What a horrible, terrible day. It had gotten off to a good enough start - a very good start, even! - but then things had gone south. Very, very south, and at the worst possible time. He didn't care that he was hurt physically (nothing grievous, but a varied assortment of minor to moderate injuries), but emotionally he was exhausted. Aurinkoth had helped for a time, but with the blue now off to check on Elzebuth, Menankith was once again free to sink into a sulk. Why had everything gone so wrong, and why did it hurt so badly that it had?

Drooped across his ledge, the brown heaved a full-body sigh. He wanted to stay there and not move, not do anything, not say anything to anyone but his. He'd never felt so absent of drive before, of energy, and the prospective effort of having to pretend to be his usual self was daunting. It had been one thing to have Aurinkoth over, but he didn't want to be seen this way by anyone else. But he couldn't shut everyone out - he'd already tried that, thinking to spare a certain sibling, but that had had exactly the opposite effect of his intention.

Another sigh, and he finally forced himself into a posture more upright than 'ooze.' In their weyr, His was finally mostly out of her riding gear and now fussing over both sets of straps, trying to figure out what had gone wrong with the first and how to keep it from happening again. She was feeling no better than he...worse, perhaps, because she'd been unable to get him to budge to be seen to. There were others who needed attention more than he! I am sorry I was not a very good brother today, Cynosuth. But would you...come to see me anyway? I understand if you cannot, Yours- Yours must be very busy, and you must be tired.

Mx Cherie
(the humans are invited too. or just dergs. whichever!)