Sphinx - normal
Kasai - bold

It had been a few days since Kristanf had met the scarred female and escorted through the pride. Although he didn't wait around to see if she got the answer she was looking for in regards to the Viking war with the other pride, he was wondering if the female would keep her word on holding on to the little gift she wanted to give Ciro.

Kristanf had a tough time trusting females. The one he had met just prior seemed different, but the male didn't know her enough to make a decision on that matter.

The reaver rested on a rock, debating what to do. He had grown bored with his thralls as of late. He would need more to amuse him. Perhaps he should go on a viking. Those were always amusing, especially when he came home with spoils.

The pride was becoming a home to the disfigured female, and while her sister would worry over her mental state Maya had gone a few weeks without any emotional mishaps, this was a feat she was proud of. Healing helped, in all honestly, it kept her off her paws just long enough to settle herself back down and into reality.

The female sat a ledge that hung over the coastline as she gazed out at the storming sea. Something about the ocean made her feel small and helpless, this was a feeling that stuck with her no matter how far she strayed from it.

Her green eyes wandered as a dull pain vibrated throughout her body, the wound was almost healed and yet, something about this cut felt deeper than she expected. Emotionally at least, the fight had left her worried over the life of another.

Thankfully Calypso was not dead, and for this news Maya was thankful. Eventually she would seek her like minded friend out, for now though Maya sat alone and in silence.

Kristanf found himself rolling off his perch, heading for the shore he had loved so much. The feeling of the sea breeze against his mane, and the light salt in the air was something he would never trade in his life.

The beach was normally a quiet area. Most spent their times deeper in the pride, or out of the pride. Kristanf enjoyed the solitude. It left him able to think about things. Recently, his mind wandered towards his parents. One gone, the other assumed dead. His eyes narrowed. If his father ever decided to show his face again...he'd rip out his throat for the turmoil he caused his mother.

The male sighed as the wind blew. On it, a familiar scent. Light eyes scanned, spotting the female he had been thinking of earlier. His eyes narrowed as he approached. "You know, this beach is my territory. I don't like sharing."

Maya turned her head as the red-maned male approached, and with a faint smirk the female turned back to face the ocean, speaking over her shoulder. "You can not claim the sea, it has no master." It was more or less her way of being playful, even if he couldn't understand her just yet. The female patted a place just shy of a few inches from where she sat, inviting him to sit with her while she took in the evening.

"Come-." The request was firm, just shy of a demand. Maya didn't leave much room for banter or refusal.

"I assume you came for this?" Between her first two digits hung a small pouch, inside in the prize the lion lusted for.

"The sea may not be claimable, but the sand and shore it touches is. And by the looks of it, you are on the shoreline." Kristanf stated as he approached the female and her command. The male's ears perked and swiveled in the red mane. He was not use to a female speaking firmly with him. His lip rose in slight disgust, but otherwise dropped the thought as he sat next to the disfigured female.

"I did not. I came for peace, and found you here. Although, I should claim that as mine now. It will come in handy soon." Kristanf reached for the pouch with the treasure inside. He had a spot in his den to hide it until he needed it, and that time was approaching quickly.

"Surely you would want to see this act to its finale, wouldn't you?" Kristanf inquired. She had some sort of thing against the captain it seemed. The more lions Kristanf could get on his side, the better his plan could work.

When the male went to grab the pouch from between her claws the lioness quickly swept it back into ha closed paw, speaking as he found his way beside her. His comments about the sea simply made her smirk deepen. He was entitled and thick, this was something Maya understood all too well.

"Final act?" Her voice was laced with a bit of wonder as she turned to face him. Her expression was somber and stark. "What do you intend to do with this treasure?" Maya questioned with a wicked gaze. She had no issues with Ciro, if anything she felt nothing for him or the child she tore this from, to her it was all the same, flesh for flesh.

"What has the Ciro done to deserve your distaste?" As she questioned his motives the lioness tucked her paw down to hold the eye beneath her weight.

A low growl erupted from Kristanf's throat as the lioness moved it out of his grasp. His ears pinned back. "We struck a deal," the male started in a snarl as his claws unsheathed. He wouldn't be against scarring up this female some more if she were to not abide by their bargain.

"Wouldn't you like to know." The lion said snarkily. "I intend to use this to make sure the lion is tormented in his final moments on this earth." His words weren't as cryptic as he wanted them to be. Kristanf intended to kill the Captain, and take his rank upon his return. He would use the trinket to cause restlessness for the otherwise stronger male, using it as leverage to complete his task.

"Ciro has made me look like a fool. He has taken my property, used it to his own satisfaction." His claws dug into the soft sand. He knew the lion had slept around with his thrall. He was lucky the two didn't end up with cubs. But, that being said, Kristanf ended up losing the said thrall to another. If there was one thing the male hated was his property taken from him.

"I will make him pay for what he has done. His life should be a good price."

As Kristanf spoke of his hate and bitterness the lioness listened, unafraid of his cynical nature, unbothered by his obvious anger toward her for hiding the eye. He wasn't hard to read or understand, his anger was rooted in something relateable and real, it was something the lioness could respect, no matter how petty it might have seemed from the outset. Still, Maya looked away, allowing him to finish his mini-rant before she spoke, nodding her head firmly.

"I see-" Her words found a place somewhere between his final sentence, tucked away firmly in an understanding he would not see coming. "That lion insulted me-" as she spoke she chuckled and lifted her clawed paw, holding the bag out for the lion to take. "He would rather have had me sleep my way into a pride I was willing to bleed for. Sadly for him, I am no whore."

Her eyes settled back to his face as the female frowned deeply. "I fought him and he won because of his primal desire to lay with me rather than to fight me. It was humiliating." Maya had never once slept with a male before, so his constant advances had swept her off her feet and caused her to lose a fight she knew she could have won. This anger settled deep into her belly. Though, it wasn't the type of anger this lion seemed to carry, if anything Maya could forget hers, Kirs however seemed set on his plot to end the darker males life.

"It is yours, as I promised." The female nodded as she motioned for him to take it from her paw.

"How intriguing it is to find someone who was willing to avoid his advances. I have underestimated your strength against the mind games that lion likes to play. Although, if he beat you, you have more to work on." Sleeping their way through the pride? Hah. How could one be strong, if all they do is lie around taking it from someone else.

The idea of rising in ranks through that action disturbed Kristanf, even though he had seen it happen before. Hell, he was pretty sure his sister was using it to her own advantage.

"Don't be surprised if the next time you see him he tries it again. Scar that face of his, make him undesirable for any female to lay with him, if I can't get my plan in action first." The lion stated, his light eyes falling on the pouch. He wasted no minute as he swooped it up, clutching it in his paws.

"It will be put to good use."

Maya kept her eyes on him as he spoke, though some of his anger was lost to her, personally she had no weight to throw in this personal vendetta, however, that didn't mean the female wouldn't find an interest in it, history had a way of repeating itself after all. "Please-" the female laughed loudly as he spoke of Ciro's future attempts, "I would sooner lay in the ground." The lioness was firm on this fact, she would never give herself to someone of such ill-repute.

Before the lioness had time to regain herself from her laughter a large figure appeared overhead, looming over the pair like a demon in mid-flight. Twelve eyes watched the two as the creature moved closer, speaking in a tone that was reminiscent of a snake.

"I've been looking for you."

"Xibalba." Maya nodded as she gazed up at the floating Goddess. "-and here you've found me, like I promised."

When a shadow loomed above, Kristanf found himself gawking up.

His eyes widened as he felt himself rising to a standing position. What the ******** was that? Xibalba? Did Maya just greet this creature as if she were some sort of friend? "What the hell?" Kris said, gaping at the floating goddess. "You know of this creature?"

It was clear now Kristanf had never seen a deity before. It would be the only explanation as to his current (slightly freaked out) position. He knew gods existed, but never would he dare think he'd see one in his lifetime.

And this one? What was she a goddess of? (She was a goddess...right?) Surely not one of the few domains the pride believed the blood ran through their veins.

"Explanation." He stated towards Maya, not daring to leave his gaze from the divine.

The Goddess snarled at the lion that sat beside her sister, flashing large fangs as she spoke again, leaving no time for Maya to explain. "Silence." This had nothing to do with some random male. Wait. A male? Xibalba found herself frowning deeper than before as she lowered her large figure to the ground, settling in front of the pair. "Who is this, Maya?" She quested with wide eyes, all twelve of them locked on his figure. The eyes on her face were slightly covered by her long mane, still, he could make them out if he looked close enough. Something about the Goddess made him feel stiff, was it an aura?

"Xibalba, it's fine. He was just collecting his belongings." As Maya spoke she chuckled and stood fearless in the face of the divine.

"This is my sister-" the burned female added with a firm nod and flick of the tail. "-Careful, she bites." Maya was teasing, mostly, if he took to talking down to her Xibalba would surly put him in the ground.

As the two mortals spoke the Goddess glared, snarling softly under her breath. "Did you gets the new you needed?"

"I did. She lives." Maya nodded as her eyes trailed back to Kris, who was standing very still. "-This lion made sure I found the answers I came looking for." Upon the agreement they made over the prize she brought back from war.

Even if Kristanf wanted to, he found himself unable to move. What the? His eyes widened before narrowing, as his ear flickered towards May was she spoke.

How was she so...calm?

Sister? "Explains it." He muttered. "Even more so, you are of divine blood?" His neck craned to stare at Maya. She surely didn't look it from her appearance. "You are becoming more and more of an interesting being." Still, the male didn't like the snarling goddess before him. He watched his words, as he glanced towards her red eyes.

He wanted to move, and willed himself, but still found himself unable. He coughed slightly. He helped this goddess's sister, so whatever spell she had him under she could release him from at any time.

The lion waited, impatiently, not daring to speak to the goddess who wanted him silent.

"Leave him be." Maya sighed as she turned her shoulder to her sibling. "I am too tired to deal with your jealousy."

"I am not jealous, I worry, it is my right as your elder." The Goddess moved to stand closer to Maya, yet Maya just removed herself further, standing now behind the red-maned lion as she walked circles around him, speaking to the Goddess before them.

"I have called this place my home, you no longer have to watch over me."

"That will not change." Xibalba snarled. "You are my kin, my blood, we are bound you and I."

"Even so-" Maya found herself glancing back at the sea. "This place will be mine now, you can not carry the weight of sins with you for always, sister. Let me be here, visit as much as you need, but let me go." The lioness's tone shifted firmly as she stopped dead in her tracks. "I have your feather, I will call on you, I swear it."

The Goddess didn't like this one bit, nothing about Maya seemed natural, normally the female was riddled with anger that was un matched by many, so why now had things changed? Her wings lifted as the Goddess took to the sky once more.

"I will be back in a fortnight-" Xibalba warned. "-Will you receive me?"

"I will." Maya nodded in agreement before the Goddess took off into the sky. As soon as she was out of sight Kris would be able to move freely once again.

Once the red glow of the multiple eyes was out of sight, Kristanf found whatever bind he was in dissipate. He almost stumbled on the release, as he gave a side-eye towards Maya.

Did she just...get rid of the goddess with words? What sort of sorcery did this divine blood have else on her. Something was pulling the male towards her, and he wasn't sure if he liked it out not. Intrigue? Wonderment? Who knew.

"..." Kristanf remained silent until a few more minutes passed. It was as if was contemplating if that really just happened or not.

Clutching the pouch in his paw, the male shifted on his feet. "I don't even want to know what just happened." He found himself saying, shaking his head. "You can visit this place whenever." A first for Kristanf. He was offering to share his secluded spot with the female. Perhaps he wanted to learn more about her, or perhaps he wanted to keep tabs on that goddess whom she called sister. Whatever the reason, it was only known to the red haired male.

He bobbed his head in goodbye, leaving the beach with his mind reeling.