Saekagi tended to like duty that brought him near the kitchen, and had to admit a certain degree of anxious curiosity to listen in, as much as possible, on some of the bets that were going on regarding the upcoming hatching.

He sort of wished he hadn't. In fact he really wished he hadn't been snooping, since he was pretty sure he hadn't missheard someone betting on their own grisly end at the claws and jaws of a not yet impressed dragon.

He fidgeted anxious as he left the area, already firmly deciding that he was -by no means- going to place a bet, especially not on something like that. He'd been quite close enough already, thank-you-very-much, and he still had bad dreams about sand and blood some nights. No. Thank you.

Besides it seemed like most people impressed sort of quickly, surely he'd just... age out... if nothing ate him first. And there was, he repeated to himself, as though he could make himself believe it if he repeated it often enough, nothing wrong with being ordinary, no matter who your father was or where you were born.

Except for that niggling little voice that said they were supposed to be -better- somehow, a more concentrated font of... whatever Dragons wanted.

Not enough in his case. With his luck he was probably secretly the child of someone with as much dragon-riding qualities as a rock. He'd never KNOW would he? He hadn't been searched...

Maybe he could go sneak a cup of Klah or something to eat, and then go find some busy work to get his mind off of such fatalistic, self damning thoughts.

If he didn't manage to turn and almost walk into someone almost at once. Which he did. LIKE AN CHAMPION.


ooc: I am ridiculously rusty, please let me know if you want me to change anything. C_C I kind of hope it was ok to reference the IC betting but if not I'll change it. -flail-