There is no rest within the world of darkness. There is always another seeking to remove you from you comfort or a job that must be done to ensure your secrets remain hidden. The fight is to stay alive and the fight never ends.

A vampire runs rampant in London. This vampire consumes not only the blood, but the soul of each individual it feeds on without mercy. The Ekons have been summoned from their homes around the world to hunt this vampire down. Their task is to make contact with the local coven leader and deduce the identity of the violator.




Something is wrong at Ashbury Asylum. They sent out a call for help and then nothing more. Perhaps there was something wrong with the alarm system and the call went out unnecessarily. Perhaps something far worse is in the works.

The strong are not always the wise and that has lead them into a difficult situation. Across the Middle East various cities are being overrun by a ghoul infestation. The Fortis responded with force and simply killed the ghouls but the infection has begun to spread beyond their control. If the Fortis coven can not discover the cause and bring an end to this problem, the Ekon may be summoned to do it for them and they always exact a heavy price on the covens who failed to prevent the problem.
