

          NICKNAMES Kerry, Starfish


          FACECLAIM Elle Fanning [x] Rose Reynolds

          AGE 12

          BIRTHDAY February 21, 2034

          BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

          SEXUAL ORIENTATION Gay (Currently Unaware)

          LANGUAGES SPOKE English, Welsh

          9 ¾ inch wand made of Applewood, with Fairy Wing core, surprisingly springy

      xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

          ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

          YEAR Second

          HOUSE Hufflepuff

          DREAM JOB Detective

          O.W.L. SCORES
          Astronomy ~
          Charms ~
          Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
          Herbology ~
          History of Magic ~
          Potions ~
          Transfiguration ~
          Elective ~

          N.E.W.T. SCORES
          Astronomy ~
          Charms ~
          Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
          Herbology ~
          History of Magic ~
          Potions ~
          Transfiguration ~
          Elective ~


          ADVENTUROUS Kerry love adventure, whether in real life or in books. She's active and enjoys hiking, climbing, swimming... anything that can lead to an adventure.
          FRIENDLY An understatement, to be truthful. She will talk to anyone and anything, from random people on the streets, to animals, to your common house plant. And she's exceptionally good at making friends.
          TALKATIVE On the talking note, she's very good at it. Talking about anything, really. Give her a subject and she can talk on it for hours, even if she doesn't know much about the topic. But don't get her wrong, she also loves conversation.
          GOOFY Whether it's silly faces or wacky walks, Kerry is easily described as goofy. She's bound to make even the gloomiest person smirk, and the less gloomy laugh. Sometimes it's intentional and sometimes it's just her nature.
          TRUSTING Another good descriptor would be gullible, and this is definitely to a fault. Now, she's not dumb, so if you told her the sky was green, she wouldn't believe you. But if you told her there were sweets hidden under the Devil's Snare, she might go crawling around to look for them.
          DEVOTED Definitely a friend through thick and thin, once you earn Kerry's trust and love, she will follow you to the ends of the Earth. Always ready to stand up for a friend or help out one in need, Kerry is the best kind of friend to have.

            ■ Reading (esp Nancy Drew and Alive in Wonderland)
            ■ Making friends
            ■ Food
            ■ Parties
            ■ Sailing
            ■ The Ocean

            ■ Thunderstorms
            ■ Crocodiles (Most lizards too)
            ■ Cruelty
            ■ Nightmares
            ■ Quiet

            ■ Forming friendships
            ■ Anything outdoors

            ■ Remaining quiet
            ■ Concentrating

            ■ Thunderstorms


          EARLY CHILDHOOD Ceridwen is the child of Morgan and Elain Yarwood, born in bustling Swansea, though she was raised in sleepy Caswell just outside the city. Her father is a pureblood wizard of the Welsh Yarwood family and her mother was a Muggleborn witch, also of Welsh descent. They met on the water by accident, and though their age difference, they had immediately fallen in love. Ceridwen was born six months after their wedding, in a Muggle hospital at the behest of her mother. They brought her to the small, but modest Yarwood family in Caswell and determined to raise her knowing both Muggle and Magical worlds. And because both Morgan and Elain loved the ocean, she would grow up knowing the waters as a friend.

          Even at a young age, Kerry grasped all things water related. She was an avid swimmer, a skilled sailor and a decent fisherman. She also enjoyed hiking the trails around her rocky shoreline and chasing the family dogs around their yard. However, tragedy would soon strike the family. One day while sailing off the coast, a thunderstorm crept up on the boat. Whipping waves and stinging winds battered the boat as they struggled to bring her back to shore. A powerful wave upturned the boat and cast the three into the dangerous waters. Morgan was able to find Kerry and secure her, but Elain disappeared into the waters and was lost at sea. Morgan desperately searched for her to no avail. The two were rescued the next day, clinging to a board from the battered ship. It was the last time Morgan left the house without his wand and the last time Kerry sailed for more than a year. She was six when she lost her mother.

          The experience made Ceridwen forever terrified of thunderstorms and even the sound of thunder is enough to send her into a panic. For more than a year, Kerry avoided the ocean and remained inside. This was how she developed her love for books, reading everything that her father had in their library. Hoping to bring her out of her sorrow, her father invested in more books, which Kerry consumed with a hungry passion. She became invested in the detective work of Nancy Drew and owns the entire collection of books as well as the far away world of Wonderland, where anything is possible. Eventually, she forgave the ocean for taking her mother away and returned to her favorite hobbies of swimming and sailing. When she received her Hogwarts letter, she was excited, but the potential of having to leave her father alone stung her sense of duty, something her father secretly cherished, but openly stated was unnecessary.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Kerry was very excited for the start of the new school year and enjoyed the boat ride very much. The friend she'd met at Diagon, Lavinia, was sorted into Ravenclaw while she was sorted into Hufflepuff, but Kerry could live with that. She made lots of friends among her class as well as friends from other years.
              SECOND YEAR (what happened your character's second year of school; this section will be added in after their second year is completed)
              THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
              FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
              FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
              SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
              SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)

          POST GRADUATION (What happens after graduation)


          FAMILY Morgan Yarwood (Father); Elain Yarwood (Mother)
          FRIENDS Lavinia Gismondi
          BEST FRIENDS (None yet)
          ROMANTIC INTEREST (None yet)
          PETS Blodwen (F), Cadoc (M), Meredith (F) (Corgis); Gwen (Snowy Owl)

          ACQUAINTANCES (None Yet)
          ENEMIES (None Yet)

UPDATED 02/27/19

■ 07/06/19
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY Weasley 4/6/19
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [5/10/2019]