Asra is a merman lurking in the depths of the Black Lake, hunting birds and fish, signing to Slytherins in the common room, and trading objects of interest with his nymph and student friends.

xxx BASICS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NICKNAMES Nothing yet. Maybe "Spacey" but that's more a descriptor..
IMAGE [Art by Kungfudemoness]

AGE GROUP Young Adult
BIRTHDAY October 3rd -- Libra
LENGTH Slim-toned build, 7 feet from the crown to the tip of the tail fin.

HOME The Black Lake
LANGUAGES Mermish, British sign language, English

xxx PERSONALITY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CURIOUS Asra has always been curious of other waters and other worlds. He wonders about magic and wizards, and dreams of owning a wand or discovering some kind of magic for merpeople. Sometimes his curiosities get the better of him and he ends up in scrapes (e.g. “What happens if you tickle a grindlylow?”) but other times it ends up with cool new friends (e.g. “What happens if you tickle the Giant Squid?”). Much of his curiosities though, remain the subject of songs and speculation rather than actual adventuring.

ROMANTIC Perhaps adopted from grand notions of travel, Asra has a romantic streak: He has fanciful notions of what encounters are out there, and loves tales of romance as much as tales of adventure. He may have wondered what a human-merperson relationship would be like, and while he might flirt, he's also convinced he'll eventually meet true love under the water.

RESPONSIBLE As far as his wanderlust and daydreams might take him, Asra’s loyalty and dedication to his colony and his kind have always brought him home. He has currently convinced himself that he’s too spacey and wouldn’t last out on his own.

STRAIGHTFORWARD Asra’s generally pretty easy to read: He’s not above showing off a little if he thinks there’s an appreciative audience, but has no problem smashing open a few meals in front of humans if he’s annoyed at them. He's fairly direct about what he thinks, and pretty clear on what he will or won't talk to humans about.

SOCIABLE Asra’s always open to making friends. Whether they are other merpeople, grindlylows or humans, he's generally willing to listen. (He's not sure about vampires yet; the songs say they are terrible beasts.) He's more friendly towards humans than some of the older merpeople of his colony would want him to be, but thus far it hasn't been cause of concern.

■ Singing
■ Decorating his gear
■ Human-watching

■ Music of most kinds (he’s got a soft spot for human woodwinds, but strings are lovely too)
■ Magic
■ The Slytherin Common room window
■ Spearing birds mid-air
■ Light rain or snow

■ Anyone dumping anything into the Lake
■ Books and human texts. He can't read them, and they also obviously don't work well underwater.
■ Being alone.
■ Bird poops
■ Dry weather.

■ Friendly and open-minded
■ Spearwork and fighting

■ Spacey and indecisive
■ Terrible at keeping a secret or hiding his feelings, especially from those who know him well.

■ Discovering some kind of magic that merfolk could use.
■ Exploring the open ocean.
■ Meeting the infamous Loch Ness Selkie

■ Pollution or Poison-- specifically watching friends and loved ones die from it.
■ Exile from his colony.

xxx BACKSTORY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

❂◌EARLY LIFE Asra’s early life was spent learning songs and the spear, exploring the lake and wondering about other waters. He befriended a few Grindlylow, annoyed others and occasionally went swimming with the Giant Squid. Watching students off the shores or in the Slytherin dormitory practice spellwork piqued his interest in finding some form of magic that merpeople could use. More a dreamer than researcher, his primary exploration has been making songs about what Mermish magic might look like and how it would change their society.

❂◌ADULTHOOD As a young adult, his primary responsibility has been hunting and helping to gather food, but there is always time to investigate a previously-missed corner of the lake or simply watch humans. Over the years he had befriended quite a few students of Hogwarts and acquainted himself with a few more Slytherins through the common room window. He has become quite proficient at British Sign Language and understanding parts of spoken English. He's always sad but proud of his friends when they graduate.

xxx RELATIONSHIPS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
COLONY The Black Lake Colony
Pet Cross (grindlylow)


(* = graduated) Black Forest Residents Rosalia, nymph;
Hufflepuff House Nora Dashwood, Noah James, Weslyn Knolle*, octopus;
Slytherin House Skipper Hawkins*, fellow racer; Rhea Lane*, conversationalist
~You wink ~

xxx UPDATES xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CREATED May 2019
UPDATED 02 October 2022
■ languages, backstory update
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)