Another flight above High Reaches. Rather, another gold flight. It was the first one Ichta had been at the Weyr for since Aurinkoth had been born, and it had only confirmed a wormy feeling inside of her that so many green flights had. Even when her blue didn't chase, the surge of lust from the rising dragon sent a horrified chill through her. She'd fallen asleep curled up against the inside door of her bathroom, a fur from off the bed wrapped around her as she dozed in the fetal position, and while she was glad to awaken in the same place she simply felt ....wrong.

Aurinkoth stirred on his ledge, feeling the trepidation in his beloved's mind. What worries you, myIchta? he understood well enough what it was, but he knew better than to try and address it without letting her put it into her own words. His inquiry was accompanied by a stream of his eternal brand of sunshine, trying to lift her worries up and away. Ichta stirred, standing and wrapping the fur around her more tightly as she made her way out to the ledge to join him. Her hair was mussed up on one side, and the impression of her makeshift bedding was imprinted onto her flesh. To Aurinkoth, she was still the most lovely human in the entire Weyr. Settling next to his side, she sat, leaning her weight against him and listening to the content thrum that echoed through him.

I don't know if it's something even you can help with, my love, Ichta finally answered after a moment. The entire atmosphere of the Weyr would be so very.....well, it was hard to put a word on it. It would be awkward, but it would be so very, very obvious what many had gotten into the evening before. Aurinkoth leaned in to nudge his snout against her cheek with a creel. Try? It was a sweet, earnest request, so Ichta took a moment to sort over her thoughts.

Running an open palm over his side, she took a moment to figure out where to start. A flight made Nadry braver, why does it make me worse? She didn't necessarily want to jump G'ran's bones, but....she wanted him to be able to pull her into his arms and her not immediately flex up in a fear response. Sure, she'd relax soon enough to enjoy it, but what did he think of the company of a girl who had to flinch before an arm could be rested against her side when they were having klah after Threadfall?

Is there....something wrong with me? Ichta leaned into Aurinkoth's face, stroking a hand along one of his eye ridges. If she'd had nothing to offer up, perhaps it wouldn't have been so bad. But instead, it was like whatever she did have to offer was terrified of seeing the light, or being touched in even the softest of ways. It wasn't right. It certainly wouldn't be fair to G'ran either. But did she say something? Hope she'd be able to cross that bridge if it came to it?

Wait for him to leave her for being broken?

Do you want to ask him? I can have Elze- Aurinkoth began his offer, but Ichta rested a palm against his nose and frowned. I don't know. How do I talk about that? Was G'ran even the first person she should have talked to about that? Was there someone else who would know better? How would she find that out? Her sweet blue nuzzled at her cheek again.

Wait for the right moment, but talk to him about it. Even if it's only to tell him you need to work through it. He loves you, he'll understand.

That word - love - made her chest tighten. She was the only one who had ever said it between them. Certainly, his actions were at least some indication of affection and she had no doubt they were sincere and only for her. But maybe, this little broken part of her would be too much and she wouldn't be able to be what he'd want - or need.

Silently, Aurinkoth passed on the hints of concern to his brown brother, out on his ledge. He wasn't about to let her sit and marinade in this worry. No, this would be better to deal with sooner, rather than later. But....when she was ready.