Name: Popry
Age: 76 What a rude question!
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Asexual ???romantic
Weyr: Other (Travels)
Rider Rank:
Previous Rank/Craft: N/A
Physical Description: A whip of a woman, Popry has fair skin, rosy cheeks, brown hair that she keeps up and tight, and shrewd blue eyes. She exudes a feminine aura that seems to defy age, though if one looked closely enough they could find the wrinkles. One would never find her wearing anything less than fashionable but prudent clothes.
Personality: Her decorum carries into everything she does
Positive Trait List Clever, motherly, no-nonsense
Negative Trait List A little narcissistic, stern, stoic when it comes to personal matters

Name: Gwyneth
Age: 51
Color: Green
Size: 18'
Physical Description: In the prime of her life, Gwyneth is much like her rider in that she's a string of a dragon, svelte and graceful on both air and land. She may bruise easily, but that's assuming she's so incompetent as to be hit in the first place. After all, a proper lady always walks with the carriage of a royal, striking a balance of delicate and confident.
Personality: Gwyneth's nursing urge hasn't diminished with age: she will herd children, flits, whers, adult dragons, and even house plants if they look in need of love. Soft as velvet and small as a green can be, she is gentle and genteel incarnate, able to almost dance between objects of attention without being touched, courteous as the most trained lady holder, and doting without being too overbearing. While Popry can be severe, the green is the patient mother waiting with open wings should a youngling need.

But Gwyneth is also racked by a pervasive sadness she can't name. Perhaps it's that her greatest regret is never being able to have eggs herself to mother. Perhaps it's her rider's penchant for never staying in one place too long to settle roots. Perhaps it is because with Thread's return, so many she has known has died, and yet here she remains. It's completely unfair, but what can one do but continue to live in their stead? Sometimes Popry has to all but kick her to get her up when she grows listless and doubtful of the future as she's easily discouraged should trouble arise.

Those who can push past her fragile outer layer, though, will find a small but present sun, if only for them alone. She loves stories especially, and to tell her a good one is to be intimate in her eyes. The only thing to ever bring the red out in her eyes is to see children treated poorly or absolute rudeness, though even then Gwyneth has yet to actually snap at anyone.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: User Image