We have stopped Zera from causing a second Shadow Pandemic, this time in Kalos, but at the cost of allowing Flare to take Driftveil City. It is curious that Zera attacked Lumiose City and makes one think that Cipher, or rather Ein, isn't too keen to Flare and Lysandre. Who knows the reason, if there is even one. In any case, everyone did a spectacular job through and through. Be sure to check out the War Room to see the selection of micromissions you can undertake to help undermine Flare's war effort as well as maybe increase our odds of being able to support our fighting men and women in the field... oh wait that's us... never mind.

Anyway, the RFR rewards - members who are eligible: SubonicXP, TerashiLeonGoken, Darksol88, Espeon_Commander, Reno Vantas, Atlantis_Darts, and Requiem of Whyspers.
RFR Rewards: 10 Snag Coins, 1 Snag Emblem Piece, and a Big Mushroom.

Regular Rewards - members who are eligible: Anyone who posted in the RP at all hooray!

Regular Rewards: 10 Snag Coins, 1 Snag Emblem, 1 Tiny Mushroom/Pearl/Stardust/Nugget (choose one), 1 Berry of Choice, and 2 Color Shards of Color Choice.

Evolution, Purification, Happiness Points: Each Pokemon that was used in the RP receives the following appropriate points:

Evo Points: 10

Purification: 8

Happiness: 1

As a fun bonus twist, I'm going to attempt something else that we're going to utilize the rest of this arc. A MVP of the Team Mission, and The Epic Post of the Team Mission. In doing so I hope to highlight some of the most (in my mind) epic posts of the past RP and also highlight who I thought had the biggest impact RP-wise. This can be from the Administration as well as members, it all comes down to my personal thoughts on the matter or the thoughts of whoever runs the RP. If people like this we can keep doing it if not, let us know. Anyhow, without further adieu.

The Epic Post of this Team Mission was:


The price one pays for paying more mind to a twelve year old instead of the older, more experienced fighters. Though, that being said, the twelve year old did have a few tricks up his sleeve. As Zera staggered, halting her attack and trying to stay awake from the bombardment of sleep-inducing attacks. Tristen rushed the woman, nearly tackling her, and drove her fist right in her second, dead like face, practically shoving his fist in her mouth. "You know, Zera, you might have a good idea after all." The boy said, his eyes narrowing. This was an Electrike hybrid that had enough. "Just gonna need some fuel!" Tristen shouted, his whole body lighting up with electricity, discharging as hard as he could a powerful Spark attack, hoping that he can force Zera to put out some of her sludge-like toxins from her.

As Tristen pounced and then proceeded to shove his hand into her second 'face's' mouth the woman snapped back to reality, the sound of the Uproar washing away any remains of grogginess as well. "Gyah, what are you doing!?" That's when the Spark happened, causing the woman to flop around a bit from the shock therapy session. The second face on the other hand would involuntarily react to having a fist shoved down its throat, the same way any other person would when something is suddenly forced into their throat; by throwing up. It didn't help that its muscles would also seize up from the shock, expelling whatever contents much more forcefully and in greater quantity. Instead of vomit though the second face could only puke up one substance and that was sludge, a burst of sludge exploding out from the mouth around Tristen's fist and arm. If he wanted 'fuel' he just got a lot of it.

"ACK!" Tristen shouted, stopping his electricity,quickly pushing Zera back as hard as he could, and quickly bolted away when the rancid smelling sludge, albeit some got on him as well, much to his disdain. That said, what was about to come next would perhaps make a hour-long shower worth it. "I don't know how far you will go for Ein, Zera, but I betcha this right now...won't be worth it. MAGMAR! FLAMETHROWER!" Tristen shouted.

Rather or not Zera remembered, the Magmar, who was at the ready on standby this entire time, ignored by its former deranged master, looked on at Zera. This had to be done. The Magmar inhaled deeply then unleashed a massive pyro stream towards Zera. Like it or not, this place was going to be Zera's grave.

Blizzard120! Quoted the entire encounter which ended in Zera being barbecued from the inside out. Giving all the credit to Blizz however because I only posted the reactions. Good job on making everyone shudder with that one! Take your Snag Emblem Piece and get out, you demented monster.

And the Team Mission 2 MVP is...

Requiem of Whyspers! For not only getting in on the first round of posting but consistently juggling three characters, giving each of them relevance, and having them all properly reacting to the events around them, down to the minute. Also want to give credit for recognizing previous story points throughout the mission, you did well with keeping the story flowing fluidly. Also congrats on the Regice capture! You may have a Snag Emblem OR a Mega Diploma/Z-Writ.

And that's it! Join us for the rewards next time in...whenever and thank you all for participating. I had fun, I hope y'all did too.