Every Vileblood wears a rune, they are painted on them in blood and are seen as a pledge to the Pack. Your wolf will live and die by the Rune they choose, so choose your Rune wisely, good Hunter.

All Vileblood wolves are required to wear a rune marking (excluding Claws)
    - Crows may have up to two runes.
    - Seer blooded wolves can have up to three runes.
    - Seers are allowed to carry/wear as many runes as they please.

[x] Hunter Rune (Default Rune)
    This red-smudged rune means "Hunter", and has been adopted by those who have taken the Hunter of Hunters oath.
    These watchmen admonish those who have become addled with blood. Be they ally or beasts.

[x] Metamorphosis Rune
    This rune boosts stamina. The discovery of blood made their dream of evolution a reality. Metamorphosis, and the excesses and deviation that followed, was only the beginning.

[x] Arcane Lake Rune
    This rune means "Lake", and those branded by it enjoy augmented defense.
    Great volumes of water serve as a bulwark guarding sleep, and an augur of the eldritch Truth. Overcome this hindrance, and seek what is yours

[x] Beast Rune
    A transcription of the roar of an old beast, the bearer of the "Beast" rune has accentuated transformation effects. "Beast" is one of the early Blood Runes, as well as one of the first to be deemed forbidden.

[x] Beast's Embrace
    When its implementation failed, the "Embrace" became a forbidden rune, but this knowledge became a foundation of the Vileblood. Those who swear this oath take on a ghastly form and enjoy accentuated transformation effects, especially while hunting under a full-moon.

[x] Blood Rapture Rune
    This rune ha been said to restore health with visceral attacks, one of the darker hunter techniques. This rune resonates with followers of the Queen, a carrier for the Vileblood, who yearn for their Queen's Embrace. For them, they find solace in "Blood Rapture", that serves as a surrogate for their desires.

[x] Clawmark Rune
    The "Clawmark" is an impulse to seek the warmth of blood like a beast. It strengthens visceral attacks, one of the darker hunter techniques.
    Although the difference is subtle, Runesmiths describe the "Beast" as a horrific and unwelcome instinct deep within the hearts of men, while "Clawmark" is an alluring invitation to accept this very nature.

[x] Communion Rune
    Several runes relate to "blood", including "Communion",
    which raises the maximum health of a wolf. This rune represents the Healers of the Vileblood, as Blood is, of course, the pursuit of communion.

[x] Corruption Rune (RP required)
    Pledgers to this oath are Royal Vilebloods, hunters of blood who find dregs for their Queen, no matter the cost.
    Yet the corrupt are heretics in the eyes of the Vileblood and thus subject to the wrath of the Claws.

[x] Eye Rune (Seer Rune)
    Allows one to make additional discoveries. Eyes symbolize the truth the first Seer sought in her research. Disillusioned by the limits of normal intellect, the first Seer looked to beings from higher plane for guidance, and sought to line her brain with eyes in order to elevate her thoughts - thus the Eye Rune was Born. While she later died due to madness, this rune is still a respected symbol of her insight.

[x] Guidance
    When the first Vileblood closed his eyes, he saw darkness, or perhaps nothingness, and that is where he discovered the tiny beings of light. He was certain that these playful dancing sprites offered him"guidance" during his darkest hour. They could empty the Vileblood of his fears at least in the midst of a hunt.

[x] Heir Rune (Wolves born from the Queen)
    The "Heir" sees sentimentality in the warmth of blood, acknowledging this as one of the darker hunter techniques.
    Perhaps the "Heir" is a hunter who bears the echoing will of those before him.

[x] Milkweed Rune
    A translation of the inhuman, sticky whispers that reveal the nature of a Spiritual deity. Spirits guide us and lead us to further discoveries.