xxBrookxxxRebecca Olivia OakleyxxxKnappxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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NICKNAMES Rook, or any of the middle names and variations therein

GENDER female

FACECLAIM Abigail Breslin

AGE 17 Years old

BIRTHDAY February 14, 2034


SEXUAL ORIENTATION Probably Bi, but in love with GusGus

WAND Birchwood with a phoenix tail feather, that is flexible and best with potions. It is 14 inches in length with Mahogany staining and fairly smooth and bark-like markings.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


HOUSE Ravenclaw

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Herbology ~ P
History of Magic ~ P
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ EE
Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
Healing ~ T
Music ~ T
Mythology ~ A
Wandless Magic ~ EE

Astronomy ~ E
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ E

Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
Mythology ~ A

DREAM JOB Taste Tester, allowing one to eat all the time.

CURRENT JOB Unemployed


Easily Distracted Very often Brook will get distracted, and not finish what it is she started. This is from having an older brother, who always wanted to get the work finished, so she just let him do it, there were other things she could be doing.
Sympathetic and caring Brook feels deeply for those around her, she may not understand, but she wants to care for those hurting. She genuinely cares for everyone and everything.
Friendly Brook will reach out to anyone and try to befriend them, human, animal, cupcake?
Obsessive Brook is known to obsess over things. Particularly, her over indulgent obsessiveness with food. She's also been known to obsess in smaller matters, such as not telling secrets, and not leaving people out of the loop if possible
Observant Brook pays attention to the finer details of things. whether it be food, potions, or work.
Intelligent While Brook is easily distracted, due to her observing things, she has become fairly intelligent for her age. She has random bits of knowledge, that make her seem more knowledgeable on certain subjects than she should.

■ Most Small Animals
■ Meteorology
■ Bagpipes
■ Evening Time
■ Running
■ Theatre

■ People who hum
■ disarrangement of items
■ history
■ crowds
■ Sculpting

■ Patience: Brook is easily distracted, but she's patient with other people, being sure to help them if they need it.
■ Music: Specifically, being able to find what pitch someone is singing or playing (perfect Pitch)

■ Food: Brook will eat anything and everything, even if it happens to be poisonous... or not meant for human consumption
■ Trusting: Brook is quick to trust someone, and will just go with it if they tell her anything, she will believe it.

■ Rain
■ Cats


EARLY CHILDHOOD Brook was born to the Knapp family, and grew up with her older brother. While he wanted to finish everything, she could care less if it got done, this lead her to her lifestyle, caring, while also not being that excited to finish anything. However, growing up with a brother was smothering. Often she would go outside in the evenings, and see the evening sky, and try to figure out what the weather was doing. However, she always worried it would start to rain, for some reason she was terrified of the rain. As an 8 year old, she still hadn't shown any signs of magic, and she worried that she would be the first of her family not to go to Hogwarts, she didn't know what would happen with her schooling, and hoped within the next few years she would show magic or be able to learn it in Hogwarts.

She became quick friends with her neighbor, Rhea, who was very encouraging of their friendship. The two spent every afternoon together, to the point where they became close to sisters. They would enter each other's homes without prior consent, and that was fine with the parents. The two girls were happy. One day, a new girl, Aidene, moved into Godrics Hollow Brook befriended her and hadn't realized that the girl was a witch as well. Brook and Aidene spent the entire year and summer trying to hide from each other that they were from magic families.

Following her 11th birthday Brook received her letter for Hogwarts, she was in shock. She had never shown signs of magic, as far as she was aware, she didn't even have accidental magic! How was she eligible to go to Hogwarts? She was excited for when she would be in Hogwarts, and be able to spend time with Rhea... except... now Aidene would be left alone without any friends in Godrics Hollow.... it was a sacrifice that had to be made, magic had to be learned. (Her mother had known that Brook was magic, she could see the way Brook would accidentally stir up the animals, with out of nowhere wind, or a bush rustling when it shouldn't have, when she couldn't find them)

FIRST YEAROpon getting to the Platform, Brook saw Aidene, and realized... HER TWO BEST FRIENDS WERE WITCHES TOO. This was the best outcome. It was also pretty nice when Aidene and herself were put in the same house, even though they didn't get to see Rhea as much. Brook became the one with snacks all the time, taking care of her friends that didn't eat properly, before they fell off a broom and died or something. It took a while to find the kitchens, but once that was done, Aidene started bringing Brook tasty treats. It was heavenly.

Oh, and not to forget, Brook auditioned for the Ravenclaw quidditch team and made it as a reserve chaser. She had to do something to keep her busy.

SECOND YEAR Brook continued with her classes by day, and quidditch tryouts by night. She made the Ravenclaw Quidditch team as the Chaser! She made a new friend in Gus, a fellow student who cooked a lot. She also started joining several new clubs, following in Aidene's tracks (or rather following her snacks).

THIRD YEAR Brook hated classes, loved eating, and was thrilled by her club choices. She excitedly went all out when she could, but also slacked sometimes, stuff happened. Of course, she tried to make new friends at the start of the year, not that it worked, but it's fine. Boys. Boys were everywhere in Hogwarts, and Brook desperately wanted one to be hers. Unfortunately, all she had was Gus, her brother, and anyone that was already taken. Oh well, there were better things in life (food).

FOURTH YEAR Brook asked herself often "How did I get here?" She was not only the cooking club captain, but also the fencing captain. How did this happen? She was not old enough to be in charge of things! Except, well, maybe she was. This would be a good thing. She accepted her new leadership roles, along with her Quidditch Chasing, and went on with life. It made for a busy year, but hey there was always some extra time to obsess over some cute girls, especially Aidene.

FIFTH YEAR Brook didn't enjoy her fifth year. Her house burned down, her brother was killed, and Aidene was dating someone that was not Brook. On top of that, she had her OWLs, which she did horribly at, or just, didn't show up. What was the point of studying in a class of healing when not even healing saved her brother? No, she would prioritize differently now. She dropped her bagpipes, her main ones were gone anyways. She continued playing cello though, using the school instruments. She was ready for the year to be over, it was probably the worst.

SIXTH YEAR Brook realized she couldn't slack on her studies. She stepped her her game, and dove into a self study with healing, particularly over things that could affect GusGus. She wanted to be able to help him, she may even... like him as more than a friend. Eventually, it was too much. She decided she would just. tell him. And he liked her still! The two began dating soon after winter break, and Brook was in love with it, and in love with him <3 She studied harder, and made up her slack from fifth year.

SEVENTH YEAR Life was great when you were in love. Brook pressed through her work for NEWT classes. Played her final year of quidditch, passed off fencing and cooking. Life was good. She had done it, she had passed through Hogwarts and kind of grown up a bit. Now, she only had to face the tough choices of what she would do with the rest of her life.


UPDATED 1/25/21

■ Backstory for 7th year, NEWT Scores added, career of unemployed, etc.

PENDED BY Weasley 3/31/19
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [5/10/2019]
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