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FACECLAIM Francesca Capaldi - First + Second Year
Julia Adamenko - Third - Sixth Year
Holland Roden - Seventh Year +

AGE 11

BIRTHDAY January 13, 2035

ZODIAC Capricorn


WAND 12 inches, Yew with Demiguise Hair, Bendy with a Bent Shaft

MORE-THAN-AVERAGE Seer (MTA Request Submitted)

PET A tarantula named Rosie (Will not be brought to Hogwarts until 2nd year)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR First

Perhaps you ought to've looked inwards, rather than out
You're quite clever, you'd've probably figured it out
I think it's quite obvious you belong in




DREAM JOB To take over her grandma's fortune telling shop


WHIMSICAL Moira is the type of person that prefers to play to the beat of her own drum, so to speak. She can sometimes be unpredictable in her actions, often making her choices simply by how she’s feeling on a particular day. She also has been said to have a flare for dramatics.

INSIGHTFUL People-watching has always been a beloved pastime for Moira. She’s always been interested in the psychology of human behavior and as such, she has learned to get a pretty decent read on people and their emotional wellbeing through their speech mannerisms and body language. A useful skill for problem-solving, but mostly she likes to just play guessing games with others and watch their expressions when she manages to guess what they’re feeling accurately enough to strike a nerve. As a seer she is fully aware she will never know everything, but it’s fun when she can fool people into thinking she might.

MORBID Moira’s classmates in primary school often avoided her due to her fascination with the macabre. Having been raised in a funeral home, she finds a certain beauty in death just as one would with life. Why is dying such a big deal, anyway? It’s all part of the great cycle. It probably didn’t help her case that she was so fond of the tarot and spiders, either. She was quick to gain a reputation as “creepy” amongst her peers, which was perfectly fine with her--if judging her was what made them feel better about their dull little lives, so be it.

IMPISH Like her birth mother, Moira has been known to have a hell of a malicious streak. She enjoys toying with people and sometimes likes to cause trouble just to see what happens. If she feels she's been betrayed, she will set out to get even.

MANIPULATIVE Moira likes to get her way, one way or another. She’s not above resorting to trickery to get want she wants. Although she prefers to maintain a reputation for honesty and refuses to resort to blatant lies, she doesn’t see a problem with twisting the truth a little if it means she can get someone to do something for her benefit.

POISED A calm and collected sort, Moira takes pride in having a strong hold over her emotions. She was brought up by her mother to maintain a ladylike disposition--to be polite, dignified, and confident in her actions. As a child she of course has moments where her emotions get the best of her, but she makes a point to keep those moments of weakness private and behind closed doors.

■ Cemeteries
■ Cakes and Sweets
■ Lace
■ Herbal Teas (with LOTS of honey)
■ Snow
■ Anything that falls under the category of "Creepy Crawlies"

■ Crowds/Cramped Spaces
■ Black Coffee
■ Gardening. Everything she grows has a tendency to wither.
■ Excessive Noise
■ Guns. Water guns, wooden guns, pellet guns, gun-guns. All guns.)

■ Cunning
■ Self-Assured

■ Insensitive
■ Envious

■ Claustrophobia
■ Dogs


EARLY CHILDHOOD Moira Payne (Born Moira King) was the aftermath of a rocky relationship between muggle Emily King and half-blood squib Conall Drake. The two had met working together in weddings (she a planner and he a caterer) and while they had initially hit it off in a whirlwind romance, Emily’s erratic behavior turned out to be too much for Conall to handle. Out of spite, Emily hadn’t informed Conall of his daughter until she was nearly walking. Once he knew, he demanded a relationship with his daughter and it was all downhill from there in custody battles. In the end Emily had won the case and Conall was given only a few hours of supervised visits a month.

Moira’s time with her mother was filled with either eerie silence or fierce discipline. Emily hadn’t the patience or desire to properly care for a child, leaving much of her frustrations vented at her daughter for throwing her life off the path she’d wanted. Yet, despite those feelings, she was selfish and hadn’t wanted to give her only daughter away to who would have been a loving father. Emily only became more frustrated at the strange behaviors exhibited by Moira as a child. She would often take her daughter’s toys or sippy cup away and set them out of reach, only to turn around and find Moira had miraculously gotten a hold of them yet again. Although Emily couldn’t explain the phenomenon, Conall had managed to catch Moira in the act during one of his visits and realized she was a witch like his father before him. Once again the custody battle commenced as Conall felt Moira would be in better hands with him than Emily, who would no doubt react negatively to Moira’s magic once she caught on. Moira’s mother managed to win again.

Shortly after Moira turned 4, her father tried to take her away. Her relationship with the man had been much better than with Emily--Moira loved her daddy, he was funny and much kinder than mummy--so it hadn’t been a difficult task. However, the police had managed to get a hold of them before they even managed to flee from York, and back to square one it was… Except this time was even worse, as Emily put out a restraining order and told Moira she wouldn’t be seeing her father again. Moira, upset by the news, threw a tantrum that sent her stuffed animals flying and scared her mother senseless. After a phone call with Conall, Emily was finally filled in on Moira’s magical lineage. Conall begged her to let him help, to which she replied by promptly hanging up.

Moira recalled just a few more of those calls over the months: questions about what was considered ‘normal’, yelling, the slamming of phones, and then a long time-out in her room. It all came to a head on June 23, 2039 when her dad had come for her once and for all. Emily ordered Moira to hide in the closet while she dialed the police as Conall--who sounded rather off to Moira--beat on the front door and yelled obscenities at Emily, demanding he be given his daughter. He sounded angry. Moira, with a gnawing feeling in her stomach, warned her mother to hide with her or he would hurt her. Emily responded by telling her to be quiet before slamming the closet door. The following minutes had been loud and seemed to take forever to Moira: Connal made it inside. There was yelling, screaming, sounds of glasses breaking. Moira silently obeyed her mother and watched as much as she could from behind the door slats. Eventually, Moira heard sirens. Panic from her father, then a loud bang. And another. Her mother collapsed on the ground, and Moira could just barely make out the color red seeping into the carpet. It wasn’t until years later that Moira had been fully informed that her father had shot her mother in a drunken rage, and then himself upon the arrival of the police. She was orphaned.

A brief period of time was spent at Wool’s Orphanage, where Moira had become acquainted with fellow orphans. By the following Winter she was adopted by a kind couple: Theopolis Payne, a halfblood and former Ravenclaw, and Aveline Payne (Nee Dupont), a french muggleborn witch from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, co-owners of Payne Funeral Home and & Mortuary in Winchester, England. As it turned out, Moira’s new adoptive grandmother was also a seer and had been keen to take her under her wing.

Although she’d never had much in the way of friends--the local children thought her living situation and morbid comments were positively creepy--Moira adored her new life as a Payne, often finding herself spending time among the graves and ghosts that resided in their cemetery. There was an instance early on that Moira had managed to get herself trapped in a casket for a night while exploring the funeral home--she doesn't like to talk about it. At school she managed to acquaint herself with a wizard boy in her class, Nimbus Siddall, who seemed just about as alienated as she was--something about a rumor she hadn’t cared to learn. They weren’t exactly friends, but more-so companions who sat together at lunch and vented their grievances against the muggles in their grade. He didn’t seem to mind that she would often sneak her pet tarantula to school, so that was a plus.

When she wasn’t at home, Moira often found herself at her grandmother Ursula’s fortune telling shop in the slums of Winchester. There were shady characters about, absolutely, but Moira very much enjoyed the stories they had to tell and her grandmother was quite the character. It was during one of her visits, not long after she received her Hogwarts acceptance letter, that she encountered another wizard boy her age named Wren. The two hit it off and he managed to take a place as Moira’s favorite source of company.

FIRST YEAR (what happened your character's first year of school; this section will be added in after their first year is completed)
SECOND YEAR (what happened your character's second year of school; this section will be added in after their second year is completed)
THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)




■ PATERNAL GRANDPARENTS (Adoptive) Herschel Payne (Deceased) and Ursula Payne
■ MATERNAL GRANDPARENTS (Adoptive) Adrien Dupont and Nadine Dupont
■ BIOLOGICAL PARENTS Conall Drake and Emily King, Both Deceased
■ ADOPTIVE PARENTS Theopolis “Theo” Payne and Aveline Payne

■ Nimbus Siddall


ACQUAINTANCES Some Orphans residing in Wool's Orphanage from Late June 2039 - Early Dec 2039 (If anyone has any orphans from that time frame and wants to do something PM me? surprised )


■ English
■ French: Learned from Aveline. Near-fluent from visits to her grandparents in France.


UPDATED (date of most recent update)

■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY Weasley 6/2/19
ACCEPTED BY ~ Dia [10/01/19]
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