Tsubasa Revelations Chronicles - Dramatis Personae

Miranda's Dream - Main Characters: (TRC RPG - Miranda's Dream - Main Characters)
1. Watanuki - Watanuki Kimihiro will pop up in Tsubasa from time to time. His real home is in the xxxHolic Universe. xxxHolic is where Watanuki works for Yuko by cleaning, cooking, gardening, and doing whatever chores that both Yuko and Mokona (Black One) ask him to do.

2. Miranda
19 years old

3a. Chante - “Forest Adventure” RPG - Glitter Faerie Group Leader
Race - Glitter Faerie (Fairy)
Type (Magician, fighter, princess, etc) - Expert Level Mage (Protector)
Age - 52 out of 500
Sex - Female
Planet of origin (Use for a specific RPG) - Earth

Physical Description (Including height, weight, eye and hair color) – In Human adult form she is 5 ft 3 inches tall. Can also appear as a child. As a Faerie or a human she can vary from 6 inches in height to her full human adult form height. She also has blond hair (long and often in a ponytail) , blue eyes, 110 lbs in adult form, pleasing figure, and her clear Faerie wings can either glitter or sparkle (especially in sunshine, and wings can be concealed if necessary)

Clothing or Outfit Description (If Needed) - Fairy outfit: Flowing white halter dress that either sparkles or glitters (knee length, has a green leaf trim around the waist with yellow beads, and has a pink flower accent on the left side of her trim), gold shoes with a slight 2 inch heal with flower accents, and gold wrist, arm and leg bands with flower accents. Human outfits: Can change into any female attire depending on the situation, desire, or need.

Preferred Setting or Role Play theme - Magical Lands, forests, beaches, and mountains
Profession (List Name) - Glitter Faerie Protector & Glitter Faerie Group Leader (Forest, Human Friends and other Fairies)

Personality - Chante is a kind, loyal, and caring Faerie to all Faerie Folk and humans. She will tolerate other types of races and beings as long as they behave. In a battle she can become a fierce magic fighter and will use all of her strength if necessary to protect her group of friends or companions that she is with and also the forests or mountains that are under her care.

Strengths & Weaknesses - She is strongest in mountain ranges and forests (Her source of magic power), she can’t go with her group on a ocean or sea voyage, she has a high level magic shield that glows around her in Faerie form , and will become weak after a particularly fierce battle where she uses a lot of her offense, defense, or healing spells.
Ambitions - None

Hobbies & Interests - History, Nature, Geology, Magic, and Human Cultures

History - Chante though still relatively young has learned a lot of spells quickly and Loves being with kind and considerate humans. She has been Gwendy’s companion for most of Gwendy’s life and checks in on her and her big brother Syaoran from time to time. She has been a mate to Wagner a Provider Faerie Group Leader for 10 years (since 1870)

Special Abilities (Up to 5 different ones) -
a. Shape shifting - Able to change height from 6 inches to 5 ft 3 inches in either human or Faerie form, conceal her wings, able to appear in human form as an adult or child, and able to change her female attire at will.
b. Ability to be summoned by Faeries or a group under her protection by simply calling her name. She will materialize at a location and region that she can go to and dematerialize from that location at will. Also she is able to teleport back and forth from anywhere on the planet that she is on. This ability is Expert Level.
c. Offense spells - Force stun beam and able to move objects using her telekinetic ability, Expert Level spell and ability.
d. Defense spells - Able to generate a high level force field of a radius from 5 ft to 100ft around her group, and magic resistance & high level magic shield for herself. All of these spells are at Expert Level.
e. Healing spell - Able to heal all wounds once a day for up to 10 beings. Expert Level spell.

Special Skills (Up to 5 different ones) -
a. Teaching - Everyone.
b. Very knowledgeable about the Flora world, Fauna world, and Geology
c. Magic Detection
d. Group Leader - She can manage and lead an entire group of Glitter Faeries
e. Empathic - Able to sense the emotions of anyone around her.

3b. "Dragon Lance" Dungeon & Dragons:
Character Creation Form #3:

Note: This is a variation of Chante’s Character. I plan on using her as a regular character in my 4th RPG - “Dragon Lance”

Character Name: Chante - Glitter Faerie

Age (Including Birthday) - 52, May 17th, 700AD, Emerald Birthstone.

Sex (Male, Female, other, or none) - Female

Regular Character Class: Cleric / Ranger (Quest Group Leader)
(Fighter / Ranger, Cleric, Mage, Thief)

Level: 1
Everyone starts at level 1. Add 1 to the level number for each completed quest.

Quests: Current - Quest #001 - Rescue
Completed -

Alignment: Good
Moral stance and beliefs.

Race: Fey
Origin: Fey Plane of Existence.
Type: Fey / Humanoid

Physical Description (Including height, weight, eye and hair color) – In Human Form: She is 5 ft 3 inches tall. Has blond hair (long and often in a ponytail) , blue eyes, 110 lbs, and pleasing figure. In Faerie Form: The same as above except that she is 6 inches tall.

Ability Scores:
1. STR (Strength) - 47
2. END (Endurance) - 51
3. INT (Intelligence) - 43 (53)
4. DEX (Dexterity) - 54 (64)
5. CHA (Charisma) - 70
6. LUC (Luck) - 79 (89)
7. PSI (Psionic Potential) - 84 (104)
8. MAG (Magic Potential) - 49
9. WIS (Wisdom) - 41 (71)

Hit Points: 98
(Ability to withstand punishment. Add Strength and Endurance and then times that number by the characters level)

Preferred Setting or Role Play theme - Magical Lands, forests, beaches, and mountains.

Profession or Role (List Name) - Quest Group Leader

Personality - Chante is a kind, loyal, and caring Faerie to all Fey Folk and humans. She will tolerate other types of races and beings as long as they behave. In a battle she can become a fierce magic fighter and will use all of her strength if necessary to protect her group of friends or companions that she is with and is strongest in the forests or mountains.

Ambitions - To become one of the best Cleric's in Middle Earth.

Hobbies & Interests - History, Nature, Geology, Magic, and Human Cultures

History - Chante though still relatively young has learned a lot of spells quickly and Loves being with kind and considerate humans. She has gone on quests with Thei Syaoran before and has been his sister Gwendy’s companion for most of Gwendy’s life. Chante recently became a Group Quest Leader.

Armor (If Any) - Chain mail: Shirt, leggings, skirt, and a hood.

Shield (If Any) - Heavy magic shield. Conjured - See Spells Below.

Weapons (If Any) - A Special Crossbow used only by Elves (Able to conjure magical arrows at will). Also a Dagger (Light Blade). Usually hidden underneath her chain mail skirt on a belt. See Wondrous Items.

Implements (If Any) - Staff Covered with Amethyst crystals at the top. Enhances (Wisdom and Intelligence). Can be used as a weapon.

Power source - Divine, Psychic, Psionic, and Primal. Depending on Situation. (Can use only 1 source at a time.)

Power Effect Types, Spells, and Special Abilities: Healing, Runic, Conjuration (Shield, Magical Arrows, and Force Field), Psychic / Psionic (Force Beams and Telekinetic Ability) and Illusion.

Basic Skills list: Heal, Nature, Arcana, Religion, and History.

Special Skills or Traits: Empathic and able to easily see in the dark.

Languages: Elven, Fey (Including Polymorphs), Human (All Cultures with a Spell), Cat, Animal / Plant Life in General, and Common.

Character Carrying Ability:
1. Normal Load = 10 (lbs) x Strength number = 470 lbs. (0.47 lbs at 6 inch Faerie Height)
2. Heavy load = 2 x normal load
3. Max dragging load = 5 x normal load.

1. Currency -
a. Copper pieces = 50cp
b. Silver pieces = 15sp
c. Gold pieces = 500gp
d. Platinum pieces = None
e. Astral diamond (Rare) = None
2. Gemstones - None
(Amber, amethyst, garnet, moonstone, jade, pearl, peridot, turquoise,
aquamarine, black pearl, topaz, emerald, fire opal, sapphire, diamond,
jacinth, and ruby. List each type and quantity)
3. Special Equipped Items:
a. Head Slots - Helm. No Enhancement.
(Helm, Hat, Tiara, Bandana)
b. Arm Slots - Heavy Magical Shield when Conjured. Handles like a light shield.
(Shields and Bracers)
c. Feet Slots - Boots. Adds to Speed (Dexterity).
(Boots and greaves)
d. Hand Slots - None.
(Gloves and Gauntlets)
e. Neck Slot - Emerald Amulet. Enhances (Wisdom, Psionic, and Luck). Also a Cloak
when needed for warmth. No special enhancements.
(Amulets and cloaks)
f. Rings - None.
(Can wear one on each hand)
g. Waist Slot - Belt. Adds to healing (Wisdom), and resistance (Psionic)
(Belts, etc)
h. Wondrous Items - Falcon Dagger
As a Luck Blade providing a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws, contains 1 wish,
Lawful Good weapon, blade vibrates before an attack on the wielder.
1. Giant Falcon of Horus: Size L(Magical Beast); Hit Dice: 4d10_4, hp 30; Init: +4;
Speed: 20ft, fly 90ft (Perfect); AC:17 (-1 size, +4 Dex; + 4 natural); Atk: 2 claws
+7 melee, bite +2 melee; Drag; Claw 1d6+4; Bite 1d8+2; Face / Reach 5ft, by 5 ft
/ 5ft: Special Qualities: Evasion; SV; Fort +5; Ref +7, Will +3, Abilities: Str 18,
Dex 18, Con 12, Wis 16, Cha 12; Skills Knowledge (nature), Listen +16,
Wilderness Lore +8; Feat: Aler5tness; Climate / Terrain Deserts, Hills;
Organization: Solitary: AL, LG, CR 3

4. Clothing or Outfit Description (If Needed) -
a. Quest Outfit - Equipped listed above + Armor, Shield, Weapons, & Implements.
b. Formal Outfit - Flowing white halter dress that either sparkles or glitters (knee
length, has a green leaf trim around the waist with yellow beads, and has a pink
flower accent on the left side of her trim), gold shoes with a slight 2 inch heal with
flower accents, and gold wrist, arm and leg bands with flower accents. Note:
Formal Outfit is at the "Dragon Lance" Inn.
c. Casual Outfits - Sensible & comfortable loafer shoes with one quarter inch heel,
short sleeve sensible dresses, calf length socks, and hair at full length draped around
her shoulders and back (Not in a pony tail). All items in different colors.

Backpacks items - Food (Rations), Water (3 Full Canteens), Rope and climbing gear (Spikes & hammer), Small 2 person Tent w/ bedrolls, combs, brushes, and extra Clothing Outfits. Healing items: Potions, herbs, cloth, binding material, wood for splints and small pot for mixing new potions. Flint and Steel. Small flat pan and cleaning knives for game or fish that's caught. Fishing pole. 2 Quivers of 30 arrows each as backup if magic conjuring ability is failing.

Carried in purses or bags - Purse in backpack if needed to gather items.

4. Mokona (Black - xxxHolic World)

5. Yuko (xxxHolic World)

6. Rei Hino - Shrine Maiden - Shinto Temple - Juban District - Tokyo, Japan
40 years old

7. Minako & Artemis
40 Years old / Unknown

8. Myself - Ron Cauvin - Briefly - Act 1, Part 1 - Departure