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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] oh tea three (Nadry/R'shahar/C'lusi+Dergs)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:16 am
I am only a little sorry for this title.

Nadry had never fussed this much about getting ready for anything, and for her, that was saying something. If she hadn't had Ichta for company and help, she might still have been up in her weyr, fighting with herself about what to wear. The trouble was, she had always been fond of blue - not just because it was a nice color, but because it looked nice on her - which meant that she had quite a few blue clothes. A sevenday ago, that wouldn't have been a problem, and she almost certainly would have come down to the Feast in a lovely, knee-length dress of soft blues, but a sevenday ago she would not have been going on a date: a date with a bluerider and a bronzerider. And since it was their first date, she was concerned about wearing blue and possibly sending an unintended message. She was concerned about a lot of things, actually, and was probably overthinking it all, but blue was definitely not an option. Thank Faranth her other dress wasn't green, or she would have been in real trouble! (Though if it had, she would have risked wearing the blue one, because she would not, for anything, have taken the color that Ichta was wearing and looked beautiful in. Sorry, R'shahar!)

But, luckily, her other option was a mix of mauve and dark, desaturated purple, which made it a perfectly safe choice. The neckline was perhaps just a little bit lower than she'd remembered it, but it was also one of the pieces in her wardrobe that had needed, ahem, 'adjusting' when she'd discovered that she had...filled out a bit during her weyrlinghood. That discovery had panicked her at the time, but she recognized it now for what it was, which was that she really had just filled out. She was a young woman, after all - a very active, dragonriding young woman, so there was also muscle. Once she'd accepted it, it was no longer a point of distress, but rather...she actually thought she looked a bit better for it. Still not a head-turner, by her own estimation, but. Well. That was what dresses, carefully styled hair, and just a touch of tasteful makeup were for.

Taking into account that carefully-styled hair, and how mindful she always was of mussing nice clothing, she had opted to walk to the dining hall while Menankith glided down to join the assemblage of adult dragons outside. How long it had been since he'd been able to fit inside! Since their own Hatching Feast, nearly a turn ago. That seemed both yesterday and yet a lifetime away now. A curious feeling, to realize that they were almost officially adults.


They had been up for hours, bantering back and forth, trying on clothes, taking off clothes, trying on different clothes, looking for clothes, trying to accessorize, finding the perfect accessory but now needing to change the original outfit, it was no surprise C'lusi and R'shahar were fashionably late. As some of the most fashionable men in the Weyr (according to C'lusi) it was no surprise they wanted to show up to the feast to turn heads. But there was one head in particular that they were hoping to turn.... a first real date with one known as Nadry.

C'lusi had opted to wear a well-tailored dark blue tunic -- because he did rather enjoy the color, and Macuith did prefer it -- with beautifully woven silver and black trim. He opted for three belts -- simply as a fashion statement, one thicker belt, and two looser straps -- and wore tight khaki pants to match. With knee-high black boots, and some leather bracers, he tied it all together with some silver earrings, a silver brow piercing, and a few silver rings. He kept his hair styled and brushed, pulling it back loosely in a blue cord.

R'shahar, for his part, had made sure to trim his goatee, and styled his hair. He had opted for an outfit C'lusi had insisted on -- a dark green tunic, complete with a black vest. Tight black pants -- when aren't they tight? -- were coupled with black leather boots. Silver and emerald piercings were in place, and along with black leather bracers, he made a very sexy, seven foot tall man.

Viandarth did the honors of taking the two down to the Weyrbowl, though Macuith twirled down to settle nearby with his usual flash and flare. Menankith! Do you have room to spare for Viandarth and I? Or shall we leave you to other company? The blue couldn't hide the fact that he wanted both Viandarth and Menankith near this day. And why shouldn't he? His dear brown clutchsibs, and his gorgeous bronze.... What a trio they might make! And, of course, he did wish to coo over the little babies.

Green-blue eyes looked over the assembled gathering - -he spotted Cynosuth and Aresoth cooing over the littles, as well as Cordrath and Susurinth. Still, he wasn't going to rush over. Instead, he wrapped his tail loosely around Viandarth's, waiting to see if the brown was interested or if he would spend the afternoon with Vi.

Either way, it was a win for Macuith.

C'lusi, for his part, leaned up to give R'shahar a kiss. "You look stunning, babe," he purred, before taking his arm, and leading him forward. This would be their first real outing with Nadry -- their first official date -- and he was a mix of anticipation and nervousness. He wasn't the sort to worry over these things -- but he loved R'shahar, and cared deeply for Nadry. He didn't want to hurt either one of them, but oh, if this could but work.... It really was what he wanted.

It took a little navigating, but he finally caught sight of the familiar figure -- and what a figure it was! Dressed in pale purple dress, one that fit her form nicely, and with her hair styled as it was, she looked gorgeous. "Nadry!" He called out, hoping to catch her attention. Tightening his grip on R'shahar, even as he hurried to bridge the distance between them.

Mr Cheri

"Nadry," R'shahar said, taking the Brownrider's hand, and kissing the back of it. That entailed bowing quite low, but he didn't mind. "You look ravishing. Are you enjoying yourself?" the Bronzerider asked, a smile curving his lips. He had one hand wrapped around one of C'lusi's, and he took Nadry's hand in his other. After all, they were trying this out. For his part, he could feel the nagging of a new crush, and it was difficult to focus on the crowd of people around them when all he saw was his two loves.

It was his first date with a girl. He had flitters in his stomach, and the presence of C'lusi was the only thing keeping him from being anxious. But nervous or not, he was happy to be here. There was no discounting that. "You know, I had been thinking... maybe sometime we could all go on a picnic together." Somewhere nice and warm? With some shade, and a beautiful view? Then again, he always had a beautiful view in his current company.

If you would like us to remain apart, we shall do exactly that. But I will not deny that we would enjoy your companionship, Viandarth rumbled, watching the goings on around them. He had large enough wings that he could easily spread them over both the Brown and Blue, with room to spare. But here were some adorable dragonets for them to admire, and he did just that, sending a greeting to the junior weyrlings.

Nadry did her best not to look like she was waiting - it wouldn't do at all to just stand around looking lost, although she did feel so a bit.  Usually, she would have gravitated towards Ichta (and by extension G'ran), or perhaps have looked for Illa.  Or, in the absence of a familiar friend to stand near for the purposes of safety and solidarity chat with, would at least have browsed the food tables with carefully polite interest disguising her actual interest, particularly in the sweet things.  In spite of Menankith's usual reminder that she should eat - and lots, because down with stupid food rules! - she couldn't say that she had any appetite just now.  Her stomach was too full of flutters for there to be room for anything else. So she had perused the selection of tea instead, and watched the babies that moved through the crowd, some with their bonded and others more adventurous.  They all brought a smile to her face, reminding her of when Menankith had been small - smaller, even, since there'd been no long gap between Hatching and Feast.  The fingers of her right hand, dropped to her waist, curled reflexively at the memory of how she'd once gripped at his headknobs, holding onto him gently but like a lifeline.  She had needed him so very desperately then; not that she didn't need him still, and just as deeply, but those wild and new changes she'd needed his support for were by now mostly adapted to.

She had thought such changes were more or less over with, aside from their impending graduation, but had been wrong to!  This...development - possibility?  relationship? she was almost afraid to put a word to it - with C'lusi and R'shahar was about as wild and new as anything could possibly get.  It was exciting, and also absolutely terrifying, and if she'd thought she'd had a hard time keeping her head and not looking a fool around her fellow weyrling before, she'd been sorely mistaken.  Now they were...maybe something, and she desperately wanted to get it right.  And there was R'shahar, every bit as attractive and just as important, whom she very much wanted to get to know better.  She'd thought that dealing with just the one was a challenge, but both was infinitely more intimidating.  Add in that everything was all out of order of how it was 'supposed' to happen - not that she had any real objections about that - and it was all quite overwhelming when she really thought about it.  Which she did...probably more than she should admit.

Of course, when they did appear - and if they were late, it was hard to tell because her fretting and what-ifs made it feel like forever regardless - they were dressed to kill.  She'd known they would be, but knowing it and seeing it were two different things: each was heart-stoppingly attractive on his own, but together?  Definitely a threat to poise and coherence, when every thought wanted to fly right out of her head and her cheeks sought to assume red as their permanent shade.  She looked nice, by her own estimation, but they looked amazing, and she hoped...she hoped they wouldn't mind that this was the best she'd managed.  She would almost take that moment she'd realized she was naked over this one.  Almost.  It was a close contest.

But she should Not think about that right now.  She smiled, shy but bright, up at both of them as they approached, and felt her blush creep right on up into her ears as R'shahar took her hand and bowed low to kiss the back of it, and her heart fluttered.  Shaffit.  They were both entirely too charming, and it was going to kill her. Separating her tongue from the roof of her mouth, she reminded herself that if she could fight Thread she could sharding well date and talk to boys. "And you look amazing, as always." Both of them. Because yes, she had noticed, and she...might as well own that. She went on to answer, "I haven't been here long, but everything looks lovely, and the babies are adorable."

The suggestion of another outing at later time earned an eager smile and agreement. "A picnic would be lovely."

Menankith bugled happily at the sight of Macuith and Viandarth both, for while he might love the blue, he was already well on his way to deeply fond of the bronze as well, with his large wings, easy flirtations, and kind hearts. I always have room for you both, he answered with delight whirling in his eyes, and moved to close the distance between them, and would offer affectionate headbutts to each. While he had sent loving acknowledgement to his other favored siblings who were present upon his arrival, they were currently content with each other and the babies, and he would leave them to it while he spent some time with Macuith and Viandarth. If Theirs were having a date, well...they might as well do the same! And they deserved his attentions, after all the time they had spent tolerating and soothing his recent melancholy. I would never wish to remain apart from you.

C'lusi's smile hadn't wavered. He held tight to R'shahar's hand, allowing his thumb to idly stroke the others palm and fingers, even as he watched Nadry with fond interest. "I think I'm the luckiest man in the Weyr," he mused, his smile laced with his usual flirtatious humor. "I've got the two loveliest and most attractive individuals in the Weyr before me -- every eye will be upon you both tonight." And oh, how the vain man couldn't help but be pleased. He knew without a doubt they'd turn many a head before the night was through, and he wanted to ensure both had as lovely a time as ever.

"So then, my dears, where shall we head? Inside? Outside? Closer to the babies, closer to the food, or shall I charm a Harper to kick off some dancing?" The latter was mostly a tease -- as if he'd leave either of them alone for some pipe player. He already had R'shahar, and now there was Nadry -- honestly, any more and even C'lusi would call himself out for being greedy. Besideswhich, he genuinely had no more room in his hearts. R'shahar, Nadry, and Macuith, left his heart overflowing with fondness, desire, love, care, and friendship.

There were no vacancies.

"As for a picnic, name the place, and I'll be there. We could make a day of it, just the three of us, and our dragons. Ah, but wouldn't it be delightful?" He let his eyes trace appreciatively over R'shahar, before turning to Nadry, and letting his eyes trace appreciatively down. He couldn't help it. With two delicious individuals so near, the brown haired man couldn't help but be on cloud nine, and drink in the sight of them both.

"Macuith says a beach, but I'm far more flexible than that." He purred. They both knew that, intimately.

Macuith's eyes whirled a vivid blue-green, with flecks of purple dancing in and out of his regard for both bronze and brown. He returned the headbutt with a nuzzle all his own, crooning ever so lovingly at his duo. A date it is then. You are looking gorgeous as ever, Menankith. And Viandarth, darling, I am quite sure Eveleth herself is teeming with jealousy. Ah, but the ladies shall have to eat their hearts out, for you are both mine. He stated with gentle sincerity. Menankith might have love in his heart for many others, but that didn't mean Macuith wasn't going to stake some sort of claim. He would and could be flexible for his clutchmates sake, but the romantic in him wanted the brown to know that he was coveted -- Viandarth, too.

He stretched out, immediately wishing to be curled up with both. He was the smallest of the three by far -- at only 27' -- but he could use every inch of him to flirt and cozy up with them. It's hard to imagine we were once as tiny as all that. How things have changed.

Mr Cheri

Kissing Nadry's hand once more, R'shahar chuckled. "C'lusi, would you really charm anyone as distracted as you are?" the tall man asked, gently tugging Nadry into the center of their little circle. For indeed he knew that both she and C'lusi wanted to be close together. If he remained at the outside of the circle, well, he certainly had enough here to appreciate.

"I'll figure out the place. I'll have to take some time to go, but I think it would be well worthwhile." Given that they'd never really been on a date before, apart from the present situation, of course, it couldn't hurt to spend some time getting to know one another. As a group, as he knew C'lusi quite well indeed.

As far as the place went... "My only problem with beaches is the sand. Getting sand out of things is... unpleasant." Not that he minded the idea of spending a day at the beach with Nadry and C'lusi. In fact, it was a pleasant idea. "If that works for both of you, I'll be fine with it," he moved to assure them. For, if Nadry also preferred a beach, he'd be game. He was an easy going man.

He squeezed C'lusi's hand, and Nadry's, and listened as his dragon cooed over his two companions. You are both stunning, Viandarth crooned, enjoying having them both well under his wings. Yes, this was most pleasant. If they wrapped just so, they might all touch. I was never as tiny as all of that, he said with a certainty, for he was quite a large Bronze indeed.

Between the kisses to her hand and the seemingly endless compliments, and the path she couldn't help but notice C'lusi's eyes took, the flitters in her stomach were quite ready to fly away with her, and this date had only just begun!  She was doomed.  Quite happy, but increasingly doubtful of her ability to make it through without simply expiring on the spot, or if nothing else saying something daft.  The very thought of dancing, when C'lusi mentioned it, was terrifying!  She did know how, of course, but how terribly embarrassing would it be if she tripped up?  Not that she would lack for someone to catch her - and would her heart please stop doing that it was very distracting.

Nadry put up no resistance when tugged to a position that put her a bit closer to C'lusi as well, for she did indeed want to be closer to the bluerider...but her gaze went just as often to the bronzerider who held her hand.  She was deeply fascinated by the both of them, in every way. "I'd like to go to a beach," she admitted, "I've never really spent any time at all near the sea." Practicing between coordinates didn't count! "But if the sand is too much of a mess, I wouldn't mind somewhere else.  The company will be delightful regardless."

Standing close with the two of them, doing her best not to flounder in such unfamiliar waters, she felt not only overwhelmed but also comically short.  R'shahar might be 'tall' (as if tall remained an accurate descriptor past a certain point) one of the two, but even C'lusi had a foot or so on her.  Ah, she felt the odd one out in multiple categories here.  But for all the nerves and doubts, there was just as much excitement and hope, and she felt special indeed that any of this was happening at all, that they were trying.  Seeing if, maybe, together would work.

"For now, maybe closer to the food?" Not that she was even all that hungry, but maybe that would settle her nerves a bit?  Or she could feel worse, that was also an option, but hopefully not. "I wouldn't want to forget." A little smile with a hint of self-conscious humor.

Menankith preened under Macuith's compliments as always, unconsciously altering his posture to draw himself up and look just so, although the stoic, dignified pose didn't last long at all.  It was abandoned in favor of cuddling up with bronze and blue, wrapped just so and shaded by Viandarth's marvelous wings. Eveleth should be jealous, he agreed, For there are no finer dragons to be found in all the Weyr.

It is odd to remember being small.  I do miss how easy it was to cuddle with Mine, but I am glad to be grown.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 1:40 pm
“You make it sound like a challenge, love,” he stated with an amused arch of a brow. “But I suppose it’s a fair enough assessment. I’d much rather charm the two of you than a Harper.” And for the blue rider, that was quite a high compliment indeed, on multiple levels. His love of Harpers, and his love of flirting, was being cast aside for them.

Honestly, C’lusi couldn’t be more pleased with the situation if he tried. Not only did he have the most handsome of bronze riders to dote upon, but the most lovely of brown riders, as well! He would have never guessed to have multiple lovers… and yet here he was, planning a very first date with the three of them. The thought thrilled him in a way he hadn’t expected, and he found he looked forward to the day. “There are beaches that are more stone than sand, and just as warm,” he mused. “Though we could compromise and plan not one, but two dates. One so you might get to enjoy the sea,” he smiled down at Nadry, quite keen on the idea. “And another where there’s less sand to cause you such discomfort.” This time he looked up at R’shahar, before adding with a flirtatious purr, “Don’t forget, a day at the sea means a night in the bath.” If only R’shahar had his own private bathing chamber… “Honestly, I wouldn’t even mind another night in, but I suppose that’s less of a date and more of a date going well.” He mused, not at all shy about his interests.

As if either of them would be surprised. “Regardless of where, I’m sure it’ll be nothing but a splendid time.”

Wasn’t this spelended already? The three of them, together, and his companions looking oh-so-fine. “The Weyr did put on a lovely spread, we might as well enjoy it.” This was a celebration, after all. Though there were weyrlings and young dragons to coo over, C’lusi found his eyes dancing back to his partners, drinking in their forms. Slinking his arms about his lovers, C’lusi did his best to slowly guide them towards the tables, but to also ensure his hands were on them both. “Something savory? Something sweet? What tempts you both?” He mused.

Macuith, for his part, was just as pleased as his rider. The small blue was happy to be cuddled against Viandarth, but also to be able to reach out and find Menankith there. You must have been quite a large egg, Viandarth. And a large weyrling, too. I suspect all the boys cooed over you. And ah, yes. There were benefits to being smaller, though I much prefer to be grown up and mature. He spoke with humor, eyes whirling a bright blue-green. Not, of course, that he was ever so very mature. I enjoy that I am not the only one cooing over boys, or chasing boys, or being caught by boys… And that’s quite a nice change. A benefit, to be sure. He might not so easily snuggle up with His, but he had a handsome bronze and brown to make up for it.


”Mr Cheri”


Shy Mage

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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