Hey LSG,

It’s just after 4AM, and I can’t sleep. I’ve just spent the last hour or so going through old posts, as I do at least once a year.

I don’t expect a response here, or anything, but I feel like writing, and not sharing this with my Facebook people.

LSG is where I hid away, after my sister died. I relied heavily on this group to help me keep my sanity. Fitting, that after things ended with another LSGer and myself, I kind of fell apart. I was numb for a very long time, and after fending off depression for 10 years, it caught up to me recently.

I miss the people I used to chat with regularly from here, we’ve lost touch.

Sitting in my living room tonight/this morning, I put my headphones on and jammed to some music. Ive come to realize that I’m finally ok. Things are looking up. I have a partner who (for some reason) loves me, and takes care of my stubborn a**, I have a job that I actually like, and all together, I just feel good and well.

I just wanted to share, as I often did. If anyone wants to talk, or get re-acquainted, I’d like that. biggrin