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What is their name?
Vivian Windemier

Do they have any nicknames/aliases?
Viv // Mrs. Windemier //Miss Rose // Mrs. Ashworth though if you bring up either of her former last names you'll likely regret it.
Around the Dollhouse she as known as Black Widow // The Mistress // The Puppeteer // Femme Fatale

How old are they?

What is their gender?

What race do they classify as?

What is their occupation?
Owner of The Doll House, a sanctuary, club and blood bank

What is their personality like?
Vivian is often flirtatious and friendly towards those who come across her, be they human, vampire or even lycan. However, all of that is just to get people to do what she wants. She is actually rather manipulative and vindictive underneath that welcoming exterior, quick to keep their employees in line, and even quicker to put one their customers in line should they harm one of their employees or the bar itself. It is often up to Sebastian to stop her from going too far, for he is her greatest love and the only person she’ll truly listen to. Any who take her flirtations and even bedroom activities as love will be sadly mistaken.

What are they capable of?
answer here

What is their backstory?
Vivian, born Vivian Rose in 1919, belonged to a rather wealthy family in London England. She grew up learning the usual skills of a female in that age of upper society. Most important of those skills was how to attract men of high standing so that she could be married off to an even wealthier family and elevate the Rose family ever higher. To that end Sebastian was never considered a suitable partner for her by her parents, for while the Windemier family was of equal standing to the Rose’s they weren’t better than the Roses. When they worked out that Vivian might have stronger feelings for Sebastian than mere friendship a rather brutal lesson was handed down about the good of the family and social standing over personal wants and desires.

After that she was rather more distant with the boy she had largely grown up with, but that all changed. Vivian still remembers the day Sebastian attacked her. How impossibly fast and strong he was. How he sank his teeth into her neck while she struggled helplessly. How she begged him to stop as she felt the strength leaving her body. And how she woke up changed. With Sebastian’s help and her families teaching, it wasn’t too difficult to carry on as a normal human. Her parents married her off to some upper class family as they always planned, in what was a loveless marriage, at least on Vivian’s part, but she played the role well. Then Sebastian’s father died, and with his wealth they were able to do what they always wanted. Vivian killed her husband, draining him dry before running off to the United States with the man she had always wanted, but could never have. Whether they had assumed she had been kidnapped and murdered, or if they had figured out something closer to the truth, she didn’t know and didn’t care.

The first thing Vivian wanted to do in their new homeland was get married, mostly to spite her family back in England. The second thing they did was start up a new business. A place were humans would willingly give up their blood, saving their clients all of the hassle of both finding a meal and covering up their kill. The Dollhouse.

Is there anything else we need to know?
answer here