How Matches Work In WWFG

Before you have a match:

-Post an up-to-date character profile in the Character Profiles subforum.
-Request a match in the roll call.

Character profile are important because it gives everyone in the guild an idea of how to react and promo against you.

If you don't request a match, you won't get one!

Before the match begins, you might want to post an entrance for your character. Entrances are another way to give everyone a feel for your character.

With the match officially starting, now is the time to show-off your wrestling knowledge and character writing skills! The idea is to make the matches as entertaining as possible for the reader and yourselves! Putting on exciting matches will help you on your quest to championship glory!

An active match usually has at least one post from each participant a day, if you can do that, it's a good start. Remember that there is a two day auto-hit rule in place and then a three day auto-win rule in place in order to keep matches going.

There is no God-Modding in WWFG. All this means is that you attempt a move so that your opponent can decide on whether to take it or counter it. There is also no Defencive-Modding in WWFG, which means that you never take a hit. That kind of match isn't any fun for your opponent, unless they agreed to it. If you want to have a jobber match, you can sort that out yourself!

God-Modding=Cartwright kicks Salem Croft in the balls happily, often and without regret.

Should read as:
Cartwright attempts to kick Salem Croft in the balls happily, often and without regret.

Defencive-Modding=Cartwright avoids the moonsault....Cartwright escapes from the piledriver....Cartwright no-sells the sharpshooter....a match like this!

I recommend two-three counters a match as a way of pacing the match.

Who Should Win The Match?
If you can't decide between yourselves, you can ask the GM for their opinion. If the show that your match is on ends due to time, WWFG will use its patented Match Judgement System to decide the winner. Whoever gets the most points wins!