Michael Cole: "Welcome everyone to WWFG Interviews where we delve deep into the minds of our guest to learn and understand what makes them tick! With me today is a man who has made an impressive return to wrestling after being away for many years. Kody Gordert, thank you for joining me here today. Could you tell us what made you leave wrestling and what it was that made you return?!"

Gordert: "Why I left wrestling? The sport that I loved evolved into a disgusting monster of egos and whining. Nobody cared for the product that was out there in the ring anymore. They only cared about branding themselves as the next big thing no matter who they had to crush to get ahead in the business. Everyone was walking egg shells because they didn’t know who going through them under the bus next.

So, I got fed up and left because the stress wasn’t worth the headaches. Last six years oh so, have been so peaceful and wonderful. But you know nothing is forever."

Michael Cole: "Now that you are here in the WWFG you must see that times have changed and that has got the fire burning inside you again?!"

Gordert: "Every year I got an offer from different federations to come over to compete but, I was still bitter and when I look into those federations. They were still a nuclear wasteland but, slowly especially last year everything began to clear up. Wrestlers finally getting their heads out of their a** and found out that it takes tribe to run a federation not a single person or a group. One of my former archenemies sent me a video about the best of WWFG and simply asked ‘Are you ready or are you still a little b***h?’

I looked at the talent that was being formed here. I was like this place and seem like it’s is going somewhere. If I’m coming back. I’m not going wade from the shallow end into the deep end. No sir, I’m going cannonball into the deep end!"

Michael Cole: "A brave move for someone who has been away for six years! You debuted against the 2019 King Of The Canvas Bad Boy, showing little signs of ring rust. On the same night you asked to participate in the Wrestlemania tradition that is the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. That is certainly deep end thinking! Based on your performance against Bad Boy, do you think that you can become Mr. Money In The Bank?!"

Gordert: "My match against Bad Boy was a good measuring stick on how well I’m going to stack up against the best of best here in WWFG. I did lose but, I took him to limit and nearly beat him without having a match in six years. I should be the front runner for The Money in The Bank because it’s a ladder match. I know my way around a ladder or two. The ladder may given but, it can quickly take away if you not careful. I was raised in the way of extreme and don’t mind throwing my body off ridiculous heights to cause even more carnage. It also nice having the special perk in my back pocket after I beat Luca at Octane #16."

Michael Cole: "The fans have been wondering what this special perk could be but WWFG Management is determined to keep everyone waiting until Wrestlemania to reveal what it is. What kind of perk can you imagine would be particularly helpful for you in a Ladder Match setting?!"

Gordert: "That’s a good question, Cole. I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what the perk could be. Could it be that I’m allowed to use a regular size ladder and the others have to use smaller ladder like a couple of steps smaller. So, instead of unhooking the case with ease with a normal ladder. They have to jump and hang onto case as trying to unhook the case. Another perk I thought it could happen is like the others have to wear weighted wrist bans so, it more difficult for them raise their hands over their head. But we have to find out at WrestleMania to find out because they’re not going give out the big of a detail before a major match."

Michael Cole: "After the thrashing that you gave Luca Leone to earn the perk, that must have boosted your confidence tremendously. What do you think of your other opponents in the match, White Tiger and Miss E?!"

Gordert: "People may think White Tiger is the biggest threat in our match but, that’s were they’re wrong. Because White Tiger is more known for submission and ground and pound style of wrestling. Ladders and him don’t mix because I got a feeling like any cat I know. They don’t like being pick it off ground because they feel variable up in the air. Reason why Miss E is the true wildcard because she small and agile like a puma. Biggest thing is she forgettable. She may fly under the radar until the last second and then climb up to win The Money In The Bank match. I for one will not forget her because I will not lose. I will win The Money In The Bank match and then challenge WWFG World Heavyweight Champion!"

Michael Cole: "Speaking of the WWFG World Heavyweight Champion, Drako Damone will be defending against Bad Boy in the Main Event of Wrestlemania. I'm sure that you will be watching the match with great interest, especially if you can become Mr. Money In The Bank!"

Gordert: "Who ever walks out WrestleMania with the belt will have to be careful because I won’t be announcing when I’m cashing in because It’s for the WWFG World Heavyweight championship belt. You will do anything to win even if the Champion isn’t 100 percent. True fighting Champion would take on anyone no matter their condition!"

Michael Cole: "Keep the champion guessing as to when you're going to strike! We have time for one last question. Your friend The Creeker recently made his WWFG debut not long after you did...I think you know what everyone is thinking!"

Gordert: "I heard the rumors that began circling around the internet as soon Creeker sign up with WWFG. Are The Marines reuniting under the WWFG banner? Hell yeah, we are! Creeker was coming over before I throw my hat into Money In The Bank Match. But the question is when because when I become Mr. Money In The Bank. What will happen to The Marines? Nothing, they’re here in WWFG. I want my brother -in-arms defending my six in this hostile zone. Because it doesn’t hurt having people you can trust in this day and age."

Michael Cole: "That is fantastic news for our fans! We will all look forward to the seeing The Marines in a WWFG ring for the first time! On that note, I shall let you go. Thanks for joining me!"