The camera would fade in, revealing three figures, one on a Throne. The one on the throne was Miranda Rose, wearing a crown of Thorns, and holding a scepter. To her right stood an identical personage, Talia. And to her left was an enormous beast of a man, Crayak.miranda would stand, tapping the Scepter, Talia would announce

"Please, show respect to the Eternal Queen of Thorns. Miranda Rose." Both would bow as Miranda stood up, before she began to speak, another redhead walked onto the screen to an enormous pop. It was the legendary Phoenixfire! She stands next to Miranda, who wraps her arm around the newcomer's waist. She would tilt her scepter towards her and began to speak.

"Behold, WWF Universe. It is I, your queen. For too long you have been given mediocrity. Mediocre champions, Mediocre performances. Those days are soon ending, my ignorant children. You may praise me now. "

Talia shouted out. "All hail the Red Queen! All hail Miranda Rose!" Miranda would lower her head in solemn contemplation. "We are locked in a mortal struggle to decide the King of thecl Canvas. Let us look at the field. Last week, I, your Queen, defeated a butler. This was a laughable decision by management, to put royalty in combat with a mere servant. Your Queen saved you, my ignorant subjects from a pitiful excuse of competition by ending him quickly. But that brought me to tonight. Tonight, I face a Masked Marauder who goes by White tiger. He will be dealt with as well."
In the pause, Talia would shout out. "Off with his head!" Miranda would lift her head, looking directly at the camera. "So let me explain something. You may have been a champion all over the world, White Tiger. So have I. But those were the little leagues. This is WWF, where I matured from a petaled Princess to the Queen of Thorns. I am a two time Women's Champion, a one time Hardcore Champion and a one time World Heavyweight Champion. Tonight, you step into the ring with a bonafide legend who is bound and determined to take her throne back. I am here to climb the mountain, and White Tiger, you are nothing but a handhold to help me reach the top. Prepare yourself. My Eternal reign starts tonight. " Just as she said that, Talia would shout out; "May she live forever!!!"