Name: Carran
Age: 20
Nameday: YYYY.MM.DD
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Harper
Rank: Journeyman
Location: Nabol Hold
Physical Description:
Height: 183 cm (6’0″)

Personality: At Carran’s surface, he is flagrantly warm and encouraging and just about always in good spirits. Whether it’s purposeful or just his nature, some people love it, some people can’t stand it. He can come off as nagging, annoying or air-headed, and can absolutely be pushy about wanting everyone else to see that silver lining, too. That isn’t to say nothing ever goes wrong for him—indeed, though he had a very comfortable and mostly-painless life growing up, some legitimate troubles did come to him as a young adult. It’s still a bit of a shock to him, and he tends to repress anything negative, perhaps in hopes it’ll eventually go away. Sometimes, after his private thoughts have marinated a good while, he’ll succumb to them, usually in the form of a sick stomach and fever that lasts a day or two… but he’ll be scorched if he ever actually talks about it.

He comes from a bloodline known for a certain brand of good looks, but seems to be blissfully unaware of it. Yes, he has definitely kissed a few ladies in his time, but he’s never been in line to inherit any holdings and never been pushed to be attractive in pursuit of favor, politics or a profitable marriage. Lucky him, unlike most of his family he’s allowed to decide what he wants for himself. He is, however, very interested in fashion and loves to collect and wear well-made or unique clothing.

That particular passion is part of the problem he has with marks, as far as keeping them in his pocket. His parents are elderly and have already secured their fortune. They’ve always been very open-handed with their “miracle child,” and he in turn with himself and everyone else around him, often making unnecessary purchases or large donations on a whim. Essentially, he has never learned the true value of a mark, and spends them as if they come in an infinite supply—which he will someday (and probably sooner than later) be surprised to learn is not the case.

Unlike his nephews from Rusadh, Carran never really learned swordplay. He knows the basics and could probably take on a petty thief, but otherwise has little skill or talent with a blade. Give him a bow and you won’t go wrong. Archery and other projectile-type offenses are definitely his strong point.

He’s a big eater and especially loves spicy food, to the point where most people would be sweating profusely and beginning to believe death is close at hand. He dislikes sweets unless the sweetness is very subtle, or else they make him feel a bit ill.

Positive Trait List Supportive, optimistic, generous, humble
Negative Trait List Short-sighted, naive, spendthrift

History: Donarmo and Carrphine of Talmere Hold were in their late eighties and fairly wealthy after a lifetime of careful investments and business ventures. They’d already seen their children grow up and move on to lead their own lives, and were enjoying the blessings of young grandchildren. When a baby of their own arrived during those blissful turns—well, he was quite the surprise, to say the least.

Carran was the infant brother of Dusiph, lord of Rusadh Hold, and Emori of green Inannath, who was part of a traveling caravan of entertainers (currently wingriders of High Reaches Weyr). He grew up with his nephews; Dusiph’s sons Karone, Karou, and their three brothers; and Emori’s son Lenix, though due to Emori’s undesirable status as a dragonrider, his familial connection was kept a secret from the boys and Len was raised as a servant.

When Thread returned, Carran and his parents survived, but Talmere was destroyed, as was Dusiph's hold—along with the lord's entire family. With neither hold nor family left to go to, they followed Donarmo's friends and business connections, many of which were already in or had relocated to Nabol when their own lands had been destroyed.

While getting used to this new home,

Karou, one of his nephews who was thought to be among the dead, showed up in Nabol one day with a young lady named Yunara (a darling flower, you’d better be taking good care of her, “little” nephew!) in their search for living relatives. Carran and his parents was the first he’d actually found, though he'd heard talk that his father Dusiph was alive and at Healer Hall. He later sent word from the hall that Dusiph was alive, but would be in no condition to return home for some time.
