
Wrestler Name= Kody Gordert

Nickname= Kodiak, Barbwire Knight

Gender= Male

Sexuality= Straight

Height= 6'

Weight class= Light heavyweight-200 lbs

Race= White

Nationality= American

Style= Spot Monkey, MMA, and high flying

Face Gimmick= Kleptomaniac/Barbwire Knight

Heel Gimmick= Kleptomaniac/Mercenary

Entrance Music= "Bloody Nose" by Hollywood Undead

Born= 10/28/1986

Commonly Used Moves=
-Bulldozer-this move has a wrestler puts a Three-quarter facelock on the opponent and runs up a vertical surface, usually the corner turnbuckles, and jumps backwards, performing a backflip in the air, and landing face down to the mat, driving the opponent back-first down to the mat

-Kodiak Driver-Iconoclasm from an electric chair position

-KG-Cut-throat inverted Death Valley driver

-Barbwire Trap- Single Leg Boston Crab

-Welcome to Midland- Brain Buster off the top rope

Slurpee Drain: Jumping off top turnbuckle going for front flip leg drop

-Kodiak Plunge: this move is performed when a wrestler (facing backwards to the ring from the top turnbuckle) jumps, turns 180° and performs a 450° splash

-Honey Trap- Elevated Boston crab with a knee .

User Image

Tag Teams and Stables=
The Marines= The Creeker and Kodiak and Tank
The Lancers= The Creeker and Kodiak

Championships Held=
AWF World Heavyweight champion

CWO2 Hardcore champion (102 days)(Off Gaia)

CWO2 King of the Mountain(50 days)(Off Gaia)

CWO2 Tag Team Champions (The Lancers)(120 days)(Off Gaia)

DCW Lightweight Championship

EEW X-Treme Champion

EEW Tag team champions (The Marines)

EEWS Tag team champions (The Marines)

EWA Tag Team Champions (The Marines)

EWA Turmoil Tag Team Champions (The Marines)

EWA World Championship

EWA Vanguard Championship

EWA Cosmic States Champion

GWE Cruiserweight champion

NGW World Champion

NWWE Light heavyweight champion

PHCW tag team champions (W/Creeker)

TEW World Heavyweight Champion

2x TEW United Stated Champion(Off Gaia)

TEW Tag team Champion(off Gaia)

WWE Intercontinental Champion(Off Gaia)

Other Awards and Achievements=
Raising Star of 2009-TEW
Kodiak verse Matt Shananhon

Other Roles=Manager and GM

Orlando Ocean (Formally Known as Shredder)- Cousin
Creeker- Younger brother of Orlando and cousin of Kody
Brit Sliver-York-Wife
Bouldly- Pet Box Turtle
Mr. Rivers- Evil adopted father

K.J. Newfoundland- A Friend of the "family"

Matt Shannon

Personal=Smoke=o, drink=15%, drugs=45%, steroids=0, have law problems=35% or religious=0%

Personality=Humble, Generous, Compassionate, Optimistic,Manipulative, Dependable, Social, Loyal, Bold, Driven

Performance=Brawling-58%, Puroresu-80, Hardcore-95%, Aerial-90%, Flashiness-80%, Mat Work-75%, Chain Wrestling-79%, Submissions-85%, Microphone-79%, Charisma-85%, Acting-86%, Announcing-65%, Athleticism-87%, Toughness-83%, Stamina-89%, Power-76%, Basics-97%, Psychology-73%, Safety-99%, Consistency-93%, Selling-85%, Respect-89%, Reputation-79%, Sex Appeal-79%, Star Quality-80%, Menace-57%, Intensity-91%, Stiffness-77%, Resilience-86%, Refereeing-45% and MMA Style-97%

music:"Bloody Nose" By Hollywood Undead

Enterance Description:

Fist raised, you could cause a reaction
Ain't nobody gonna ******** with me (******** with me)
I can tell by the way that you're acting
And we could both agree

I never felt so low
But I love the way I look, yeah
With this bloody nose
Look how many hits it took ya'

"Bloody Nose" by Hollywood Undead roars through the P.A. system. Kodiak walks out of the back wearing white bandanna covering his nose and mouth, sleeveless black t-shirt with 'Defend The Den' in white on the front, black shorts with a white strip going down both sides of it, and blue shoes. Kody walks down the ramp giving high fives to fans.

Kody slides head first into the ring and bounces off the ropes to get ready for the match at hand. Kodiak takes of the bandanna and the shirt giving them to a ring aid as his opponent shows up

Matches 2019 and beyond:

Harli defeats Kodiak via pin fall
Kodiak defeats Ardomis via Submission to win EWA Cosmic States Championship!

Bad Boy defeats Kodiak by judge's decision
Kodiak defeats Luca Leone

Kodiak defeats Miss E by pin fall