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Follow Gaia's Terms of Service!

This should be self-explanatory! You can get
Guild shut down and many members banned if you
do not follow ToS, so please, for everyone's sake,
just follow the ToS! You can find them here, if you
are unfamiliar with them. Further rules are located
here, and we recommend you brush up on those as
well as the ToS and Guild Guidelines.

Basic Rules

Spamming allowed
No flaming
Don't expect quick responses - Not all members come here,
so do not expect to receive immediate responses.
Be nice to one another.

Game Rules

Please do not post Inappropriate games - No swearing,
flaming of any sort, unless you're playing a game that requires you to do so
- which I doubt so. However, please be aware of your limits and boundaries,
even though you're playing a game. Also, do not have games that go against
the Gaia ToS. Remember not to make threads that require the member to post
anything sexually explicit. Please take note of what you post - Even though there
are games that involve religious or race issues, please be aware of what you are
going to post, and please think before you post if your words are going to hurt
someone else, or arouse senseless drama. Be respectful.

Tips for creating games

- Samples of Games: Random Number, Would you Rather,
Word games, Quizzes, Roll Dice, Guessing game, etc.
- Try to make it so a user, or yourself, does not have to be super committed.
This is for fun; it's not a job.
- Try not to make it an endless loop, ABC games are perfectly fine,
but don't get too choosy.
- Simplicity is often gives the best results, don't make a game with a list of
complex rules because it just won't get played.

Quiz Rules

Keep it clean - Make sure your quiz follows the ToS of gaia & Burn rules.
Those that do not follow will be asked to either edit or will be deleted.
Quiz links - If your quiz is copied from a thread or guild outside of the guild,
please give credit to who it was from but do not advertise for them.
If your link goes to a website, make sure that it's a clean website & isn't
harmful to anyone's computers. When you start, make sure you post one at a time.
(Trust me, you will earn more Gold at the end.) Try not to do duplicate quizzes,
make it your own, do different categories. Have fun!

If you have any questions or concerns,
please PM -o- Yaya Chan -o-!