Peresa snapped awake like a feline that had its tail trod on. The angles of the floor, the walls, the ceiling were wrong, the body beside hers (human! human and not Shoggoth!) was wrong, it was All. Very. Wrong.

She could barely remember the night before, in her frantic twisting about in the bed (not hers!) to stare daggers at the strange. nude man sprawled beside her. In a flash her hand went to her (also naked!!!) hip for her knife, but of course, it was not there. SHOGGOTH?! Her mind reached out, and the snarl, both mental and audible, soothed her somewhat. Her head whipped around, dark hair flying, to spot the green coiled at the corner of a very-not-their ledge, wings half mantled, teeth flashing, eyes blood red at the ledge's other occupant. She could feel the green's rage and exhaustion—unlike her rider, the possessive green had kept a ready vigil, it seemed, and that left Peresa feeling much better.

On the table, MINE, HE put it there when he stripped you last night, when that GOLD stole you from ME! The green was just as angry at her rider as she was everyone else in this situation. The gold over head was to blame, and this rider and his dragon too, and Peresa herself for letting it happen. How DARE they all do this to Shoggoth!! The woman, for her part, shoved back mentally, pinioning the green with her own vicious willpower, making her hunch down lower...but leaving her eyes whirling slightly less furiously. The fact that Peresa had snatched up the blade from the bedside table, flung off the sheathe, and then swung a leg over the sleeping man to straddle him, knife in hand and still buck naked, helped restore both of their senses of control over the situation.

Though, perhaps, it wouldn't look that way to P'tius when he woke. Nor to his own dragon, still crouched nearby.
