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Name: Bretah
Age: 20
Nameday: 3555.9.13
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heteroflexible
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Watchrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Apprentice Healer
Physical Description:
Having grown up with a guardsman, honor and duty are values close to Bretah's heart. While she doesn't believe it to be a virtue held by the masses anymore, growing up with a guardsman who was unwaveringly faithful to his hold has instilled a deep sense of honor and duty in Bretah's heart. She loves and admires her father dearly and wants to live up to the legacy of his ideals.

When Bretah is hurt, upset or unhappy you'll never see it on her face. Having never been shielded from the lives of her mother, who was a journeyman healer, and her father who often faced violence on the job, she learned from a young age that other people were often worse off than she was and being able to grit her teeth and bear whatever came to pass in order to better take care of the real problems at hand was both honorable and did more for any situation than crying. Crying never got her anywhere anyway, her parents didn't tolerate that sort of thing and no one wants to hear it when there are real problems in the world.

That being said, she still has a hypocritical soft spot for people in need that she's unwilling to give herself. She doesn't like to see anyone alone with their pain, or lost for what to do in a situation, and that's one more reason she feels the need to push her own feelings aside; she wants to be for others what she herself has needed at times and never had, though she isn't consciously aware of that motivation. She can feel downright motherly towards people sometimes, even if she isn't great at expressing softer emotions.

Loyalty is part of her code of honor, and anyone who slights someone she cares about should beware. Bretah believes fully in "an eye for an eye", and she believes she's honorbound not to let disrespect go unanswered. She'll often respect the right of authority figures to push further than peers, but she will stand up for herself, her friends and her family when the situation calls for it, and in her mind standing up means making sure offenders pay equivalent to the harm they've done. If she doesn't, no one will. They never do.

In most things Bretah has a steadfast belief that the old ways are best, and change often leads to recreating problems that are already solved by doing things traditionally. Tradition honors the past, and to forsake it is to disrespect everyone who came before. Forsaking tradition is an insult to the many great men and women who made Pern what it is today, and more than once in Pern's history its lead to catastrophe when the world is given a sudden painful reminder of why tradition was in place to begin with.

Positive Trait List Compassionate, stoic, honorable
Negative Trait List Traditionalist, vindictive, cynical

Name: Zellateth
Age: 2
Color: Brown
Size: 42' because he was a couple numbers off bronze when he was rolled
Physical Description: A massive brown with intricate golden markings along his neck, tail and torso. He's built very solidly, with a shorter than average neck and tail and a huge wing span to lift all that weight. The stance he tends to take is powerful and he's got a loose confident swagger to his walk... that is when he walks at all, because this is a dragon prone to running if he can't be in the air.

If something is going down, Zel is there without a doubt or a thought to what anyone including his rider has to say about it. He wants to take part in everything, see everything, know about everything, help with everything! Whether it's an adventure, a flight, threadfall, or some other happening in the weyr, Zel just has to be there. Bretah has a time slowing him down and making sure she's constantly aware of what her impulsive life mate is doing so she can act as the rational counterbalance to his rash decisions.

On the flip side, his impulsive nature means he's often the first to act when something needs to be done, having made plenty of quick daring saves during threadfall. He never has time to fear when he's flying thread, and the overall success of those impulsive decisions has reinforced his courage as a result. If there's a threat to be faced, Zellateth will have sprung to action before the more cautious dragons in the wing will have had time to assess the danger.

When things aren't moving though, you can expect Zellateth to be moody. He hates waiting for anything and that goes double when he doesn't know what excitement he's waiting for. Zellateth has a very aggressive nature, and part of that is needing stimulation, and the least stimulating thing in the world is having to wait. Thankfully his rider is usually as enthusiastic as him about finding something to do or some way to make themselves useful.

When he is in a mood, the entire weyr better watch out. He won't go quite as far as drawing ichor but he has no issue growling, snarling and intimidating the source of his foul mood, which may as well be anyone in his line of sight once he's on the warpath.

When he's in a good mood though, Zellateth is a joy to work with. He's confident in himself to a fault and that confidence extends to his wing as well. He doesn't just believe in them, he knows in his hearts that they will not just succeed but excel.

Positive Traits: Enthusiastic, Courageous, Confident
Negative Traits: Cocky, Impatient, Temperamental
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: from my starters