Name: Kitsuna Vulpes
Age: Appears 22
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 120lbs
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Black (white in pure/fox form)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality: Kind, caring and a very loving person, she would gladly put her life on the line for anyone she calls a friend. She's stubborn and tough but has a very playful side as well.
Bio: She was abandoned as a baby and raised by humans. She grew up in the country, away from society. Due to her indifference, she never made any friends so she never went to school. Instead she was usually helping her father in the fields or helping her mother clean the house and cook. As she grew older, she started changing, at the age of five, her fangs started to come in. At ten, her tail and ears. She thought she was a freak, but her parents always thought she was special and made sure she felt loved.
Likes: Nature. Sunsets, Playing chase, Running, Climbing trees, Cats, Playing tricks, Humans, and Meeting new people.
Dislikes: Baths, Lycans, Morning, Being Caged in, Being Alone, Other Kitsune, Large Cities, and Hurting people.
Note/other: She changes to Fox Form when she's sick or weak, and changes into her Pure From when her life is in danger
Charms: White Dove, Shield, Sheet of Music, and Bone
Collar: Purple
Owner: N/A
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