Nyrida was always busy. Between candidate lessons, mandatory chores, and her craftwork, she had little time to herself. Little time to socialize, little time to try to meet people. Then again, on the rare day that she got a substantial break, she'd spend it alone, in her room, reading. Not today.

After finishing the day's chores, she swung by the kitchens and grabbed a meal to bring with her. Nothing fancy, just some fruit and a few strips of dried meat. She made sure to bring enough for two people--possibly even three.

Tired as she was, she made her way down to the Weyrbowl. A little picnic would be nice...wouldn't it? And surely, if someone passed by, she could invite them over, offer some of her fruit? It felt a little contrived, but in theory, it could result in some of the friendship she missed so dearly. Maybe it would help with her feeling of isolation to make friends, even if it was in a silly way.

People walked by, and as they did, Nyrida's perfect posture began to slump. What was she going to do--ask some stranger to take time out of their busy day to spend with her? And for what, to do what? Was it even worth the trouble? Surely, no one would say yes, even if she did ask.

But no. She wouldn't fall to self-depreciation, to hopelessness. To the next person to near her little picnic, spread out on a blanket, she waved, gesturing for the man to come closer. She didn't recognize R'elien, but she had no reason to be more wary than usual. Nyrida maintained a polite smile, wondering what kind of impression she made on people, these days, as she waited for the man to approach.
