Michael Cole: "Welcome everyone to WWFG Interviews where we delve deep into the minds of our guest to learn and understand what makes them tick! With me today is a man who has done everything that you could ever dream of in wrestling....and more! Chrono Q Clepsydra, you have been with the WWFG from the beginning in one way or another, from wrestler to booker! You won your first WWFG World Championship in 2005 and held it for over two years! Your last title win was the WWFG Intercontinental Championship in 2017, you held the WWFG Universal Tag Team Championships for over two years, you won the Money In The Bank Briefcase in 2006, the WWFG Royal Rumble in 2011 and entered the WWFG Hall Of Fame in 2014! These are some very impressive stats! Are you proud of everything that you have achieved and done in WWFG?!"

Chrono: Well, it's a pleasure to be here in one of these interviews Mr. Cole and you're absolutely correct. I've been in WWFG since the beginning.
Guiding my wisdom throughout the years in that place, and I've been wrestler, I've been booker, I've been agent, I've been a general manager... I've done it all in WWFG.
Never actually owned the place... Well, I do and I don't but let's not get into technical details about that.

But regardless, Mr. Cole...You may not know this, but back in 2005... Things were the simpler days, you have a title. You defend it within 30 days or you're stripped of it.
Not sure what happened these days. I mean that's how you show you're a fighting champion right? You fight, you win... Or someone betters you and you lose.

I suppose it's why I can't in good conscience call the person holding the championship... Ahem... Well, Paper Championship as a champion when in over a year's time... He's defended it once.
... Brock Lesnar comes out at least five... Six times a year to defend his titles.
And we all know Brock is a bigger draw than some indy darling.
But enough about the nameless fictional false ghost of a paper champion

I mean myself? I've accumulated over three years... Almost four years as WWFG Champion. A record that won't be broken. I've held the tag titles for a record-setting amount of time, the Intercontinental title for a record-setting amount of time, the Pure title... The first and longest reigning champion, the Hardcore title, the longest reigning champion. Every single accolade...I've excelled and record broke.
You're right. Money in the Bank, Royal Rumble, Hall of Fame, King of the Canvas.

You asked me before... If I was proud of my accomplishments in WWFG.
I like to think Pride of my accomplishments, and being the most decorated champion in all of WWFG is something I take with the utmost honor.
Because Pride is a driving force for any competitor, any wrestler, anyone that wants to call themselves champion should absolutely have.
So, I am proud of everything I've accomplished in WWFG, as well as everywhere else.

Michael Cole: "As you know, I recently interviewed Bad Boy and Salem Croft to document their thoughts on how they handled their time as WWFG General Manager. Salem sparked some controversy with some of his claims and given your history with WWFG, I wondered if you would be able to highlight some key events in WWFG over its long life that really helped to shape the promotion!"

Chrono: 'Hmm, an interesting thought Mr. Cole. One could say there's never been an owner or general manager of WWFG that hasn't had or caused some form of controversy. I, myself am of no exception. I will say though, interviewing two of the arguably worse Owners in the company was an interesting choice. One is the catalyst for the company dying and the other... Well is the reason why the company died.
But this individual you spoke of, much like the nameless ghost of a paper champion you speak of. Shall remain nameless. I'll let people put two and two together and see if they can figure out who I'm talking about, but to name them... Especially the former is to give them attention.

To give them relevance... And Mr. Cole... I don't know if you've heard of this or become aware of it... But my word, my influence... Seems to have power. Weird right? It's like I'm a god or something...'

At this point, Chrono pans to the camera, a sly look on his face before he looks back at Cole.

Chrono: 'So when I say something, when I speak my mind people listen. It's all about the truth, it's all about passion. All about conviction.
Also... You have to have proof... But I'm rambling. Let's see you asked for moments that shaped WWFG.

One that comes to mind, is perhaps the greatest moment in WWFG Money in the Bank Ladder match history when I helped my protege Claire win the MitB...
With a cherry picker. Absolutely brilliant right?

Or the hundreds of times that Jed stacked the deck against me, politicking so I couldn't sniff the World Championship again, in fear that I'd have another two-year reign... Overcame it, had a year reign.
It is what it is right? Malice just kind of superceeded the championship at that point.

Or like the four times, Jarel lost hell in a cell in WWFG. I mean he'll claim otherwise but... They shaped his history

Let's not forget the destiny-altering storyline that involved Phoenixfire, myself and Landry, the Rise of Malice... King and Shanahan...
Come to think of it, that three-year time span...
From 2010 to 2013 was WWFG's best years. I mean people could tell me otherwise and prove me wrong...
But I mean, pretty sure I was General Managing at that time.

What about the Outcasts? The Death of Saint Joey...
While that one did happen in EWA. It's effects spread everywhere.
The Rise of the Mauraders.
Broken Matt Hardy and James Ellsworth coming into FG, that was fun.
Captain WWFG! A Truly mesmerizing hero of this and every generation.

The Walkout and Strike of no confidence to Jed...
The Time Erasure, that one was a personal favorite of mine by the way.
Did it twice... Ssssh...

Or my entrances! What about when I came out to a battalion fleet of ships, that had mecha's on them.. Or when I rode a giant behemoth.
The time I came out as the God of Death... Because you can't have death without time... And killed Hiro.
I think he's doing better now? Who knows.

There was also when people shaped history by putting championships on themselves.
In the old era, prior to Cart taking over, it was pretty predominant, that's not to say that it wasn't a thing back in the old, era... Like 2005...

There are plenty of memorable moments, I mean...
A pizza guy was more memorable than half the stuff that most people did, and most of the stuff that Cyrus did. Ha...
I jest...

The time Pantera... Or is it White Tiger... Golden Eagle? Who cares. There was the time where they (insert name they're going by here) decided to whine b***h and moan cause they weren't being treated fairly in other places...
Came to WWFG and did absolutely... Nothing memorable... I mean they did get hit in the face with my war hammer years prior.
Sometimes it's poetic justice one just has to wait for.

Plenty of memorable moments shaped WWFG, but a lot more tarnished the good ones. Every place has good and bad memories.
It's all a matter of perspective."

Michael Cole: "Of course, it would be unreasonable for anyone to expect anywhere to be a 100% flawless experience. But when WWFG made mistakes, such as it's infamous struggles with putting on Royal Rumble matches, it always seemed to get a lot of attention. Why do you think that match in-particular usually caused issues?!"

Chrono: Do you mind if I use examples in this scenario Mr. Cole? I think a few name drops would get my point across.
So, you take I dunno... Tiki Torch, one of the... 'Ahem' Enhancement talents in EEW right? And you put him in the Rumble.
Are you telling me that he has a better shot at winning than I dunno a Kelly King? A bonafide legend...
Or someone who's been in WWFG, month after month, year after year busting his a** and just needed that little single push... Like I dunno a Hiro or whatever.
But Tiki Torch, an enhancement talent has the same chance as all of them?
That's the thing about the rumble, it's simply... Lazy.

The reason why it's caused issues... Everyone has this preconceived notion that THEY should win, that THEY should be World champion... And the fire and desire... It's nice to have... And feasibly that just cannot happen. The ones with the best stories going forward should win, and yes. Returning favorites getting a moment in the sun back is always nice, they're a one-off. To me, had people showed that same passion, fire, and desire that they do in the Rumbles, they'd be further up on the card. They'd be main eventers already in places that weren't just WWFG.

If I may drop more mentions... No one saw Lauri as a main eventer until EWA took him in. Look at where he is. I didn't see Hiro as anything more than just a punk, but in BBW, he became a champion. He earned it.

Winning a ******** on a technicality doesn't mean you've earned anything. Finding a place that sees you for something that you might not see yourself as, or finding that right piece of the puzzle somewhere and then coming to another place and duplicating that success... Proving your doubters wrong.
That is accomplishing something.

But to answer your question about why it gets attention? Because there was an 'If it's not broke, don't fix it' sort of mentality. The rumbles were fine.
Certain guidelines were around to prevent people from... Being absolute shits
But when the inmates started running the asylum, things took a turn for the worse.
Stories ruined, chances that should be given to people... Ruined. Politics are a b***h.

I've been a part of them, I've been a victim of them, I've witnessed them.

Sometimes the right person wins, and the celebration happens
Or sometimes then the wrong person wins, and they squander their opportunities...
Sometimes it can be amusing to see, but other times and more often than not.
It's just a bad car wreck with a lot of victims, victims that came for this one match... And they deserve better than just...A one-off."

Michael Cole: "I would like to ask you about a controversial moment in your WWFG Career. Team Carnage were WWFG Universal Tag Team Champions as mentioned earlier. During this time, the WWFG World Tag Team Championships were created yet they apparently had the lineage of the previous titles history, which doesn't make sense to me. What was going on during this time in 2016-2018, which ultimately lead to a unification match with its own controversy?!"

Chrono: "See, there lies the problem with the management in WWFG, when what's his name... Bad Boy was it? What a stupid a** name, and the fact that he didn't come out to the "Bad Boy's theme'... Kind of makes it even dumber.
Talk about a lost opportunity.
Regardless whenever BB took over, he wanted his jobber team, who are they again? Blue Man Group? Blue World Order? Who knows, who cares. I digress, BB wanted his team to be tag champions, much like he wanted himself to be World Champion. Yes, he can deny it but he did politic himself to be World Champion. Much like he politicked to get the Intercontinental Championship off of me by booking me in a match on my wedding day and honeymoon... Knowing I'd be gone.
Didn't even apologize to me... s**t head.

But yes, politic he did... Much like most of the people in WWFG at the time from 2015 to well Current day...
Unfortunately for him... Team Carnage was tag champions.
Rather than book Team Carnage in a tag title match, rather than strip Team Carnage... He decided to create a new set of Tag Champions.
Then, you know loses it to another team, and another team loses it, and finally, it's Cartwright and his butler.

Now, see Team Carnage challenged Cartwright and crew TO unify those titles...
Whom, this match was supposed to be Team Carnage's swan song from WWFG.
We had absolutely no problem losing the match

But BB took it upon himself to end the match, and the person who was pinned wasn't the official legal person, and they were pinned by Cartwright who left the match.
BB also fired us and ruined a perfectly good match.
Jealous that our match was an absolute classic and clinic, and he's busy being jealous of EWA's success... Or that he's an absolute a*****e.
Who knows, probably both...
Said something about 'time constraints', well... The next show didn't even start until two months later. PLENTY OF TIME.

The way 'I' see it, Team Carnage is STILL WWFG Universal Tag Champions.
Also, fun fact, when Miranda was running WWFG, and BB took over, well... He didn't officially say anything about 'him' being the Owner, or him being GM... So Miranda 'technically' at the time still owns WWFG...
And she sold the rights to WWFG to EWA. Hence why Team Carnage, Kurone, and GBL are the last champions... And those titles were merged into EWA's history.
After all, Miranda... Well, Mirai now is my daughter. Why wouldn't she?

But tell me, Mr. Cole, in your professional opinion, you are of course an esteemed broadcasting journalist who has covered wars...
Is it controversy, or is it pettiness? Is it controversy or is it something else?
One does wonder... What's the reasoning behind firing the hottest person and angle within WWFG, and trying to essentially sabotage it the moment he took over.
Sure does seem like it doesn't it?"

Michael Cole: "If everything was already figured out, there would be no need to suddenly stop the match, just let it play out! Did it come as a surprise to you that it happened or has there always been bad blood between you and BB?!"

Chrono: " Certainly is suspicious, I don't think you were calling the match at the time Cole, but I'm pretty sure it was quite an action-packed tag match the likes WWFG had never ever seen in a long, long time. Shame it was abruptly ended, and it is suspicious.
I was aware of BB's underhanded tactics from the start, I was warned and I could see the writing on the wall, after you know booking me in a title defense on my wedding night and honeymoon.
Look see, I can't even remember the guy's name who was the IC champion, but the plan was that I beat him at Mania right? Where I cheated to win.
Giving him a reason for a rematch.
Then we cumulate our feud at Summerslam in a Last man standing match, where I put over the kid. Make him a big star.
Beating me in a Last Man Standing match at a big PPV. HUGE right?
Nope, he stated I was losing at Mania, despite us having a planned finish.
Well, I did get my way and DID win... But he immediately put me in a match the next show for the title. Despite me not signing up for any matches.
Can't compete if I'm not in town right? This action and BB killing our storyline eventually forced the young lad to leave.
Wasn't me, I wasn't in WWFG anymore...

I mean he literally told everyone he was pushing to put a world title on himself for 'one last run' and he was the booker.
WWFG at that point had become so toxic of an environment that it was just heartbreaking to see people leave, and the match quality dwindle...
The heart and soul of what everyone made a petition to keep, was just gone.
But I came back like, I said for that one final ride in the sunset against Cartwright.
He had no challengers, I was looking to drop the tag titles I never lost, never was stripped of...
BB couldn't help but butt in. So I don't know where the bad blood is between BB and I. Couldn't say, maybe he doesn't like that I was more successful than he will ever be.
Maybe he's jealous my name is cooler than his, I don't know. Couldn't tell you.
I think he's the Worst owner of the company that WWFG has ever had.
Arguably one of the worst bookers too.
Doesn't mean I don't hate him... Pity him is more like it.

Michael Cole: "Putting BB at the top of a list that includes Salem and Jed! WWFG hasn't been able to get into contact with Jed or the creator of WWFG Rich for this series of interviews unfortunately, so it would be interesting for your take on both of their runs during WWFGs early years! Rich must have had something about him to set-up a promotion that lasted as long as it did!"

Chrono: Actually, you forgot to mention that Rhamm had WWFG for a spell, as did Boxer. I don't give credit to Rich in anything really, he may have made the place that spawned from the high school gym indies (forums) but.. I don't think he ever had the foresight to take WWFG to anywhere, and when Rhamm got it... Well... Regrettably, he didn't do much of anything with it. Had Rich still been in charge, WWFG would be a faint memory, much like Rhamm. I believe Jed is really the only reason why it's somewhat of a thing now.
Even then... I think WWFG would've died a long, time ago had there not been a good booker... And a good storyline that got one hooked.
I am in contact with Jed from time to time, but I rather let him enjoy his current profession.

Michael Cole: "Rich hoovered-up everyone that was available but didn't have the creativity to find a direction for the guild. It almost seems like it has been the roster itself that has kept WWFG existing through the years in-spite of the GM of the year! You mention that there was a good booker along the way and a storyline that got you hooked, what was the storyline for you during WWFGs run that made you continue to pay attention to it?!"

Chrono: Is it really GM of the Year? I don't recall there being any awards for that... Regardless, a solid roster letting people do their own things. When I was behind the scenes it was more of a trying to put people in a specific role and let the pieces fall where they may. I didn't really have that much of an interest in being a public figure in WWFG as it pertains to being a GM or of that sort.
By that point, I had already done it all... Plus I was also working in ICW and EEW... As well as competing in EWA Classic.
I could go on and on, but what got me hooked ... Shall we say come out of the shadows? I suppose that's the right term. Was two stories.
The first was the Time Guy storyline, for those that don't remember there was a... Clone of myself... Was it a robot, was it something else...? He was retiring old legends and various stars. Using their move-sets... Only better.
I can't exactly go into more details, because that might... Be spoilers to some EWA on-goings...
There was also, where I was like a Frankenstein's monster of sorts to Claire's witch. And we were going to start monster or creature like faction of sorts.

Jed at the time did have a vendetta against me, I mean he DID shoot me in EEW and I did absolutely destroy him in HIS match... Still the longest match in history (so far).
And Jed made it known, so I went back to the shadows... And came back... To help Claire win the Money in the Bank... We all remember and love the Cherry Picker incident.

And of course... There's Landry tossing Phoenixfire off a bridge and starting a whole slew chain of events that the ramifications of are still to this day.
I feel that storylines, that invoke emotions and can last years... Ones that have ties to other storylines are always the best.
Makes you pay attention to everything else... Those are the best.
I can't really say WWFG had much of that, it was always one-offs or missed opportunities...
That seems to be the story of FG. Sure there are glimmers of encompassing stories from here to there. Short stories from people that don't know how to start, how to finish.
Or people doing the same thing constantly, muttering the same constant catchphrases
No real central focus.
Sure doing the same old s**t day in and day out... Works for a while, but then it becomes old, stagnant.

In a sense, you could say I 'always' pay attention to WWFG.
I try and pay attention to everything, I'm not afraid of competition. Quite the opposite, I want it, because competition brings out the best out of everyone right.
But that doesn't mean that I don't want to scope it out and be a step ahead...
Or in this case...It's more like a few thousand feet.

So in a sense, yes I pay attention to WWFG... Certain things I see that I don't like, or I do like. You bet your a** I"m going to be vocal about...
Draw attention to it. In a sense, one could say that without Chrono...
Would WWFG have the attention it had then, has now?
Certain people... That I'm not going to even name drop, but they know who they are.
Would they have gotten one iota of attention had it not been for me?
The ever boring idea of going after the guy with the most 'pull' or the 'loudest voice' to make a quick name...
Instead of putting in the hard work? Oh if I get Chrono to notice me, I can get my name out there, I can get attention. I can be a huge star.
.... Oh... They're all acting like little girls going 'Notice me Sempai!'
It's... Kind of adorable in a way.

Michael Cole: "Does it still entertain you that people even to this day try to make a name off of you in whatever way they can?! It seems like you have a target on your back wherever you go!"

Chrono: Most everyone trying to make a name off of me couldn't make a name for themselves, to begin with. Sometimes the effort is appreciated...
But if they spent half as much effort into calling me out then going into the ring and putting on a clinic... Or half as much effort calling me out then going and proving why they are what they claim.
I get it. Attack the top guy, call out the top guy... The guy who's been there since the beginning...
Much like the ever cliche' ' Slay the dragon' nonsense... '
It kind of gets... Dull...
My advice? Rather than instantly playing the 'I'm going to call out Chrono' card, make an actual name for yourself...
Make me want to come to you, get yourself noticed. Because I'm watching.
Your actions dictate if I change the channel or not.

Michael Cole: "With that in mind and with WWFG coming to a close, how satisfied are you feeling with your WWFG Career because in early 2017 you had a list of Five Things that you wished to accomplish?!"

Chrono: I've beaten Felix for the Intercontinental Championship, I crossed that name off my list. I did become the only three-time WWFG Intercontinental Champion. The tag titles... We spoke of that. That's three things crossed off. Badboy? He crossed his own name out of the list. He is unworthy. I suppose that leaves Jay Blue Lightning. The heart and soul of WWFG, the proverbial Sting.
Sooner or later our path's will cross... If they don't cross... Nothing lost.
After all, Kelly King and I's path still hasn't been crossed yet. I suppose four out of five isn't too shabby no?

Michael Cole: "Last of all, what does the future hold for Chrono?! Will you continue on in EWA with a new set of goals to accomplish?!"

Chrono: That... Is an interesting question. Considering my daughter and niece did mess with the timeline, causing a... Shattered Timeline. ... I suppose I'm waiting and seeing what my sister Kurone does, now that she's seemingly taken my spot as the 'Top Villain'... Though I suspect she's one of many in this new timeline that'll... Come to pass... And the thing about these new timelines
Even if you restore some things... Not everything will return to the way it was before... As far as what I can accomplish. That... Remains to be seen.