Crimson eyes watched the enormous, marbled clouds as they crawled across the sky. The rain had passed, leaving the earth soft in its wake - and muddy. His disdain was evident in his scowl; however, Ashura knew there was very little that could rectify this situation. Even if he were to bathe, the filth would find him again quickly. No, the best he could do was to find more solid ground, and wait for the world to dry, all while making his best attempts to stay clean.

    Instinctively, he came to an abrupt halt when he detected a flash of movement in the long grass. 'Rabbit,' he concluded. Very few creatures moved at that speed at the first sign of danger, and he was quite accustomed to this particular chase. Unlike many skinwalkers, Ashura did not eat other Soquili. He tried it once after one of his kills, finding that he disliked the taste. Maybe this was the result of being fed other meat his entire life, though he did not linger on the thought for long. Had he done so, he would lose the rabbit - and he was very fond of rabbit.

    Thankfully, he had been roaming through the land in his feral form, clothes neatly wrapped around his blade and the bundle carried by his many tails. Having lost the element of surprise, he sprinted after his prey. Its mistake was taking a downhill route, for he had the advantage of momentum. He ensnared the rabbit in his jaws, and death was quick. He rarely idly toyed with his prey; he had better ways to spend his time.

    Satisfied with both the kill and the cleanliness of it, he began to eat, ears attentive to his surroundings. The last thing he would allow to happen would be to let someone catch him off guard while he was enjoying his food.

    ► Word Count | 311