14. Nothing strange here, enjoy your boring old day with your boring old friend(s).


The young cub looked around. "Where am I?" The pale form asked, huddling down in the dark forest. "I'm...lost…” The young female said as she looked around the forest floor. "What do I do...?" Her ears lowered as her whole body shifted itself down to the cool floor. “Maybe I shouldn't have wandered too far..." She cried out, curling around herself as she tucked her chin under her arm, tail thumping the ground.

“Oh no," The voice said quietly as she strode over to the young cub. “Where are you parents young one? It's not safe out here by yourself, especially at your age!" she was quick as she spoke, but even quicker on her feet. Her dark brown pelt almost blended with the shadows.

Kyu looked up the older female. "I...I don't know." She said quietly, huddling more on herself than anything. The maned wolf with the lioness took a step towards the cub, giving her a sniff.

"She doesn't look injured." He murmured to the other. "Nor do I smell any wound. She might've just wandered too far from her home. And in these woods..." Amaruk trailed off, shaking his head. Anyone could get lost in these woods if they didn't know their way around. If you got lost, you were almost as good as dead.

"I see," Aisu said quietly, taking a step closer to the cub. "We will get you to a safe place, and figure things out later." She said, taking the cub by the scruff, lifting her in the air.

"Ama," she said with her mouth full. "Scout for anyone lost." Her words game out slight garbled.

The striped wolf nodded. "Alright." And he was off, into the shadows of the woods, scouting for any other's that were lost.

It didn’t take long for Aisu and Kyu to get back in the main terrain of the Kusini'mwezi lands. There was a small den just near the forest, long since abandoned. Aisu would need to find someone to stay with the cub. She wasn't sure if Dastan would like to have such young company in their den while everything was slow to rebuild.

"Where are your parents, young one?" Aisu asked after she placed the cub on the ground. "Are they in the woods still."

Kyu found herself shaking her head. "They aren't there."

"Where are they then?" Aisu questioned.

"They...they're not there." Kyu repeated, tears welling in her eyes.

"You're okay little one. Don't worry. Amaruk will see if he can find them. What is your name? Do you know it?" The charcoal lioness asked with a frown, nuzzling the smaller cub.

Kyu nodded. "Mom called me Kyu. Dad called me Ky."

"Kyu then." Aisu affirmed. "I am Aisu, you are safe here. Do you know when you last saw your parents?"

Again, the cub shook her head. "It was dark." Was all she said.

Well...This wasn't going anywhere. Aisu shook her head with a sigh. "Why don't you rest for a little bit. We will figure things out with Ama comes back." Aisu said, curling around the cub to make her feel safe.

It didn't take long for Kyu to curl up and fall asleep against the darker lioness.


A few hours later, the striped maned wolf found his way to the resting spot Aisu had chosen to bring Kyu too. He entered the den, noting the sleeping cub, but the very much awake lioness next to her.

Aisu's brown eyes focused on the bond, giving a questioning look.

Amaruk frowned. "I could not find anyone wandering the forest, although there was a scent of blood that caught my attention closer to the northern borders. Nothing was found, but I fear there may have been a struggle." Ama eyed the cub. "Did you find anything out?"

Aisu shook her head. "She only said that her parents were not in the forest."

"I believe her." Amaruk said quietly with a nod. "So now what?"

"I haven't thought that far to be honest. Find my uncle. He'll know what to do."

With another nod, Ama turned away, knowing exactly where to find her said uncle.


"Aisu, what is the meaning of this?" Denahi asked gruffly, giving his niece a stare when he entered the den. "A cub?" The older male frowned. "You were not pregnant, why do you have a cub...?"

The newest ruler sighed. "She was lost in the woods, Uncle. I could not leave her by herself. You know what would have happened to her there."

"And let me guess, no signs of any relations."

"Bingo." Aisu sighed. "Caia being gone, I fear we may see this more and more. She had the sense to see rogues. With her no longer here, do you think more will perish before they are found?"

Denahi rolled his shoulders forward in a shrug, his old bones cracking. "I cannot say."

"Then what do we do, Uncle? The gods are already angered I fear for walking on their lands. Now they will be angry for not protecting those needing help. This young cub may be safe, but what if others are out there. What then?"

His eyes narrowed. "Tell your King your concerns, Aisu. I have no say in what can be done.

A resigned sigh as Aisu turned away. Kyu was up, glancing curiously at the two adults.

"Her name is Kyu," Aisu said to Denahi, heading back towards the cub. "I don't think Dastan will want her in our den. Do you think she can stay on this side of the territory until the bridge is made?"

"You finally convinced that meat head to make a bridge?"

Aisu's eyes narrowed, but only nodded her answer. "I do not wish to upset the gods more by having her cross the lands."

Denahi again, shrugged. "There are some that will watch her."

"Not you?"

The lion shook his head. "I am old, Aisu. I do not have the energy after a day's work to watch a child. That maned wolf of yours seems a pretty good guide for the time being. Have him watch her."

That was an idea.


The maned wolf stepped forward. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all, Aisu." The wolf said with a small smile. "Though, it is in her best interest to find a more...suitable parent." He advised. The guardianship would be okay temporary.

"You aren't going to stay?" The cub asked quietly, rising to her feet.

"Don't worry young one. I will come back to visit you. Amaruk will be your guardian for now."

"Don't let her get too attached to you, Aisu. You will never leave." Denahi warned with a frown. The charcoal lioness nodded.

"I will be back soon little one okay? Once it is safe for you to cross to the new land, you can join me."

Denahi gave the female a dubious look, shaking his head at the statement. He exited the den, the lioness following.

Kyu watched them go, glancing at the lanky maned wolf. "Now what?"

"Oh...um...Do you like stories?"

[word count : 1177]