Already there was spark in the land that Dastan had not seen before.

He had separated the pride members, creating a new rank to help restore the land. A few new faces seemed to join, which caused the male to smirk. Soon, the old blood would be out, and new would rule. The final step would be just to get the dark lioness to fall for him. It was not as if Dastan could not accomplish such task, but with the lioness on edge it made things just a tad bit different. He woke early to prove he meant to help her and her home. Hopefully that would be enough.

The golden male watched the female from afar, notating her every move. When he believed her to be looking at him, he would quickly meld with the yellow grasses, rather thankful for his pelt color to blend it well.

Today though, he wasn't watching the darker female. Instead, he saw a figure approaching from the east. That was the easiest way to get to the pridelands now. Dastan began asking himself questions. Who was this newcomer. What did they want? His blue eyes narrowed as the form came closer, and thus bringing out more of their features.

Observing the figure, Dastan noted her lighter color pelt. It too was golden in spots, yet the female was a bit sleeker and taller than those born her. His head almost tilted as the eyes roamed the other's body. Finally the gaze stopped at the eyes. They were quite similar to his own, the same teal. Snorting, her shook his head. While the lioness had matching pelt colors, he knew no relation was between himself and others. However, the pelt was not the charcoal or tans the land seemed to flourish with, so perhaps, this could be beneficial for him?

Dastan continued to watch from afar until finally he decided to meet the approaching figure. Before the male could even talk, the female had already spoken.

“Hello?” the lioness asked softly, her dark blue eyes focused on the other male. “I believe to be lost? Could you tell me where I am?”

"Lost? A lioness like you. No. Why my dear, you are in the Kusini'mwezi lands. Or...what was once the Kusini'mwezi lands." Dastan took a moment to look around. would get better. It was getting better.

“Kusini'mwezi? I don't think I have heard of it. I am from the Bahari'mtoto lands. The ocean?" Atl explained once Dastan gave her a curious look.

"The ocean huh? Not many folks around here I think have even seen that. Luckily, I have to know what you are talking about, although the pride name is foreign to me. Are you guys near the ones who say they are born of the storm?" The golden male asked, referring to the Myrsky Syntynyt.

Atl grinned but gave the male a shrug. "I left it many moons ago, so if we are, it would be a relatively new pride."

Dastan nodded shortly. "I see. And...what is it you are looking for?" It took every ounce of Dastan not to begin circling the female, to assess her.

"A place to call home. My father and I left as I said a long time ago, yet we have not found anything. We have parted ways since, but I am sure he would be able to find me if I were to settle somewhere." Atl explained.

Dastan hummed. “Hmm? Is that so? Well..." Dastan acted as if he was thinking. “Maybe I could help?” He said cryptically

“And...what is it that you can help with?" The lioness questioned.

“…Well. You said you were looking for a pride, and low and behold you are in a pride land that is trying to get back on its feet. Perhaps I can recruit you to join our ranks. While it doesn't look like much, I assure you life will return to this land. Already the herds have. But the question is, would you be willing to help it?" the male questioned, eyeing the other.

"If I could see potential, then perhaps..." Atl said, pondering the offer.

"Do you have any special skills?"

"...I know of healing herbs. My father studied them, and has passed the knowledge on to me." Atl stated.

"Hmm... We could use more...what did Aisu like to call them...Poza? Healers for the pride. That would suit you and your knowledge of plant lore, no?"


Dastan shrugged. "Hey, it's up to you to decide. I have made the offer. This isn't really a hostile pride, so if you would like to just hang around to see what the pride could offer for you, I believe that would be okay. But, if you wish to change your mind." The lion paused, his head shifting towards his right shoulder. "There's a little rock bridge over a rather testy river. Don't fall in, but there you can speak with me again if you choose, or better yet, Queen Aisu. She is always open to newcomers of the pride."

"I think I will take you up on that offer. To watch I mean. It would be nice to stay off my feet for a little bit too. Although, if needed I could help hunt or I am not just a freeloader.." Atl quickly added.

Dastan laughed. "Good thinking. We all work hard around here, so we don't want anyone not pulling their weight. Got a name, anyways?" The male asked, eyes glinting in the sun.

"I'm Atl."

"Well Atl, call me Dastan. I look forward to seeing you soon." The male turned around, heading in the location he had told Atl to meet him or Aisu at. It was the gold male's intention to tell the Queen of the newcomer. If once lioness had made her way here without being prompted (surely Impisi would have had the female name drop her if she had sent her), then that would mean more would come. Perhaps with his arrival and the pride turning around was all the male needed to persuade the Queen. Only time would tell.

Atl watched as the male go, tilting her head. Well. That certainly was a strange encounter. She wished her father was here to witness it. If she did end up staying, hopefully he would find her too.
