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-l- JoltiBun -l-

Naughty Raider

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:50 pm
The Annual Blackout

It's that time of year for Ula'Ula Island, where most of the island briefly loses power. Why do you ask? Well you see almost the entire island draws its power from the Geothermal Power Plant on Blush Mountain, which most of the time is a huge boon as it is clean and relatively free energy. The problem is the mountain has a strong magnetic field which attracts wild Electric type Pokemon who also have a penchant for sucking up any source of electricity they can find. Normally the power plant does well enough to keep these power suckers at bay but every year, around this time, there is a huge influx of these electricity guzzlers which completely overwhelms the power plant and causes blackouts across the island.

This year though Snagem has managed to secure a contract with the power plant, our job of course being aiding in warding off the hordes of Electric types and preventing, or at least minimizing, the blackouts. Do a well enough job and we get paid handsomely so I'm counting on you to bring in some much needed coin for the team.

---Head to the Geothermal Power Plant on Blush Mountain in the Alola region and aid them in warding off the influx of Electric type Pokemon coming to drain the plant's electricity. You will need to patrol the plant and keep them away for a full day, which is about how long the 'invasion' lasts.
---Be warned, we have reason to believe a Totem Pokemon, Totem Electivire, one formerly used for a trial, is the one that leads them to the power plant every year. You do not have to defeat it, just keep it at bay long enough until sun rise on the next day, it will flee with the others then.

---Wild Pokemon on Blush Mountain, especially Electric types: Alolan Geodude, Charjabug, Torkoal, Elekid, Electabuzz, Mudbray, Togedemaru, and Turtonator.
---As mentioned above you'll see a -lot- of the Electric types.
---Totem Electivire may not take kindly to his kin being stopped from sapping the plant, be cautious of it for it is a very powerful Pokemon. You do not have to defeat it.

---You may capture one wild Pokemon of your choosing, sans Totem Electivire.

---5x Snag Coins
---Varies from there.

Upon Reciving a message in his SNAG, Gima Had teleported to the Pokemon Center Near Blush mountain. Gima then went over his SNAG. “ Well this should be a cinch.” Gima Muttered , After his pokemon were healed he headed off to blush mountain. Heeding the warnings nurse joy had given him he had “Borrowed” A rider mudsdale to get there.

Once there Gima encounters an electabuzz Noticing its already feeding on the power. “ Welp , Honchkrow, Litwick, Golbat, and Binacle, Come out as Gima threw four poke balls into the air revealing all the types in his arsenal. “ Honckrow Haze, Golbat Fly up and prepare for a poison fang on the target. Litwick You use heat wave, Now binacle Rock polish double your speed.” Gima Ordered as Honchkrows Haze of darkness covered the field, Before The heat wave however Electabuzz would notice the lights of day had turned out it prepared a discharge only to result in an explosion from the two moves , now that golbat darted in close its fangs bared as it bit down on electabuzz this did not take it down but it did poison it. golbat had removed itself from electabuzz as the smoothness kicked in on binacle from its rock polish.

Little to Gimas knowledge a swarm of five charjabug came soon after, along with about three alolan geodudes. The sun came down as a mighty roar echoed in the distance the constant battle had awakened a electrivire.
“Litwick Heat wave on the charjabug Fend off as many as you can , keep at least one geodude standing , Binacle razor shell one geodude, honchkrow and golbat use your primary attacks”As gima and his team were surrounded by battle , the dust had settleted he scared off all the others except for a single geodude, this one however gima had different plans as it was already really weak from the attacks he tossed a heavy ball at it encapsulating it, catching it.

Now stood the giant electrivire before the team and their snagem partner. “i guess we only got one shot at this its almost daylight lets give it a rocky road!” gima ordered as binacle charged up its ancientpower move rocks begun to float in the air assimilating from the cliff side hurling into electrivire , the rest joined in with their attacks as well a dark pulse from honchkrow, poison fang from golbat, and a overheat from litwick but gima threw out a last resort a budew, in which it used sludge bomb as soon as it came from its nest ball, as the five attacks came in the night ended and the totem electrivire was left weakened as it fell on its back , gima than ran over to help it back to it’s resting place and headed back to the power plant to see if everything was back in order.

”thank you mister “ one of the power plants residents proclaimed, “ Yes indeed we shall be sure to inform your leader you had a wonderful job done.” another worker added . “ we do what we can to keep our reputation up .” gima tipped his glasses as he walked away then straightening them again.  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:20 pm
Ghost Master Mission Stage 1

All Spirits Come

Ghosts, spirits of the dearly departed, what remains of a creature after their physical body has expired, try as you might to deny the existence of such things but the fact remains that they are real, and all around us. There are some individuals however who have learned to harness the untold power of their own spirit, in order to make contact with the lost souls that roam the Earth, for whatever reason. Some people call them mediums, or maybe a spirit guide. These people believe they have some sort of special gift that allows them to speak to the dead, but really, these people are actually channelers, using their own unique chi to speak and see the dead. But it's not just humans that can posses the ability to do so, no, there are many Pokemon that can even transcend the land of the living and the land of the dead, yes, Ghost Pokemon. These creatures can move freely between the two realms it is said, but it is here in the living realm where they feed. Some hybrids are said to be gifted with this ability, but one must wonder, is a Ghost hybrid only half alive?

Regardless, the power of the otherworld is great, it can see things that the living would never even dream of, it defies all laws of the living realm, so you can imagine, the power of the spiritual world is nearly limitless. So, are you ready to harness your spirit and unlock untold power and nearly limitless potential? If so, it's time for you to begin your journey.

Mt. Pyre is a place with strong ties to the other realm, some people believe that the mountain its self acts as a portal between the two realms, allowing the spirits of the departed to cross back and forth freely. It is for that reason that many mediums study and temper there souls on this mountain, training their selvesG and their Ghost Pokemon. There is one medium however, who surpasses all others, she possesses power over from the spirit world like any other. Not even death could stop this amazing channeler, if anything, it made her even more powerful.

The woman you are to seek out is named Amaya, a powerful channeler who once lived hundreds of years ago. Amaya physical being died a long time ago, but her extremely powerful spirit continues on. In life Amaya was a master of the spiritual arts, she would take in students at an old school that used to exist high on Mt. Pyre, but when she passed away, her students left and the school fell apart, this upset Amaya greatly as her spirit still existed, yet none of her students could see her, they were too weak in their spiritual powers. The legend, if you will, goes on to say that the master of the spiritual world continues to linger at the old school, and around Mt. Pyre, waiting for a living soul that can communicate with her, so that she may teach them.

The legend goes on to say that Amaya had left for her students an artifact that could awaken one's own spiritual power, and thus granting one the ability to see the dead, that means Amaya. However, the artifact is hidden away in the old school on Mt. Pyre, many of her students tried to find it, but all failed, why is that you ask? The artifact is very paculiar, as you may have guessed, not just anyone can learn to speak to the dead, it takes one with a very unique chi to be able to do so, you must be born with this latent gift. So it's time to find out if you possess the gift, hidden in your soul.

Journey to Mt. Pyre land find the old school that exists high on the mountain, deep with a fog covered forest. Be wary as the mountain, and especially this forest, is filled with many hostile Ghost Pokemon, not only that, but legend also says before her death Amaya cast a spell on the forest, creating the endless fog that haunts over it, deterring travelers, the fog is said to cause those with a weak soul to wander aimlessly, trust not your mortal senses.

Once you find the school you must find where Amaya had hidden the artifact, what she called "The Killing Stone". Scary name huh? Amaya gave the stone, which is really an immense amount of concentrate spiritual energy, in crystalized form, created by Amaya herself to test her students and reward them. The Killing Stone is said to consume the souls of the unworthy, which is no lie it would seem, those Amaya tried to test it on were consumed by its power, as there souls were too fragile to wander its overwhelming strength, thus why Amaya gave it such a horrible name, and hid it away, to discourage them.

Regardless, you must locate the stone within the old school. From what is known of the school, and the stone's location, there is a maze underneath the build, and at the end of it, the stone. But be wary, the maze its self is said to not be on this plain of existence, but between the world of the living and the dead, and the closer you get to the stone, the further you journey into the realm of the dead, as such there will be many ghost Pokemon there, and they won't be happy to see you. Further more, you put your very soul at risk for being there. The spirits there will attempt to pull you further into the land of the dead, be it by aggressively attacking you, or assault your mind, or confusing you, should you stray too far, you may never come back. So keep your mind focused, and stay strong.

Once you find The Killing Stone, from the moment you touch it you will be subjected to the find test, the stone will bombared your very soul with the power from the great beyond. If you are strong enough, you will withstand this assault, but if you aren't, the stone will consume you. If you do withstand it a power unlike any other will awaken in you, a link between your soul and the great beyond will be formed, and only then, will you be able to see the spirit of those departed, mainly Amaya. I'm sure she'll be watching you so I doubt you'll have to search for her, if you survive. Once you do see her, ask her to teach you how to harness your new power, as it will stand, the power you unlock will be worthless to you, the most you would be able to do is see a few spirits, nothing more. Mind your manners however, Amaya was known to be a very old fashioned teacher, she demanded the upmost respect from her students, and even the smallest amount of disrespect was met with harsh punishment. Should she accept you as her student then The Killing Stone will become your method of calling upon your teacher for future lessons, and you will be on your way to mastering the power of Ghosts.

---Travel to Mt. Pyre and locate the forest with an endless fog.
---Find Amaya's old school within the forest, be wary of the fogs confusing effects and wild Ghost Pokemon.
---Once in the school locate and journey through the maze underneath it. Be cautious of spirits which will try to pull you into their world or confuse and misguide you.
---When you make it to the end and find The Killing Stone you must survive the assault of spiritual energy and not be consumed by it. If successul you'll see your new master, Amaya. Conveince her to accept you as her pupil.

---Wild Ghost Pokemon, on the mountain, in the forest, and in the maze.
---I also hear a powerful Dusknoir haunts the forest and the school in its entirety, looking for lost souls to pull into the other world. Do not get spotted by it, surely it would mean sudden doom.

---You may capture one wild Ghost Pokemon, you may not catch the Dusknoir.

---The Killing Stone, which is required to call upon your future teacher, Amaya and also provide you with a surge of chi to advance your powers. Temporary artifact for Channelers.
---Gain access to one move (hybrids) or one of the available abilities (Channeler)
---The ability to take on the next Ghost Master Mission.
---Varies from there based on story.  

Rein teleported via claydol to lilycove pokemon center in the hoenn region east of mount pyre. She rested at the pokemon center before heading in the direction of the graveyard of pokemon. She was part ghost now..Half alive half dead whichever you prefer. Water Surrounded the mountain like a mote “ Well I guess I’m going to need you Venom Come out and fly me to the woods.” Venom came out of its greatball The bat spices pokemon known as crobat clinged to her shoulders lifting her up to the woods the fog Was easier to get through thanks to the bats navigation sonar she descended upon an open circle of trees where the fog didn’t show as she dropped to the ground the chandelure hybrid returned her poison type and stepped into the fogged woods sounds of dead beings tormented her but her focus was spot on after abit of awhile a lone shuppet started fallowing her around not to her notice until soon after her emotions Anger, Lust, Sadness started to die one by one till she was at the brink of being a emotionless husk, she then let out her mimikyu to battle the shuppet “ Alright Mimikyu use Shadow sneak.” the ghost/fairy type vanished into its shadow attacking the lone shuppet till it’s weak enough to catch. Rein rotated her arm and threw one of her dusk balls she then awaited for the signal. Shuppet was caught she placed the ball on her hip belt , and traveresed through the fog ridden woods to find the school and through the unforgiving maze to find the killing stone the said artifact to summon her new master at the school thus she made her way through the fog avioding the dusknoir her emotions begun to come back as she reached the school she placed the stone on the pedestal to summon amaya in which the ghostly humanoid appeared “ So , Youve found the stone I see, Ah a ghost hybrid I see, And my your energy is big and bundled.” Amaya tells her. “ Train me then? I must gain more power to help the world.” Rein asked “ yes yes You are already my student For now I will reside in the stone take it with you and you may call upon me again.” Amaya the channeled her spirit into the stone as rein took it and left off the mountain .  

-l- JoltiBun -l-

Naughty Raider

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