Puffs of smoke rose from the large green dragon’s wings and made it look as though she were catching on fire from the summer’s brutal sunlight as she sunned on her weyr ledge. What was really happening was a combination of a lit cigarette and a somewhat sulking rider that was sitting cross legged and glaring out at… well nothing. V’gar was frustrated that they’d wound up far away from any friend that they’d managed to make since becoming a dragon rider. Y’qua, was in a different wing, C’lusi was in another and Fela was off in another as well. So much for friendships, though that meant that they would have no choice but to reach out to the others within their wing and just seeing what Tresspassers had left the green rider smoking cigarette after cigarette after cigarette again in agitation. It was a strong wing and they’d seen the bronze wingleader more than once before being placed in the wing, certainly there could be worse places to end up but in that moment, with everyone that they’d ever befriended in another wing they just felt as though they needed to sulk a bit.

Luckily for V’gar their dragon was hardly judgmental and Ngawanth simply coiled her long tail and neck around her rider protectively and enjoyed the warmth that was cooking into her soft green skin. Each time she opened her narrowed eyes there was another match flicking into the small container that was slowly filling beside her rider and she would simply let out a huff of amusement. While she didn’t mind the smell of cigarettes that always seemed to permeate V’gar she would rather have smelled something beautiful from time to time, flowers or even the scent of books. That had her open her steadily swirling eyes suddenly and without warning she lifted her head to peer off towards the Bowl curiously, looking for a particular blue set of wings. When she couldn’t see Sophrosunth below or any indication that he was even at the Weyr for the day… though she couldn’t quite imagine where he would have gone, Nga’s eyes swirled yellows and oranges.

He and his rider would certainly be able to remind her own what good things were in store for them, for certainly Ngawanth was excited in her own quiet way to be finally graduated and ready to fly out into the day as a fully grown dragon. Just because they weren’t in the same wing any longer did not mean they wouldn’t see her siblings and their friends any longer, if anything it just meant that their friendships would be better as they would have even more, though that wasn’t something that came easy to her rider. Glancing back down at them, she could see the glare in V’gar’s own narrowed eyes as they sighed and leaned back further into her.

It’s been hours now lovely one. Even I don’t sit and let things stew deep in my head this long as you’ve been. Today is a free day, let’s go and see what the day has in store for the pair of us, shall we? Ngawanth let her eyes settle on one color momentarily, a brilliant purple for her rider alone as she looked them in the face and pressed her nose up against their chest. I’m certain we can find at least one friend out there today that will put you in a better mood than this. The words and action earned her a choked cough as V’gar tried very hard not to puff smoke at their beloved dragon, instead one hand slid up from her nose to the ridge between her head knobs gently, rough calluses catching momentarily in places. “You’re too nice Nga, but you’re right.” Came a rough response that seemed to croak out of their throat, roughened by all the smoking the rider had partaken in even turns and turns before they had come to High Reaches and it stained the way they spoke even now, especially after the past few hours of chain smoking their stress away.

"Could use a pick-me-up today." The short sentences was one thing the green dragon had come to get used to over the past year with her rider, though she'd seen that inside them on the first day as it was and she was not deterred even then. Don't worry, I'm certain that there will be at least one that can help cheer up this mood, it's not as if Tresspassers is a bad wing, they're rather brilliant, you're just upset that you barely know anyone. Slowly the thin dragon lifted herself up and nosed V'gar once more as they set up to get her straps on, a task that went quickly considering how long they'd been doing it, how often they did it and how much the two of them both loved to fly. It was one of V'gar's favorite things really, sometimes they even put it above smoking and drinking.

Once strapped in the dragon stepped off her weyr ledge with measured ease, her large wings unfurling slowly so she could curve in an arch upward, with each moment she searched a bit and finally touched on Sophrosunth. Brother, where does this rest day find you? Hopefully well wherever information mills. Greens and blues danced through her eyes as she could feel her rider's single heart begin to pound faster and dance with joy at the weightless feeling of flight once more.
