but I assure you that you two will be the first to know.” He paused. “In due time. Patience, my friends.” He said, his tail curling around his forepaws. Dastan’s ears flickered at the sound of a small twig snapping. Eyes narrowing, he rose to his feet. “Disperse. Speak to none about this meeting. I give you both a week’s time for my new recruits. Bring them straight to me. If you find none, well, don’t bother coming back. Do you understand?” The ultimatum was in place, causing the two to freeze and nod quickly.

“Affirmative.” The white lion said.

“Understood,” the female agreed. “We don’t let you down.”

The two lions headed off, both in opposite directions. There were quite a few lions in the pride now, that they main bunch could live on a more fertile area while ‘mainland’ Aisu dubbed it, was rebuilt. No longer did they need to remain on the ‘sacred territory’, which appeared to bother most of the pride who were former members. Dastan did not care. To him, it made these little meetings easier with Impisi and Tycho. Although, something caused that branch to snap.

If it was another lion, Dastan would make sure to put an end to them. The river still raged around the sacred land, making it a prime spot for…accidents. Dark eyes narrowed as he headed in that direction. Hopefully it was just a rabbit. For their sake.

[1036 words]