Name: Blank
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: yes pls?
Craft: Weaver
Rank: Candidate
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description:

Personality: Blank was the sort of person who paid attention to details, in fact it might be fair to say she lived by them. Her life ran in a fairly uncomplicated, well organized way. Part of that was because life as a candidate was simply set up that way, what with the schedule and all, and the other was because she preferred it that way. She felt it wise to have pre-greased the wheels of her life and lived with as little friction as possible in that regard. She kept her clothing simple, with little frill or fuss. The schedule she had to keep to allowed for little free time and Blank prefered to spend that extra time elsewhere, perhaps reading ahead for class, rather than fussing with clothes, hair or looks. That said if things were out of place or, dare she say- “messy” needlessly- she certainly didn’t enjoy that, not one bit. The devil was in the little details- if you were going to muck out weyrs you didn’t worry if your hair was in place- you simply pulled it back and did the necessary. Now making sure you got all the small hidden crannies, the hideawy nooks- THAT was important. She preferred if a job had to be done, it be done right- the first time and with all due care that should be taken with any task. Candidates might like to cut corners or skimp on certain things- but once she had bonded with her dragon, she certainly wouldn’t have time to do things over twice.

Since Blank took such care to make sure that her life ran as smoothly as possible she was able to maintain a fairly happy demeanor. She wasn’t one who was prone to fits of pique or depression. There was little time for that when she could be studying or spending time at her craft. Not that she’d need to make a living with her weaving- after all it was just a matter of time before the dragon that she’d worked so hard for hatched. And then she would have a dragon to care for! Of coursethey would be so perfect for one another that she could hardly mind that now could she? Blank and her dragon would get up to all sorts of adventures together, both fighting Thread and in helping make Western Weyr even more progressive than it already was, because of course she was going to make it on the council- no matter what color she Impressed.

All the stress and fuss and everything Blank had endured to this point and beyond would be nothing once she and her dragon were joined. Together they would be an unstoppable pair. Not that she was the type to complain anyways, if she made a mistake she owned up to it and gave her just dues as she should. Ordering her life the way it was made Blank happy, some might even say carefree, though that is partially because Blank didn’t see the need to broadcast her problems to the entire Weyr…. Unlike some Candidates. And she could certainly name some names, and indeed had. If she had things her way some people would simply be kicked out of candidacy for the sins of whining, moaning, and bellyaching endlessly. This was supposed to be hard work- it wasn’t called “Impressing” for nothing, you had to have the right sort of spark to interest a dragon after all.

Sensitive, quick to notice or respond to slight changes,signals, or influences
Callous, Showing or having an insensitive or cruel disregard for others

Efficient, working in a well organized or productive way
Pedantic, of or like a pedant- A person who is excessively concerned with minor details, and rules, or with academic learning.
Cheerful, noticiably happy and optimisitic
Daring, adventurous or audaciously bold or boldy unconventional
Stoic, a person who can endure pain or hardship without complaining or showing their feelings.
Tasteless, Considered to be lacking in aesthetic judgement or to offend against what is regarded as appropriate behaviour

Positive Trait List Stoic, Efficient and Sensitive Cheerful
Negative Trait List Daring, Tasteless, Callous, Pedantic
Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression?No