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Reply [Pack] Hornfels Hollow (Bluestone)
[FIN-Spr] Scuffles (Evening Storm x Marble x Fell Field)

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Distinct Regular

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2019 9:19 pm
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Winter and snow came hand in hand in the Bluestone Mountains and this year had been no different. Plenty of slogging through snow drifts and huddling to keep warm at night. Luckily, it seemed that the worst of it had passed and spring was starting to make an appearance. Today, well not exactly sunny or warm, was shaping up to be a fine day. Only a few inches of snow on the ground and the clouds were light fine things, too feeble to contain any more precipitation.

Marble and Fell Field should've been hunting. Instead they were celebrating the day in the only natural way for them. By goofing around.

Marble eyed his son, now fully grown and fluffy as can be. Like that would stop the old man. With a quick launch of powerful back legs, Marble was airborne, before dropping on top of Fell Field. The advantage only lasted a moment before the scuffle began. The two males became a ball of fluff, flashing teeth and claws. Luckily it was all for fun. Though it sounded terrible as growls echoed through the forest.


PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2019 9:09 pm
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While the mountains had been experiencing some snow as the winter came and began to pass, the River Run and Forest had been the main stomping ground for one particular female wolf. She had chosen to nestle in the Forest when the air had become cooler, not wishing to get her fur any wetter than it really needed to be. And the swimming and splashing through the Run had begun to the bore the chocolate wolf. Or maybe it was the loneliness she was beginning to feel?

Whichever was the main cause, Evening Storm had ventured beyond her usual hunting ground, ready to explore more of Kells. It was by chance that she headed towards the mighty Bluestone Mountains, and caught a glimpse of the snow. Even if there wasn't much left, Evie was absolutely delighted to romp around in it.

Racing around and leaving as many paw prints as she could, the chocolate female almost tripped over her own big paws when she heard a commotion. It sounded mean and like someone might be in trouble. Or multiple someones. Maybe it was a disagreement? Or maybe someone didn't like another wolf in their territory?!

Where another wolf would probably have gone to find cover and observe from safety, Evie dashed right on towards the sounds of the scuffle taking place. Here eyes were bright, like a wolf on the hunt, ears forward and acting as her own navigation until she caught sight of the movement. Her dash turned into a prance and then to a walk as she tilted her head sideways, observing the other wolves.

Either they were fighting over something - a bone maybe?! - or playing. The question that eluded her was... which one was it? So, she watched (totally not like a creeper) and waited.

Thank you for the start, bby! heart


Hilarious Werewolf


Distinct Regular

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2019 9:01 pm
The males were so caught up in their games that it took them a while to notice their guest. With a startled yip, Fell Field kinda side hopped out of his father's grasp as he caught sight of the chocolate wolf. He had been so engrossed in playing that he had no idea who this was or where they'd come from, and it was obvious from Marble's confused look that his father wasn't even yet aware of the intruder. After a few blinks of wide blue eyes, the fluffy male immediately went on the defensive. Lips pulled up into a snarl, hackles rose, and he growled at this trespasser, "Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want?" He took a step forward, trying to be as intimidating as possible.

"Hmmm? What are you even --- oh." Marble, who had been facing his son, lazily swung his head in the direction his son was looking. A stranger! It was a surprise to see someone new in this area of the forest. Most lone wolves stopped at the pack scent markers and went around. It was quit unusual for one to wander in. And, not only was it a stranger, but it was a huge stranger. They rivaled both Marble and Fell Field in size, which was a rarity in itself. The grey wolf turned to face the newcomer, and moved up in front of his son, brushing by the younger wolf as he passed. "Pup, you need to lighten up. Starting to think we should run you out of the pack for a year. Get you out in the real world so you can meet new wolves, you grouch." Marble admonished lightly before turning his attention to the newcomer.

"Hello, and welcome to the Hornfels Hollow pack-lands....I'm Marble, this grouch is my son, Fell Field." The tip of the grey wolf's tail swung lightly back and forth in greeting.

My pleasure, she's so lovely!
PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2019 8:10 pm
The chocolate female had been lazily wagging her tail the longer she watched, almost like a spectator attending a sporting event. She had her mouth slightly ajar with a tiny bit of tongue peeking out as she panted in her relaxed state, eyes flickering back and forth when she caught a glimpse of more than just a blob of fur. Being so entranced, she was surprised when one of them noticed her. And even more startled by the sudden hostility. Maybe they really had been fighting over a bone. And now they thought she would steal it next?!

Still attempting to sort out if they were going to wrestle, fight, or stare at one another, Evie's ears twitched at the sound of a second voice, her body in that strange limbo of muscles tensing while her mind raced to figure out if she needed to defend herself or play.

"Wait.. what?!" What did she want? That was a good question. Evie wasn't even sure of the answer!

"Oh, hello! Hornfels...Hollow?" Pack lands? Oooooh! Was she in someone elses territory?! Evie instantly went wide eyed and looked around her, as if she would actually see the territory lines. But, of course, nothing was there. She'd never really been in a territory before. Sure, there was the occasional wolf that chased her away from their hunt. But lands they claimed? This was a newer concept to Evie, who had known only the lone wolf life.

"Oh my Moon, I am sorry I didn't know I was in anyones lands! I was just playing in the snow... um. Hi. I'm Evening Storm."

She eyed the two wolves, head tilting sideways and her nose twitching as she took in their scents. And the scents around them. Familiar in some regards and completely alien in others. "I really am sorry." She added, looking at Fell Field, head down a little. "I don't usually travel this far towards the mountains. I like the forest area. But I was tired of the wet fur and I saw snow and hadn't really played in that before. I must have gotten carried away." A short pause. "What is it like having a pack?" She asked curiously, eyes focused on both males.

Thank you QuQ


Hilarious Werewolf


Distinct Regular

PostPosted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:04 pm
Marble blinked bright blue eyes at Evening Storm as he observed her lightly, maw drawn up in a smile. His posture was relaxed, his tail still gently wagging. He couldn't help but be amused at her antics, as it was obvious to him that she had been drawn in by her curiosity rather than any ill intent. It was almost as if they had taken her her by surprise instead of the other way around. Adorable. He was already overcome with fatherly affection towards the she-wolf, despite just having met her. Several years ago Marble would have been as cautious as his son, but here, in the pack-lands - having already lived the lone wolf lifestyle and having met his strong mate, there was no trace of hesitancy anymore.

Fell Field, on the other hand, was a stiff as the rocks his father was named after. He'd met only a few non-pack members and never without a large group of his brethren. There was no doubt in his mind that the stranger was somehow plotting their demise. The innocent act, laughably mediocre. He could see straight through her. No way was he going to let down his guard. He may no longer be snarling, but his flattened ears still indicated his displeasure.

Ignoring his son's uneasiness, Marble addressed the she-wolf, "Evening Storm, what a delightful name! Understandable about the snow, I have to admit that even at my age, I tend to get carried away with it. The first day of winter is always my favorite..." Marble trailed off into reminiscence, a thoughtful look on his face, before snapping back to the present question, "...hmmm, how to describe a pack? Perhaps the same way as the first day of winter? At first you are a bit uneasy, newness can be a trying thing...but once you've spent some time, excitement builds and, comfort, yes comfort. Knowing where you stand and what's expected of you. There's nothing quite like going back to the den at the end of the day and spending it with loved ones." He glanced at his son, eyes crinkled with how large his smile had grown. His whole body radiated affection.

"Have you always been a wanderer Evening Storm?"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 10:10 am
Evie had determined that she liked this Marble. Something about him stuck a cord in her, reminding her of her own father. She had some memory of him, though it was a little foggy. But she knew him. And possibly knew where to find him. Maybe. But that was the only family she had sort of managed to track down. She just hadn't built up the courage to go and actually seek him out. Yet.

As for the other wolf, Fell Field, she kept one ear trained on him the whole time. He didn't seem to be very friendly and if she was gonna wrestle with anyone, it would totally be him. There may or may not have been some amusement directed towards him with these thoughts.

"Thank you! And really? So is it that exciting for everyone else too?" Her eyes seemed to light up again, drifting past the two wolves before her to glance at a small, slowly fading, pile of snow. The chocolate wolf sighed, thoughts of playing in the white stuff momentarily distracting her. Until Marble began describing what a pack was like. To this, she paid attention. She tilted her head in thought as he compared it to the first day of winter. While she hadn't really experienced the same winter as the mountains received, she could sort of relate to the feelings he described.

It sounded nice. And warm. And not so lonely.

Evie considered the question, then shook her head. "I remember my sister. And mother. But I don't know what happened to them. I just sort of was alone one day. My father never stayed with us, and I'm not sure where he is." Not that she'd tried really hard to find him. "I've been wandering for a while, just having my own adventure. But it does get kind of lonely." She admitted, looking around again as if she might suddenly see Elk. Or Clear Sky.

The shewolf was thoughtful again, meeting Marble's bright blue eyes with curiosity. "How does one go about joining a pack?" Was it something you were born to? Only those privileged enough could? A secret paw shake?!

Omg I love Marble so much <3


Hilarious Werewolf


Distinct Regular

PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:37 pm
Marble's gaze followed Evie's, and his brow furrowed slightly as they landed on the clouds. He surveyed them for a moment before his gaze slid back to the she-wolf. She sounded wistful in her contemplation and he wondered just how long she had been alone in her adventure after her family dispersed. When her eyes tracked back to his, his softened in sympathy. He'd been alone before. Some wolves preferred it, and took to it like fish to water. He hadn't been so lucky and his time as a rogue had contained nothing but sadness and anxiety. He could relate to Evening Storm's plight."...ah well, I'm not too sure to be honest." The old wolf pondered for a moment. "This pack, Hornfels, kinda just...happened I suppose? ...and I just happened to have been in the perfect place at the perfect time with the perfect someone. But, in theory, well I suppose it's as simple as meeting the alpha and being accepted. Truly it shouldn't be such a hard thing."

Fell was becoming increasing discomforted by his father. What was the old man trying to do? Huffing again, a little louder this time, the fluffy wolf addressed his father, "Marble. What are you trying to do? I don't think Frost Shatter would be pleased with YOU at all. Stop talking to this trespasser."

When Fell's words reached his father, it was immediately obvious that they had been the wrong thing to say. The silver and brown wolf turned to his son, blue eyes narrowing as he advanced on his youngest with a cold look. A look that the young wolf had never seen before. "Fell Field. Enough. You have been coddled too long. When we get back to the pack, I shall be talking to your mother AND our alpha. I do not worry what Frost Shatter will think of ME. Do not think for a second that I shall not remember this attitude of yours and inform him of it. Evening Storm has done nothing wrong, now stop your griping and mind your manners." Marble admonished bluntly. His tone broke no argument and Fell Field slightly wilted beneath his father's stare, cowed by this firmer side he had never seen before. His father paused for a moment, surveying Fell to see whether his words had reached the youth. Whatever he saw in the youngster must have been satisfactory as he then turned back to Evie, his expression considerably more friendly. "Do not let this pup cloud your judgement of us. Trust me, the rest of us all have good common sense. Especially our alpha, Frost Shatter. I'm sure he'd be pleased to meet you if you're interested in seeing what pack life is like?"

TY! Evie is a darling as well <3
PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 6:32 pm
Evie thought about what Marble was trying to describe for her, head tilting slightly as she let his words paint a picture in her mind. To her surprise, she thought about her mother, Foxtail. And sister. When they had all been together. And, from what she was understanding, anyone could become part of one! If they were accepted by the alpha? There was no denying the sudden eagerness that filled her gaze. Could she, maybe, be accepted to this pack?

Before she could even voice the question, the other wolf, Fell Field?, spoke up. And he didn't sound very happy. Instantly Evie felt her ears fall and her eyes narrow. Was he going to try and pick a fight with her? Oooh she wouldn't mind trying to wrestle a bit! Before she was able to get that answer, Marble had turned on the other, and boy, did he get The Look! There may or may not have been the smallest hint of amusement that touched her features. Watching someone else get scolded was always a pleasure.

When Marble turned back to her, Evie just shook her head. "Oh I won't!" She chirped, not at all phased. It wasn't like she had never been the troublemaker before.

And of course, she couldn't help but glance at Fell Field every now and then. She clearly ruffled his fur for some reason. And yes, she was perfectly capable of using this to tease the wolf.

"If your Frost Shatter wouldn't mind, I would very much like to meet him!" She said, tail wagging in anticipation. "I think I would like to explore this staying with a pack thing. And I'd enjoy meeting more new wolves." Especially those that she could have some playful banter with. Her teal gaze briefly flickered to Fell Field once more. Yes. She would definitely like to explore this pack!

I think that might be a good ending, after your post? And then tormenting poor Fell Field |3


Hilarious Werewolf


Distinct Regular

PostPosted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 3:40 pm
As Marble's attention shifted back to the she-wolf, Fell Field took a moment to shake himself off, releasing the tension that he'd been accumulating throughout the entire exchange. After the talking to his father had just given him (in front of a stranger no less!), he could feel the irritation zipping through his veins and he needed to get rid of it somehow. Better off to shake it off, literally, then do something his father would disapprove of even more. Once complete, he glanced over at the she-wolf again, just in time to see her doing the same. Was that amusement in her look? He would've growled his displeasure if Marble wasn't there. Absorbed in his thoughts, Fell had definitely missed what Marble had been saying to Evie.

" - oh yes we have plenty more wolves for you to meet, and I'm sure you'll more than enjoy it." The older wolf enthused. He looked positively tickled pink at the thought of bringing Evening Storm into the fold. With more warmth and less caution than Fell would've liked to see, the marbled wolf approached the chocolate she-wolf. "Come my dear, this way!" The marbled wolf affectionately brushed against her as he lead her toward the path back to Hornfels Hollow. Fell Field eyed the two as they made off toward home, before grudgingly following in their footsteps.

D'aaaaw welcome Evie! Can't wait to see what shenanigans she brings with her wink
[Pack] Hornfels Hollow (Bluestone)

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