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[Log] Running (Telumendil "The Starkeeper")

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~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:39 pm
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Latonia Teepee

(Please do not post here unless you have been invited.
Elentari "El"],
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 5:26 pm
With no experience of what lay beyond the territory of her sire, Telumendil often wondered what things were like 'out there'. To begin with, she was sure that a great many places were like home. Her assumptions were based on what she heard from visiting allies, and the gossip of distant cousins that turned up on occasion to put in an appearance at one of the festivals or gatherings. Not that they spoke to her of such things, but she often overheard what they said amongst themselves, often paying no attention to her as if she were less than an attendant.

Whether she liked it or not, whether she deserved it or not, there were certain facts of life amongst the Court of Night. The daughter of a mistress and a lord was less than worthy of the appearance her sire's bloodline granted her, earning only derision and avoidance. Rumors, backbiting, intrigue, often a frigid air of dismissal. These were all things that she had encountered every day of her life, only a few of the herd treating her with any sort of warmth of kindness.

Often they didn't even wait for her to pass before the whispering began.

"There's really no lying about where she comes from, is there?"

Telu knew exactly what she looked like. Even with no memory of her mother, who had died shortly after bearing her and her twin, it was apparent that she favored her mother more strongly than her sire. Even with her golden mane and dark eyes, she was still a recognizable daughter of the herd's Lord, as she was still painted with the stars that were her father's legacy.

"But really, must she always be so visible?"

Telumendil knew what she looked like. There was no hiding it. She was her mother's daughter, her father's shame.

But what did they expect from her? To cover herself in shame? To cower?

"If she were any sort of lady, she'd have the courtesy to spare us her presence. No one wants one of them around."

Evidently they did want her to hide, it seemed. But her father had not dismissed her or her brother, even if he had not welcomed them either. Still, without being sent away, she could not help but hope she was wanted by her only surviving parent.

"At least her brother has the courtesy to spend his time amongst the warriors and gain a worthwhile skill."

Yes, Thel had not abandoned her even if he could hardly stand to be amongst the politicians and dignitaries and the rich and beautiful and adorned. He remained amongst the herd, devoted himself to their protection.

To her protection.

A sound like outrage. "A Prince amongst the Soldiers?"

Ecthelion was a Prince, easier to stomach than his sister, finer in form and adornment and bearing. But he was also a good hearted stallion, he trained and fought for their wellbeing, for Telu's safety.

"In name only, recall whom their mother is."

Thel didn't look as strongly like their mother as Telu did... It saved him some of the grief. Then again, the ladies that looked down on Telu would never do the same for Thel. Not when he stood as a potential mate. They'd overlook the half-common in favor of his royal blood, if he so much as glanced at any of them.

"But their father-"

Father, indeed. Not in action, perhaps, but sire, certainly.

"He doesn't acknowledge them."

Not Telumendil, at any rate. Ecthelion? At times, when he was particularly honored by the other warriors. Thel had earned their respect and friendship, even if they wouldn't go against their liege Lord, they could certainly make him honor his son at risk of alienating his soldiers.

"So a b*****d Prince among the Soldiers, and she dares act as a Handmaiden?"

Dares? As if a Handmaiden was so too honorable a position for a b*****d daughter. As if she overstepped herself by serving her Kin.
As if there was any other purpose for her, considering.

"Well whether they're evident or not, one can hardly expect an illegitimate child to be recognized in the eyes of the Clan."

"No, but it's clear that they are hoping for some sort of acknowledgement... Or they would have done the polite thing and left by now."

Because she was worth nothing, in the eyes of the Clan. Worth nothing for her father's indiscretions, her mother's death... Nevermind she had done thing wrong.

"You're a disappointment to me..."

"A shame you are all that survives of your mother..."

True enough, Telumendil was long-accustomed to the whispers and the murmurs that followed her like a summer wind when she moved amongst the Clan. Bejewled, adorned or not, the graceful mares often gathered in clusters to watch her passby and whisper the latest rumors they'd herd or made up in the hopes that the stories might spread. They talked and talked, and she did her best to ignore them.

But when her father spoke, it was more difficult to ignore. So she finally moved away from it, walking away from everything she ever knew.

'If El can do it, I can do it.' Telu thought. 'Goodbye, Brother... Remember me fondly.'

Telumendil Wordcount: 706  

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:48 pm
The journey from her homeland began at a walk, Telumendil adopting a brisk and no-nonsense pace. There was wisdom in the advice to not flee from the immortal, the unnatural, and the strange. Surely nearly all in her family herd fell into at least one of those categories. But running would only attract their attention, make them long for a chance. Running would mean a hunt, likely with death or punishment at the end, and was something she dearly wished to avoid.

Especially considering it would likely be her death, or her receiving punishment, for daring to attempt and escape their control. No, no, and a thousand times no. Telu had no interest in such things, so her departure was made at a walk. Heart in her throat, head held high, every nerve on alert with the fear they might catch on before she could vanish from their lives forever.

She had found long ago that the best way to avoid unwanted interaction or attention was to give every indication that she was in the midst of yet another errand for a superior. If she strode about purposefully, with an expression of something like somber urgency, many seemed to let her pass without a second thought. There were no helpful suggestions or time-consuming inquiries.

Thus her departure had been treated the same. She had packed for herself and set out, looking just a bit annoyed and largely resigned to her fate. She moved as though she were driven by some sense of importance, of urgency, but not allowing any sort of frantic air to manifest. The guards let her pass without question, the ladies wandering about avoided her without comment, and even some of the scouts she crossed paths with did nothing more than arrange themselves out of her path so she could continue on. She was certain that they would realize their error soon enough, but likely not until tomorrow morning. Maybe even longer, if she was lucky, but she wasn't relying on luck.

Once out of the groves the herd had made their home, she picked up the pace to a ground-eating lope and moved toward one of the nearby fields that hosted faires and trade. Winding her way among vendors and bartering or trading for goods would further establish a legitimate reason to be beyond the herd, as well as get her supplies for her trip. With that done she allowed herself a final glance back at the market she had known so well and then sped away into allied territories. At a lope she might make her way through them in a day, leaving the night for her to lose any trailing scouts by winding her way through unfamiliar land.

If she didn't know her destination, hopefully, they wouldn't be able to guess it either. She would miss Ecthelion, but it would be for the best.

Telumendil Wordcount: 480
PostPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:07 pm
Traveling through the lands of the home herd was certainly the most nervewracking part of the initial departure. Walking out of her home was one thing, but every step away from it was a step closer to discovery. Mares were not often permitted near the borders without supervision or escorts, and royal mares were even less likely to be allowed out without accompaniment. The fact that Telumendil was here, on her own, was as much a declaration as the bags of provisions she was carrying along with her. If they caught her, they were no argument she could make to defend herself.


"Just one more step..." She murmured to herself, stretching her legs out and trying to telegraph official intent rather than guilty apprehension. "Just one more step."

Crossing the borderline was somewhat anticlimactic, strategy smoothing the process. Telu had carefully picked a place least likely to be guarded, especially on a celebration day when the majority of the herd would be in the heart of their lands. The crossing point was a modest thing, an easily fordable part of the river, downstream from the more sizeable crossing with its natural stepping-stone bridge. In the end, Telu had merely picked her way through the water, and stepped onto the bank on the far side free of her family territory.

Still, she wasn't home free yet, and she knew that. The lands of their allies were equally stressful as the approach to the herd border had been. Though she was on the opposite side of the line, there was no one in this place that would save her if her father's guards discovered her absence. Hoping they would not come, she tried to angle along the borders of the herd lands toward the exterior, avoiding the core of the territory and hopefully the herd itself. If the fates were kind, any guards or patrols from the ally herds would mistake her for someone from home running a border check and would give no further thought to the trespass.

If they did decide to run her down, hopefully, she was into outsider herd territory or too far away for them to catch up.

'If Thel knew what you were up to, he'd probably hunt you down himself,' Telumendil scolded herself, picking up her pace and speeding toward the next border marker she could see on ahead. 'Not even to deliver you back home... But just to prove to you what an idiot he thought you were being.'

Somehow, the idea made her laugh enough to lighten her strides as she sped toward her freedom. Even with the incoming rumble of thunder looming on the horizon, and the threat of the unknown looming all around, there was an element of peace. At the end of the day, she was doing what was best for her, and Thel would not begrudge her that.

Even if he would be unbearably mad that he was left out.

Telumendil Wordcount: 492

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:39 pm
There's surely something to be said for a well-bred, highborn lady that has the strength and wherewithal to save herself. Perhaps it speaks also to her sheer stubbornness and alludes also to inner depths. At least, that is what Telu thinks to herself as she travels. Surely the bards should have a song or two about such a lady, should have a tale to spin not about dashing stallions saving the day. Maybe she'd encounter some on her travels, and ask them directly. And if such a tale or song did not exist, well, perhaps she'd commission them, once she was sure that she was safe.

When the opportunity arises she barters and trades for supplies among some of the more wide-wandering merchants and then strikes off for lands unknown. The fact of the matter is, if she's to stay in this land, she's sure to be caught and returned to her sire's herd. Regardless of her preference in the matter, the herd's wants will come far before her own. her father will not want to look weak. Having so many of his children depart is sure to rock his standing, goad his temper, and ignite his wrath. Her father is nigh intolerable on a good day, to have his temper so incensed will surely bode ill to any that may cross his path.

She takes a moment to hope that her brother knows well enough to keep his head down, and then carries on. "Stay well, my brother... And for what it is worth, I am sorry, and I do miss you.

Wordcount: 263  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:53 pm
Telumendil travels through the remainder of her homeland and through the surrounding territories for the remainder of autumn. The free lands beyond serve as yet another boundary between her and the life she leaves behind but does little to make her feel safe. The range of mountains biting into the sky serve as a beacon, a visible boundary she can place between herself and her former herd, hopefully, an obstacle they will have no interest in breaching. As the riotous color of Fall fades into the chill of Winter, she loses herself in the frozen peaks without reservation.

She may hail from a more temperate region, but that in itself convinces her to brave the more threatening climates. By now many of the passes have frozen behind her, which means she has at least until late Spring or early Summer before they are passable again. The next valley leads her down to the lowlands and then the frozen coast. A spindly land bridge stretches into the horizon, well-fortified into a broad ice road by the efforts of winter.

"To freedom, to the unknown, to a new life." She murmurs to herself as she steps foot onto it, the ice crystals chiming merrily beneath her weight. "To the end of old fears, may they remain buried in the snow."

Telumendil Wordcount: 218

Total Wordcount: 481

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 12:02 pm
Telumendil was all too happy to leave the chiming of snow crystals and the howling wind of the North behind. There was a certain amount of relief that washed over her as soon as her hooves settled upon clearly solid ground. Strange land or no, this was freedom from the expectations of the Court and her family. Things would be different, here. Better, she hoped.

Leaving the ice bridge behind for another mountain pass was slightly wearying, but at least she was on the right side of Spring thaws to access the mountain passes that would be her only route through the great peaks stretching before her.

"Well, if you don't start you'll never finish, you know," Telu muttered to herself as she stared up at the mountains, determination kindling in her gut. "Freedom on the other side, all you have to do is climb... again."

Telu Wordcount: 146


The gentle thawing of Spring had indeed cleared the passes in this new mountain range, allowing the rogue Handmaiden passage with minimal forging through snow. It also meant she was largely alone with her thoughts, which was less than ideal, as Telu had long ago realized she was exceedingly lonely during the journey.

Spring turned to Summer as Telumendil moved from the highlands at the foot of the mountains down to a dense into a dense swath of woods interrupted by the occasional glade. She was happy to bid farewell to the mountains, looking toward the highland and hills beyond with hope. Perhaps she'd meet some of the natives, perhaps she could make a friend. Perhaps she could find a real home... Perhaps she was going to be doomed to wandering, restless and unattached, in this new land.

"That's too depressing to entertain, you should definitely be more optimistic than that." Telu muttered to herself. "What would Thel think, hearing you talk like that?"

Telu Wordcount: 164


Telumendil isn't sure how long she's been moving through the highlands when she encounters her first taste of the native life or at least evidence of how the locals approach socialization and revelry. Nestled in a sprawl of flatland just beyond the hills, there arises a cheerful village of tents, sprawling across the open space with an order clearly understood by their inhabitants if not an arriving stranger. There is a riot of different colors and sizes, some structures small, barely enough to cover a single Soquili, others that seem exceedingly large, enough to hold a good-sized herd.

As Telumendil approaches, she considers the strange little tent village with interest. The mismatched group of structures clearly denote origin in at least a dozen herds, cultures, and styles through their choice of unique structure, decoration, and textile. There are those with roofs and walls, with barely open doors, with wide arching openings that invite someone to wander through, with a complete lack of walls and an open pit for cooking food... On and on and on. Toward the middle of the sea of tents is a series of large stage structures, some of which have coverings to shade those that might perform on them, some of which offer shaded areas for their audience to gather.

"Well, this certainly looks like an interesting place to spend some time."

Wordcount: 226

Total Wordcount: 536

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:34 am
Telumendil is pleased that camping and rest areas are offered on the outskirts of the glorious gathering, an event which she is informed is a combination of Reenactment Event & Craft and Food Faire. Such a thing is apparently ongoing, a traveling band of entertainers and vendors that offer different themes and performances, as well as food, products, and services. With the day's festivities winding down, she resolves to rest up in the wake of her long journey and begin exploring the following day.

It is no difficulty to find a comfortable glade with dense greenery and sheltering growth of both shrubs and anciently stooping trees. Telu folds herself into a compact shape, tucked away among the brush like a piece of the night sky fallen to earth. Tucking her cheek against her folded forelegs, she closes her eyes and quickly drops off, thinking she's too exhausted to dream.


Telu Wordcount: 150


When Telu awakens in her dream, she's back at the herd she has worked so hard to leave behind. And not just one of the outer bands, but the core of the Herd, deep in the heart of the territory. Where each member is a glimmering jewel, royal if not divine, sharp and silk-wrapped in turns. Their smiles or more like sneers, when they note her standing on the outskirts.

It is a place she sought to avoid spending much time in, whenever she had the choice. To end up deeper than she's ever been, courtesy of a dream or rather a nightmare, is something of a personal dread she had rather hoped she'd left behind.

Then one of the Crown Jewels appear, and Telu is distracted and delighted in turns.

Telu Count: 131

The deep emerald carpet of grass that sprawls across the floor of the meeting glade is not quite as grand as the white stone floor of what they deemed 'the Great Hall', but it is still a pretty place. Elentari misses the carved patterns of the moon and the constellations underfoot, but puts it out of her mind as she politely laughs at a remark made by the stunned courtiers. There are glass ornaments strung from the trees, and cleverly crafted wind chimes weaving gentle music on the wind. The work of her and others, they offer gleaming, chiming decoration along with carefully monitored torches and carved bowls filled with burning oils.

The black mare steps forward on gleaming claws, her bright eyes fixed to one side. She is in the company of several gleaming stallions, a few that are evidently courtiers of a near-equal rank. The one that shines brightest at her side is her favorite brother, she gives him an affectionate tap with a wing from time to time.

Though her glittering companions flutter and coo, attempting to gain her attention and favor, Elentari finds her attention drifting. True enough her brother's presence means she holds on for longer than might be expected, but eventually she takes note of the delicate mare standing off to one side, pelted in starlight but with a mane of soft gold. A lady, perhaps? Or else a handmaiden? She's not one of the royals El has grown up with her whole life, nor one of those that usually visits the herd from their sister courts... but she is familiar in a way that El cannot shake, in a way that might mean family somewhere where family meant something. Here at home, well, El didn't trust those that bandied about the word too lightly, she had learned her lesson on that score.

"Who are you?" She asked softly, gleaming eyes troubled. "Why do you seem... familiar?"

Wordcount: 323


Telumendil jolts awake just as dawn breaks over the meadow she has picked to rest in, flailing her way to her hooves with eyes wide and heart beating rabbit-quick in her chest. She pauses once she's gained her feet, head down and muzzle brushing the dew-damp grass, legs splayed slightly like an unsteady foal. Her heartbeat slows in time, coached by steady breathing and the utter quiet outside of soft birdsong and distant Faire cheer.

"I wonder what that was supposed to mean?" She mused to herself, shaking from nose to tail and then straightening. "I don't... I don't think I recognized her? But she did seem familiar, like family... And she looked like..."

Like what the Crown Princess looked like... Like the mare who's sire was also Telu's, but with different mothers. A half-sister? But the Crown Princess was rumored to have fled the herd, so it didn't make sense to see her now. Unless fate was at work?

"Surely she's not here..."

Wordcount: 164

Telu Total: 345

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 4:04 pm
By the time that the sun has gone to bed and the candle-makers and time-keepers would declare it at least a fair few candle-marks past sunset, the Faire settles down into its nighttime routine. Many of the artisans closed their booths at dusk or shortly thereafter, joining the evening festivities and shows. There was food to sample, music to be made, songs to sing. And once one had enjoyed the evening shows, the meals, the dancing, there was nowhere better to go than to bed. For several of the artists, the next day would start at dawn or before, with more wares to be made or painted or polished and set out for the next round of shoppers to visit and peruse.

Bedded down in thick, sweet grass, and shielded overhead by craning branches, Elentari stirs awake after the strange dream of the star-marked mare that had seemed so strangely familiar. She's not sure what prompted her sleeping mind to think of home, of the herd she left behind, of the Court she rarely felt happy or particularly welcome in even though she'd been inarguably a part of it. But she had, and somehow she'd found herself noticing a mare she'd had little recollection of meeting, but somehow seemed familiar in spite of that fact.

Overhead the night breeze whispered and sighed through the weeping willow that sheltered her, the hollow at its roots so thickly overgrown that it provided a comfortable resting place for her and any she might choose to bring here. (Though at the moment, she was utterly alone.) The creek on the other side of the willow's trunk brought her a good drinking source and the soft sound of laughing water, a lovely thing to listen to as she drifted off to sleep. The reflecting flow also brought the gleam of the stars above and the soft shine of the moon down to the hollow when Elentari's own darkness settled around her and seemed like it would never leave. Tonight the stars kept her company as she searched her memory, pondering the nature of dreams.

'Who are you, half-sister?'

Elentari Wordcount: 353

Her breath and heart finally back to normal rhythms, Telumendil slowly straightened from her splayed stance and shook herself from nose to tail. She couldn't help but feel like she was stirring from a strange sort of nightmare, where things were familiar and yet strange, right and wrong all at once. The tangle was confusing and unsettling, a familiar and unhappy setting with an unfamiliar soul that made her strangely joyous. It would be a marvelous thing to have a sister, to have a sister that loved her, one that held her with regard like so many of the Court Ladies had failed to do. True family to her and her beloved brother, Thel, who was her shield and fighting spear as she was his healer and the star map to lead him home. To see a sister show true emotion too would be different, Telu rarely saw anything more than a remote disdain on the faces of those at the Court. There was room for little warmth there, The Court of Stars was a place of cold brilliance. She was glad to leave it behind.

And now suddenly, she was faced with strange dreams of a shining shard of it standing before her. Like a jewel folded into the soft layers of silk that lay folded at her feet, ready to unfurl if she took the next step or perhaps the step after. It was the Faire that presented the appearance of a comfortable future, a tantalizing sort of opportunity albeit a confusing one.

"Ecthelion, I wish you were here..." Telumendil murmured to herself, looking toward the sounds of the Faire. "You would understand... You would help me, and you wouldn't waiver. I know that."

Telumendil Wordcount: 286


Ecthelion truly preferred tracking at night, when he was presented with the opportunity to choose his path or pursuit of his quarry. Night was his element, was Telumendil's and the majority of their family. They were the Court of Stars, the Court of Night, born of glimmering flecks of light in the dark blanket of the sky. Cold Fire, Faceted Jewels, Rich Darkness. It was beneath those glimmering stars he did his best work, the harsh light of the sun was not as much of a friend. In the Court of Night there were plenty of hunters, trackers with skills that matched or even exceeded his own, particularly in the light of day. But it was at night where Thel could truly shine.

Hanging his gleaming lantern on the chain, Ecthelion folded his wing gingerly over the captive star, hiding the gleaming light and closing his eyes until he was sure he had readjusted to the dark. Blinking his eyes back open he considered the ground around him, picking his way over the ground in search for the crescent moon cuts into the turf that indicated his sister's passing. That or the strange crescent depression that would harken to Telumendil's favorite sleeping pose, likely the crescent moon had fallen to rest in dense grass, would be his best indications that she had been this way.

"And now we begin to track the moon, with the help of star maps..." Thel mused to himself, wondering why the thought twined its way through his head but finding no falsity in it. "Let us see what we can find. Little Sister, be well until I find you."

Ecthelion Wordcount: 274  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:09 am
'Dreams are the universe speaking to you in your sleep,' one of her herd-mates used to say, and while Telumendil had never really thought much on such a thing, the fact that the words lingered in her ears now seemed to be something of a sign. 'Heed what it is trying to tell you, it will not lead you wrong.'

"No, it'll just lead me on a strange, wild goose chase of a quest to seek family I'm not sure really exists," Telu grumbled to herself as she wound her way through the trees of a strange forest. Rich almost-plowed earth of harvested fields rolled away beneath her hooves, and slowly gave way to firm-packed dirt paths, deer trails, and soft spring grass meadows in turn.

Still trying to shake off the last few evenings' dreams, and the strange lingering feeling that she was late for something, Telumendil picked up a meandering pace that carried her well through the morning and into the early afternoon without need of a break. Stopping only for a refreshing drink from a spring, heavy with snowmelt that made it shockingly brisk, she splashed her hooves in the glimmering water and then picked up a trot with the intent of putting a few more leagues between her and the herd she had left behind.

However, it wasn't long before she began encountering signs that perhaps the universe was at work, meddling in her affairs. Here and there were wooden arrows hanging on branches or hooks, and up ahead she could see a cheerily painted sign hanging with bright-colored ribbons near a wide path forming the rightward branch of a fork. Stopping to consider the cheerful construction, Telu tilted her head and read aloud: "This Way to the Great Lapsang War! Traveling Reenactment Faire & Vendor Village."

Telumendil Wordcount: 301

User Image Amid the sign of the breeze through the leaves, and the distant songs of birds, the dusky purple and silver mare known as Lilavati Tondra moved through the woods in a cloud of tinkling music. The song was of her own making, the chains and bells she was adorned with creating their own gentle symphony. Aided by the careful grace of her movements, the dancer's cheerful tones beckoned to be followed, her bells singing a sweet song. 'Come and see, Come and See!'

It was a deliberate invitation, carefully crafted by elements from three different vendors at the Faire and designed by Lilavati herself. Lilavati, or Lila for short, was happy to stride out ahead of the majority of her fellows, to aid in the advertising for the Faire by hanging up signs, greeting some of the local herds, and in general making a sweet spectacle of herself with her delightfully chiming adornments. Today was one such day, a recruiting day rather than an actual travel leg for the Faire. After setting up what was needed for her own space and helping some of her friends, Lila had gathered a group of like-minded individuals and gone out to inform the public of their new (temporary) neighbors.

The group had told tantalizing tales of the Faire, mentioned or flashed trinkets on their persons to hint at the marvelous vendors that awaited, and described food and song with equal enthusiasm. A strange traveling herd where Soquili and their familiar companions were equal was intriguing enough, but to meet some of the fair and fantastical members and hear how many more wonders awaited them often proved irresistible. Having sent back the rest of the advanced group, Lila had remained out a little longer, dancing for the herd she had encountered and encouraging them to visit the Faire for a more elaborate performance with tales of the phenomenal musicians, costumes, and vendors that awaited them.

She walked back to the Faire with the satisfaction of a job well done and went to Elentari to tell her of the success. "El! I hope you've been working to fill your booth! I expect quite a few shoppers in the coming days."

Lilavati Tondra Wordcount: 365

With her sleep once again disrupted by discordant images of the herd she'd left behind, and family she knew and did not miss as well as a few that she suspected were related and had not yet gotten to know, the black mare known as Elentari had soon abandoned efforts to sleep. Pushed out of dreamland by the bewildering images, El had risen before the sun like a great many of her fellow Faire artists, and gotten to work on forging new wares. If she could not rest, then she might as well work. So she began heating and pouring various shades of molten glass to experiment with a new technique, then moved on to working with metal with heat and hammer until her wings ached for rest. When she couldn't stand the heavy work anymore, she settled the projects to cool and went on to some detail work that would benefit from the now brightly streaming sunlight.

With the hottest work done at the coolest time of day, Elentari had moved on to unmolding some of the previous day's cast pieces, sorting through what was and was not suitable, and begun cleaning up some of her metal pieces that needed filing or smoothing before they were assembled into a new lantern shape. She was pleased to see her new twisted iron technique was holding up well, the metal cooled into smooth finials that approached delicacy she'd not yet seen managed outside of a few rare examples of jewelry.

Lila's greeting startled her out of her close examination of the metal pieces and made her lift her head with a smile, eyes gleaming merrily as she noted the dancer's approach. "Out charming all the gentlemen with all your chiming finery? Well done, Lila, we'll thank you for bringing us so many willing shoppers. You're just in time to join me on a walk through the Faire for lunch and visiting, I could use the break."

Elentari Wordcount: 325

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.The StarMaiden known as Tiam Asra was happy to have found a new home herd in a new land and to be reunited with old friends. As the Heir and Crown Princess, Elentari had been significantly ranked above her in their home, but they'd managed to become friends in spite of it. While many of the royals would have looked down upon something as equalizing as a friendship between a Handmaiden and a Noble, Elentari had embraced friends regardless of their station, and never required them to stand on ceremony. Leaving her and so many other friends behind had been hard, but the Courts only gathered for a time, and when they had separated Tiam had no choice but to return to her homeland as her King bid her. But Fate had ways of making things happen, and somehow they had both wound up in this new land, in this new herd, and had easily crossed paths during one of Elentari's performances.

The Crown Princess had been an unexpected discovery in this place, though this place itself had been an unexpected detour on an unexpected journey, and the combination of elements and events had led Tiam to adopt a new policy of 'expecting the unexpected'. Something about Elentari's recent unrest told the white mare that she would not be the only one in this place for long. Feeling that she should be standing at the Princess's back when the new arrivals came, Tiam Asra had resolved to live and work amongst those that made up the Faire and Market, hoping to find a touch of destiny or Fate's design might once again cross her path in a noticeable fashion. It hadn't happened yet, but there was something in the air that made her feel like it was close. The Stars Willed It, whatever it was. They knew better than to defy the will of the stars, rather to embrace the course

It was to that end that she had elected to help the crew and some of the performers build and set up some of the stages, and once the high ground in the clearing was claimed with the biggest and most impressive of structures, Tiam picked that as her observational perch. After lunch and helping some of the vendors she'd retreated to the high ground for a break, coiling herself into a comfortable resting position and setting up her own kind of watch.

Now she could see Elentari straightening the last few things on her counter before stepping away to greet Lila, and the fluttering sound of their laughter along with the gentle chiming of their ornaments entreated her to approach. Without hesitation, she shot the rehearsing actors a smile and a farewell, then unwound herself and leaped from the stage. She trotted toward the pair with a bright grin, the wind tugging playfully at her mane.

"Greetings, my friends," she murmured when she joined the group. "Are we shopping or dining?"

Tiam Asra Wordcount: 493

User ImageSolanum "Bittersweet" Boneblossom, Sol to his friends, was happy to have rejoined the Faire for another year of wandering. His tea fields were harvested and replanted, now left to grow a healthy new crop while he traveled to sell the various blends he'd crafted in his time away. Demands of travel aside, the life of an artisan or vendor in the Lapsang Traveling Reenactment Faire and Artisan Village was a merry one, at least to Sol's way of thinking. He delighted in the camaraderie the artists and vendors shared, in the chance to see different herdlands and speak to those who called the strange places home.

But for the moment he was focused on ensuring his wares were perfectly presented, nudging each meticulously woven basket this way and that to ensure the correct flavors and brews were gathered together, and each shown off to their best advantage. A selection of scoops, pouches for purchases, and a scale for measuring was also carefully arranged on one of his tables, awaiting use when someone was ready to buy. He even had a small tea set ready for brewing an example beverage on Faire days, though the pottery had been the work of one of his fellow vendors. He had been glad to see the potter's booth wasn't too far away, and exchanging a pleasant nod with Sovanna as they went about their individual set-ups meant she had seen the display of her wares.

They tried their best to recommend each other to patrons when the opportunity arose, another thing he loved about the Faire. These were his herd mates, though they were a different sort of herd than those they visited. Bound by the love of their crafts and their respect for each other's works, rather than bloodlines or relationships It was a strange sort of family, but not nearly as strange as the one he had been born to, so Sol felt perfectly at home.

Though he would never think of the ladies of the Faire like sisters, they were far too beautiful for him to be that noble. Catching sight of Elentari and Lilavati striding down the main avenue toward Sovanna's booth, Sol tossed his forelock out of his eyes and craned his head over his table to give a cheerful greeting. "I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day, Ladies... Know that it is not nearly so lovely as you!"

Solanum "Bittersweet" Boneblossom Wordcount: 401

User ImageThe Lapsang Traveling Reenactment Faire and Artisan Village had a way of finding those that needed it. Even though she did not have a precise calling or craft, at least not one she'd discovered yet, Nella Fantasia had found herself at home among the travel, hustle, and bustle. She worked as something of a free agent, pitching in to help with set up, running errands for artisans, assisting with booth building, set up, layout, and anything else that she could try her hoof at.

The moment found her working as a runner, helping some of the herbs and produce vendors by distributing their products to other vendors that had placed orders. Dried and fresh herbs and greens were a popular ask among the food vendors, to use as sides, spices, and flavoring on their dishes. There was also a selection of herbs that would be helpful in pottery, dye-work, and even medicinal efforts. It was because of that that Nella had a full slate today, bolting this way and that with packs laden with goods to deliver in exchange for payment in a variety of tenders. Some of the artists paid in goods, some paid in bells or various accepted trade currency; they traded their goods for payment, and off Nella went again, back to the appropriate produce vendor to deliver payment.

She had visited with Sovanna a few times, chatting while various goods were packed or unpacked, weighed, and traded. Time with Elentari had been more fleeting, as the iron and candle maker only rarely used dried herbs and preferred fresh flowers or citrus when the mood struck her to make likewise scented candles. She'd seen Tiam Asra here and there as well, both of them exchanging greetings as they floated from task to task. Still, it had been a few candle marks since she'd seen any of them, hustling to finish her tasks so they could spend the afternoon socializing.

Wrapping up her work for the day, Nella Fantasia cantered her way through the Faire moving from booth to booth, winding her way from booth to booth to collect payment and exchange pleasantries. That task done, she cantered down the main avenue to where her friends were gathered, bells rining cheerfully. "Hello everyone! I've finished for the day, can I join you in whatever you're up to?"

Nella Fantasia Wordcount: 389

User Image Zinger "Lemonberry" Hucklebones bowed his antlered head as he stepped off the forest trail and lifted his head high as he stepped into the bright sunlight. The Faire setup was well underway, a half-erected cheerful village of tents, stages, and sales booths spreading across a rolling green field. The setup and 'soft opening' days of the Faire were among his favorites, due to the sense of anticipation and the lack of pressure they presented. While he was happy to act as a figurehead for his mother's Black Market endeavors, any chance he had to visit the Faire and the artisan friends he had made there was welcome.

Striding down the main avenue of the Faire, Zing reveled in the space of the open field rather than the usual tight paths of the forest. Though he loved his home and being among his kin, the crown of antlers he'd eventually grown made travel through the tighter forest paths somewhat precarious. At the Lapsang Traveling Reenactment Faire and Market the paths were wide and spacious, and many of the booths were set with ample space between them and their neighbors. Room that would soon be filled with milling patrons, but for now were lean enough on excited shoppers that Zing could pass by easily. As such, there was a minimal threat of entanglement, though Zinger was still cautious on his approach and welcomed a spotter when he could get one. None of the messenger birds had been available to spot for him, but he'd happily dragged Khajrayna out of his brooding and encouraged the Phoenix-son to accompany him on this little excursion.

Turning his head to shoot a look over his shoulder, he fixed a burning blue eye on his best friend and offered a grin. "Come on then, you lollygagger. What's the hold-up? I think I see Sol ahead, so get up here with me and we'll go say hello."

Zinger Lemonberry Hucklebones Wordcount: 319

User Image Being an introvert that was friendly with a moderately more outgoing soul, Khajrayna was subject to the whims of said friend which often included socializing or at least attending events that were 'parties' at best and full-blown 'extravaganzas' at worst. He bore most of it with good grace, some of it with ill, and some of it with flat-out refusal that culminated in running in the other direction. Not gracious at all, but there were times when enough was enough.

Still, the Lapsang Traveling Faire was a different sort of animal altogether. It was a joyous and interesting thing, a whirl of sights and sounds and scents, to be sure, but there were calm spots, quiet corners... There was a reprieve, and solitude was his for the asking, if and when it was needed. So Zinger's insistence that they visit the Faire was a welcome enough diversion from everyday life, and when they were on a mission to sell and trade wares it became an even more interesting experience.

That didn't mean Khaj would lead the way, or charge into the fray as some of their other companions were wont to do. No, he would follow at a graceful, leisurely pace when he could manage it... and when he couldn't, a more suitable trot would be offered in order to keep Zing appeased. It worked well, for the most part, and that was all one could ask for.

"I'm not lollygagging," Khaj sniffed in his best, disdainful bordering on aghast tone. "It surely wouldn't be civilized. I'm moving along at a perfectly respectable pace, which you would know if you could calm down enough to manage one even remotely resembling it. Instead, you're walking at surely the fastest speed one can walk, especially with a great big tree's worth of antlers like yours. People are liable to mistake you for a young oak caught in a hurricane, the way you're hustling this way and that. Sol won't run away unless he really does mistake you for a tree caught in a hurricane, so what's the rush?"

Khajrayna Wordcount: 345

Sunrise was usually time for Ecthelion to bed down, tired from a night of tracking. He might continue a few candle-marks past dawn -if conditions were favorable- but when the world was lost to golden light he was better off taking the chance to catch up on sleep and recuperate than he was blindly forging onward. So for the most part, dawn meant time to sleep, and if he was lucky he could get in a few undisturbed hours through the hottest part of the day and then wake for refreshment and some more rest before he picked up the trail at dusk. All that said, sometimes best-case scenarios weren't actually real.

This morning seemed to be the case.

Strange dreams haunted his sleep, whisps of his old life and the blur of territories past beneath his hooves while he tried to follow the broken trail he felt was left by his twin. He ignored the twisted trees that reached out to grasp him in his sleep, ears flat to his head and lantern held aloft as he chased the retreating softly golden light that seemed to be Telu. When the landscape slid to a riot of bright color he slid to a halt, staring in shock at the blend of pelts and hides that whirled around him. Telumendil seemed to have found herself in a Faire, a carnival, a riot of color and texture beneath cheerful flags and the swags of tents. There was distant music, laughter, and a variety of tones and tongues, melding together so he had little hope of understanding a thing.

Out of nowhere, a mysterious black mare appeared, with eyes gleaming like captive stars. "Welcome, to the Lapsang Traveling Reenactment Faire and Vendor Village!"

The sight of her was such a shock, Thel could not help but speak. "PRINCESS?"

Ecthelion stirred to wakefulness with a frown on his face, and his usually laughing eyes darkened. His humor and mirth were buried under worry and confusion. In the depths of a strange land, he felt progress in tracking Telumendil had been impeded by his own shortcomings, and now his dreams were full of strangers.

"Telu, what have you found yourself in? Little Sister, please be well until I can find you again... Please be safe."

Ecthelion Wordcount: 380  

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:44 pm
Happy that the hot noon sun had finally stepped back behind a few clouds and begun sinking toward the horizon, Telumendil stepped off the forest path in the later afternoon and drew toward the edge of the meadow, her eyes wide and fixed at the structures before her. Though not lit just yet, there were torches mounted on either side of the arching wood gait that had been erected outside of the freshly sprung up little village, with brightly colored banners posted aloft. It was a cheerful, welcoming little gate standing before a riotously colorful village of tents, with equally colorful inhabitants.

Beyond the gate, she could see stallions and mares of every shape, size, and color, with a variety of traits including wings and horns and scales, all varying matters of strange and unusually beautiful. They darted here and there in ones and twos, milled about in larger groups, and scattered to work on different tasks as individuals. Familiars skirted around the edges, birds flying overhead and foxes, wolves, and all manner of hooved herd beasts carried loads, directed by a small party of raccoons in a variety of cheerful dress and accessories. Cautiously Tel stepped through the gate and into the whirl of color and life that was the Lapsang Faire with a hesitant sort of curiosity.

The swirl of different breeds, an obvious mixing of herds and species, the familiars that moved easily amidst it all... It was certainly unlike anything she was familiar with back home. Granted, when all of the Courts gathered they approached a variety that might be near to this, but the familiars certainly were not held in the same level of esteem and the Courts themselves had a hierarchy internally and amongst each other. All in all, they were cautiously allied, perhaps, or sworn... but they weren't friends. They weren't like this.

Telumendil Wordcount: 310  
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