
NICKNAMES Zuzu, Zu, Addy, 'Dene (gamertag: Zuzura or FairyFireship)
AGE 18
BIRTHDAY July 28th, 2034-- Leo
LANGUAGES English, random phrases in Irish Gaelic and sign language. Chinese food words. A few Russian curse words.

WAND Cherry wood, dragon heartstring, 9 ¾ inches. Surprisingly swishy. Appearance, although in deeper red
PATRONUS hummingbird

DATE TURNED 20 December 2049
POWER Undetermined

FACECLAIM Yulia Lipnitskya but with blue eyes.
HEIGHT 5'4" (163 cm)
WEIGHT 145 lbs (65.8 kg)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREER🥢xxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE Ravenclaw

■ Adventurer's Guild-- captain (7th year)
■ Dueling Club -- duelist, captain (first half of 5th yr, absent second half)
■ Fencing Club
■ Fite Club -- Founder and Captain (yr 3+)

Dropped midway through 5th year
■ Art club
■ Astronomy Club (yr 2- 5, dropped in 6th)
■ Cooking Club
■ Quidditch-- beater (yr 3+), reserve beater (yr 1-3)

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ E
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Herbology ~ P
History of Magic ~ D
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ D

Cursebreaking ~ A
Healing ~ A
Mythology ~ A
Wandless Magic Practice ~ E

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ E
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Potions ~ A

Cursebreaking ~ E
Healing ~ A
Mythology ~ E
Wandless Magic Practice ~ O

Other Electives

Exam thread
Advanced Flying: (year 2/3) Very proficient. Aidene was very comfortable in the air and loved Quidditch prior to her Turning. She couldn't play after, but kept up practice.
Apparation: (year 6/7) Proficient. She doesn't really like it, but can apparate safely.

DREAM JOB Chef or fashion designer
Assistant baker?? Dress designer???


CONFIDENT Aidene has never questioned her ability, and believes her martial arts and magic makes her dangerous. While she's afraid of hurting her friends as a vampire, she also sees it as another advantage to wield. After all, she's already dead. What can people do now? She can be snippy or blunt, but doesn't try to be rude.

IMAGINATIVE Aidene passes the time primarily by creative design: embroidery; designing and making clothes for cloth dolls, then playing scenes out with these dolls; designing and baking, cooking and creating recipes; playing and writing Dungeons and Dragons campaigns; and training and blending her martial arts, fencing, and dueling skills. She's sometimes more rooted in a fantasy world than the real world, and her personality is usually 50% whatever her current project of obsession is.

DISCIPLINED Party due to early cases of early uncontrolled magic, partly because her wand demands strength of mind, and party out of determination not to let her vampiric instincts run wild, Aidene continues to cultivate self-control and discipline. She keeps up with her "combat main" training as much as possible, and keeps very careful record of who and when she has fed off to make sure never to take too much. With so many creative and training projects or ideas going on at a time, she has to exercise quite a lot of self-management to get anything done at all.

FUN LOVING With athletes of all kinds of games in her family, Aidene has a great appreciation for fun, games and sports of all sorts. She talks about life in video game terms-- “EXP”, “levels”, “stats”-- and prefers to treat life as a complicated game she's strategizing for and playing.

AMBITIOUS Aidene tries to be an honor-worthy and friendly player in the game of life, if mostly for childish reasons: she enjoys being praised for being honorable or “a good sport”. While interested in a whole host of things, she sets high expectations for herself. Having a new, potentially immortal lease on life has destroyed some aspirations but also caused her to focus on and raise others.

■ Fights (dueling and martial arts)
■ Designing (and sewing) dresses.
■ Cooking, baking, foodstuffs-- as much as she can do it as a vampire.

■ Video games and DnD
■ Martial arts
■ Kirby
■ Making doll outfits
■ Cemeteries-- they’re peaceful.

■ Short summer nights
■ Figuring out where here blood source is coming from every night.
■ Bikini fashion
■ Mayonnaise. Is disgusting.
■ Being alone

■ Resilient-- “If it doesn’t kill you, it gives you EXP” is a constant phrase in her household.
■ Physically fit— she’s in remarkably good shape and very flexible. Also now bolstered by vampiric strength and speed.

■ Messy— she’ll make cute things, but it seems someone else will always clean up for her.
■ Reckless-- mostly she'll plan, but she also charges into situations without thinking it completely through.

■ Maxing her combat skills
■ Getting revenge on Celestina.

■ Bugs, insects, creepy crawlies
■ Hurting her friends and family due to her vampirism.


Aidene was raised by her father, Martin. Her mother, Celestina, left to skate professionally in Russia when Aidene was three months old and communicated infrequently. Martin got help from Celestina’s stepfather and his sister raising Aidene, and Grandpa Aspen’s home in Scarborough became theirs for a while. There, she felt most comfortable at the art museum, making cute crafts with Grandpa Aspen or running around with Mr. Sawan, her dad’s friend.

Aidene was five before she actually met her mother: Celestina seemed interested that she showed some trace of magic: things flew around when she got excited or electronics heated up faster when she was frustrated or upset. Then one time she burnt a paper she'd folded into an airplane. Maybe that paper was important--Celestina was mad at her for a few days, then vanished again. From then on the only contact was an occasional request for money. Aspen put Aidene in martial arts when she was 7 to help learn control and Aunt Elysia, now playing Quidditch in Ireland, would visit by broom or floo to teach Aidene about magic, which was much more to her liking and level than muggle education or her mother’s attempt at tutoring.

When Aidene was eight, she was invited to fly by plane with the rest of Martin’s team to a tournament in St. Petersburg. Things—drinks, papers, a phone — started flying around when she got too excited, but for once she was able to control her magic, and stop the flying. An adult excused it as “strange cabin pressure phenomena” and they all had a good laugh. The whole encounter boosted her confidence in her magic, and in her own ability to wield it.

After the tournament, the family was surprised to be invited to Celestina’s flat. The conversation seemed civil enough, but even Aidene could tell her mother’s grand notions didn’t match up with her dad’s divorce plans. The argument escalated into a duel between her aunt and mother that ended abruptly when Elysia grabbed them and apparated away. Elysia splinched herself in the process, but seemed okay. The divorce was finalized without word from Celestina, who seemed to vanish again. Aidene herself was a little rattled, but there were other things to look forward to, such as moving to Martin’s childhood home in Godric’s Hollow.

Initially unimpressed with Godric's Hollow, Aidene was very excited to befriend Brook Knapp and Rhea Lane, who lived down the street from her. They would play pretend, share food, and even had a sleepover! After the 2045 Magizoology Festival she also started taking baking lessons from Theo Ellis-Hall, which, aside from magic lessons with Aunt Elysia, were her favorite lessons ever. Under his tutelage, she has been eagerly practicing and less eagerly but very dutifully keeping an organized recipe book.


FIRST YEAR Aidene took to Hogwarts with an energy that surprised even herself: she spent the first two weeks joining as many clubs as she could make meetings for, and trying to make friends. She quickly established a "party" with her usual best friends, Rhea and Brook, and Emma, from her house. While she occasionally sought tutoring from Rhea's Month Boy or his friends Lizzie and Aldrick, most of Aidene's time was spent in the kitchens working on recipes or off doing non-academic projects. Her favorite professor was definitely the badass Professor Cohen, and for much of the year Aidene fangirled over Cohen and considered herself an aspiring initiate of whatever "faction" Cohen led.

🥢SECOND YEAR For the most part though, she spent most her second year engrossed in her extracurriculars, be that making dolls of her closest friends in art club, working on recipes, or, towards the end of the year, reading fiction. Amongst club folks and housemates, she enjoyed particularly spending time with Charlotte, a pretty upperclassman who did art by the lake and always had good conversation.

Over the summer, her mother reappeared suddenly. Her dad was very suspicious, but it seemed Celestina didn't have any ill intents. For the most part, Aidene tolerated her occasional presence as long as it didn't get in the way of their usual routine.

THIRD YEAR Third year added four awesome new classes, a starting role on the Quidditch team, and her very own martial arts club to Aidene's bustling schedule. She even made friends with Talbot over a few random encounters.

Just before Valentine's Day, Aidene finally worked up the courage to ask Charlotte out. She was turned down and devastated for days, moping and weeping. But, thanks to her friends' advice, she was finally able to talk to Charlotte again and just happy to still be friends. Over the rest of the year, their relationship settled back into comfortable friends and Aidene was able to set her romantic feelings aside and cherish their friendship. The entire experience did convince her that she needed more practice flirting though.

🥢FOURTH YEAR Fourth year was a continuation of coursework missions, with a healthy helping of club quests and relationship-building events. She baked a fruit pie for her friend Laurel and Professor Hill after an inspired Quidditch tryouts where she had somehow gotten herself knocked out. Aidene was very surprised Vespera Salazar asked her to the Valentine's Dance, but accepted, had a great time and happily continued a relationship with her. Her studying motivation improved drastically in the last few months thanks to Ves's own diligence, although her club participation and dedication to her hobbies still took precedence.

One Hogsmeade day, she caught Talbot thieving around and joined his party as Distraction. They were doing great until caught by Lore, an "old man who didn't want cake". Thankfully, Lore released the two back to Hogwarts, although they still got detention for being out late.

FIFTH YEAR Getting her homework done before Sundays so she could see Vespera, Rion, and Theo in Hogsmeade became a painful but much-needed lesson in diligence and procrastination. Otherwise, fifth year was a happy but busy blend of projects and training in clubs, studying and practicing in classes. It was shaken when Brook's brother was killed in a fire; Aidene did what she could to help Brook cope, whether it was distracting her with something or just being in the same room to be a comforting presence, but ultimately felt the strain the year had put on their relationship.

Aidene's Grandpa Aspen died while she was en route back for Winter Break. After his funeral, Aidene was attacked by and dueled who turned out to be Celestina, her birth-mother. Aidene lost the duel and Celestina drained her blood and left her for dead before Lore saved her. After a disorienting rest of the break, Aidene returned to Hogwarts for the second semester. She was devastated to give up her clubs and DADA class, but slowly adjusted to a nocturnal life.

🥢SIXTH YEAR After a very disappointing and sleepy summer, Aidene started sixth year more miserable than she wanted to let on. Rhea and Brook were both off, both in general and at each other, and Aidene didn't know what to about anything. She spiraled for a while, withdrawing from her usual social life.

But the longer winter nights meant more time to actually catch her old clubs: Tris convinced her not only to not give up on her Fairy Forest campaign, but even offered her the Adventurer's Guild club captainship, which Aidene finally agreed to. She also started to go flying around campus with Professor Whitethorne and met Lore's son, Professor Deadman.

Over Winter Break, Vespera and Aidene broke up amicably. Between Ves's work and Aidene's nocturnal life, they just hadn't found a way to make it work. They were both sad, but found a way to be friends and move on. Back at Hogwarts, she found her vampire secret was not quite as secret, but with each person that confronted her, Aidene felt relief and was glad to have another friend back.

At the end of summer, her dad finally married Della Chance, making Rhea, Jonah, Rion and Lizzie officially her siblings!

SEVENTH YEAR Aidene at least knew what she was getting into with summer dazes and long winter nights to look forward to. She went to clubs when she could, DMed her first campaign, and hung out with friends until curfew. From curfew to dawn, she spent her time dutifully studying, and particularly honing her spellcasting and combat skills. She flirted with Lavinia Gismondi, her roommate and good friend, but ultimately their relationship didn't

Those marked with * have been directly informed of her vampirism

Father and Stepmother Martin Kieran*, retired video game coach (squib); Delia Chance*, astronomer (pureblood)
Paternal Aunt Elysia Kieran*, Quidditch beater (pureblood)
Maternal Step-grandfather Aspen Hyur, museum guide (muggle, deceased)
Stepsiblings Orion "Best Bro" Lane*, tavern owner (halfblood squib), Jonah "Whale Boy" Lane*, magizoologist (halfblood), Rhea Lane*, bestie (halfblood); "Spectre" Lizzie Spektor*, mentor (pureblood)
Pets Cloth dolls of friends and family

Clan "Old Man" Firmin "Lore" Deadman*, Wolfgang "Professor" Deadman*

Relationship highest with Brook Knapp* and Rhea Lane*
Fanchon Cohen*, her DADA instructor and idol; Theo Ellis-Hall, her baking instructor; Ada Whitethorne*, potions instructor and vampiric mentor

■ Charlotte Richardson-Connelly, former crush; Vespera Salazar*, former girlfriend.
■ Friends her year: Saffron Adelgrief, Talbot Clifton*, Rhiannon Engels, Lavinia Gismondi*, Aubrey Hepburn, Emma Middleton, Gus Moore*, Billie Xanders
■ Friends a few years older: Vinny "Giant Boss" Cloutier, Aldrick "Golden Gremlin" Knapp*, Cyrille "Flirtmaster" LeBeau, August "Month-Boy" Li*, Sonora "Birdy" Li*, Tristan "GM-sama" Lovette*, Jordan "Not So Old/ Miniboss" Scheer
■ Younger friends: Potato Clan (Yukon, Weslyn and Kennebec Knolle), Laurel Hill, Wren "Critic Kid" Winchester, Tzuki "The Blind Bandit" Zhao-Jennings

■ People in her clubs or in Quidditch.
Lyall Thompson, aka "Healer Rabbit", the Healer that took care of Aunt Elysia.

ENEMY Celestina Hyur , birth-mother and attacker (halfblood)

CREATED 9 November 2018
UPDATED 25 January 2021
■ Year 7 update. Fall 2052 not yet added.
■ Hobbies/ Likes/ Dislikes edited.
■ slight flavor text update to DISCIPLINED trait.

PENDED BY Weasley 4/23/19
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [5/10/2019]