NCR is mostly for personality:
General year 6 updates also includes backstory update, legilimency MTA (already approved), and OWLs from last year.

Also now includes a weakness update (superiority complex > slow to act). Also NEWTs pending.


NICKNAMES Meixin, Wrenchester, Critic Kid, Ween
SEXUAL ORIENTATION something asexual
AGE 18
BIRTHDAY February 24th, 2035 -- Pisces
LANGUAGES English, basic Mandarin Chinese

WAND Silver lime wood, auguery tail feather, 12 ½ inches. Straight, flattening out to a blade-like point, smooth finish with light swirls on the flat sides of the wand shaft.

FACECLAIM Oreki Houtarou and whatever pictures I find.
Black hair. Aquamarine eyes.

HEIGHT 5'8" (173 cm)
WEIGHT 175 lbs (79 kg)
APPEARANCE both ears pierced

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE Slytherin Prefect

■ Quidditch -- vice captain and keeper (y4+), captain (yr 6+), reserve (yr 2-3)
■ Cooking Club -- food critic (yr 2+), captain (yr 7)
■ Herbology Club (yr 3+)

Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ O
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ E
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ A

Alchemy ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ A
Divination ~ O
Healing ~ E
Study of Ancient Runes ~ E
Wandless ~ A
Wandlore ~ O

Charms ~ E
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ E
Potions ~ O

Alchemy ~ O
Cursebreaking ~ A
Divination ~ E
Healing ~ E
Study of Ancient Runes ~ E
Wandless ~ A
Wandlore ~ O

Other Electives
Exam Thread
Advanced Flying: (year 2/3) Very Proficient. Wren requested to add Advanced Flying as a second year when he saw how genuinely passionate the Slytherin Quidditch team was. While he was always a better strategist than player, Wren refused to be the weakest link and was even promoted to vice captain and later captain. He always took remarkable care of his broom, which was, of course, the best money could buy in 2047.

Legilimency/ Occlumency: (year 6/7) Advanced. Wren had been fascinated by legilimens since his first year and read avidly on the theory and practice. By sixth year he had read every text on the subject he could find and had a few failed attempts in trying to use it. He took the class very seriously, frequently practicing with his friend Eion outside of class. While already proficient, he took the class again in seventh year to have a space to practice, further honing his abilities and learning to use it more subtly.

Apparition: (year 7) Proficient.

Care of Magical Creatures: (year 3) Wren took the class initially instead of Study of Ancient Runes because he liked his cat and grandfather's augurey. He later found the applications for wandlore fascinating, but was drawn to Runes more for the crafting purposes.

DREAM JOB not working. Who wants to work? But making wands/ potioneering sounds pretty cool.
CURRENT OCCUPATIOn Shop Assistant/ Apprentice Wandmaker at Ollivander's


CRAFTY In both senses of the word-- Wren has always liked tinkering with things. From model blocks to muggle electronics, he has a fascination for the inner workings of things-- machines, magic, minds. When it comes to machines and magic, he studies, rebuilds and designs; when it comes to minds, he'll push them one way or another, amusing himself with how people react. His creative ideas and schemes though, often remain unenacted--he doesn't trust other people with correctly bringing his vision of things to fruition.

WRY Wren tends to be very sarcastic with his comments and can be very critical when he's trying to get someone off his back. He doesn’t mince words or offer false promises though, and hates it when people try to hide their meanings behind fake kindness. He does though, genuinely appreciate a good joke or amusing scenarios.

UNDERSTANDING With greater understanding of how people think, what they're good at, and why they lie from his friends and legilimency, Wren's come to more sympathetic understandings of human nature and seeks more to understand and nurture. This doesn't stop him from being rude or sarcastic, but it does change his perspective and motivations.

DETAILED Wren fancies himself a connoisseur of good food and generally more discerning than the average person. In the food case, he’s actually just picky. But he does direct his attention to detail to his own work and pays careful attention around him. He'll also always find something to be critical about.

LAZY If unprompted, Wren would always be doing his own thing, which sometimes is working hard on some restorative art or engineering project, sometimes just sitting there judging people. He had a lot of freedom in most of his childhood and is adverse to anything that interferes with his preferred routines. He is quite content to puzzle things through and do his assigned work, but generally cannot be bothered to do anything he doesn't see as meaningful or interesting. In these cases, Wren has zero qualms with manipulating or convincing other people to do things for him--as long as they aren't incompetent.

PRACTICAL Wren doesn't waste time with what things should or might be. There is what is, and what he can do about it--or really, what he can convince other people to do about it--and there's little purpose in considering all the things that aren't. Things will never be perfect. He'll make it work.

■ Craft projects-- puzzle boxes, little enchanted objects, repairing sentimental objects.
■ Reading-- usually potions and wandlore research
■ Practicing legilimency on people

■ Food. Nice food. Expensive food.
■ Spa trips
■ Cats -- or really just Dunce?
■ Tarot card decks
■ Light rain

■ Waste
■ Rules. And traditions, which are basically rules someone made up for the sake of having more rules.
■ Parties. Especially the philanthropic ones. It's enough that he has to dress up in his own house, but watching people crone over parasites or lost causes is downright embarrassing.
■ When people mess up the gardening or cooking.
■ Hot weather

■ Observant
■ When he puts his mind to something, Wren can be quite brilliant.

■ Often too lazy to actually go do things, such as clarifying himself.
■ For someone who strives to be so well informed, Wren's hesitation to act recklessly has cost him dearly before.

■ Live a life of luxury, sleep all day, maybe get a personal chef.
■ Maybe invent a cool thing or spell.

■ Starving
■ Being mind-controlled
■ Unconscious undead like zombies or inferi. Ghosts or vampires though, are fine.
■ Aside from major survivor's guilt over his uselessness, he fears this will happen again and he'll be useless again.

✦✧EARLY CHILDHOOD Wren attended a small public school in Winchester proper for a while, but didn’t make many friends because most of the other kids thought he was mean and he thought they were all incompetent. His fellow wizard Nimbus Siddall was his closest friend for a while, but their relationship soured when Wren confided in the teacher about the pair's wild speculations about Mrs. Siddall's death. Rumors started when Nim was absent from school, and any of Wren’s efforts to help quell the rumors only made them worse. Finally, a fight broke out between him and this girl Suzie, who Wren was convinced was involved in the rumors. He won the fight and was suspended. His mum pulled him and his little sister, Sparrow II, out of school entirely, convinced that a muggle public school was no place for young wizards.

Wren, at least, felt like he got a lot more out of homeschool: he read more, learned more about magic and got to explore his own interests. Wren spent most of his days reading and studying in libraries: either at the wizarding library his grandpa works at, or in the collections at home. He developed a fondness for tinkering with trinkets both magical and muggle to see how they worked, and a soft spot for repairing things or bringing plants and creatures back to health. While well-meaning, his mum would inadvertently always compare Wren to other children around-- music prodigies, socialites, overachievers--people who seemed to just have their life together better. The constant chastisement was contrasted by her reminder that he was the future heir of their family and that respect came with responsibility. His dad just reminds him to pursue wisdom and knowledge in everything, as per the family motto. Rather than conform to any single set of expectations or opinions, Wren has simply decided to do things as he will. That doesn't stop the suggestions though, which are particularly common after the social events that happen regularly at their estate: Grandpa Anthony hosts muggle community service projects in the main building, his mum loves throwing philanthropic galas to socialize with the wizarding community, and even his ancient great-grandfather invites young wizarding historians to tea and to collaborate. Wren has reluctantly accepted these and will participate as required-- until he takes over anyways.

Upon receiving his Hogwarts letter, his mother started pushing his cousins August or Sonora to tutor him, which Wren disdained. One of his hideout places was Ursula Payne's shady fortune teller shop in the back alleys of Winchester, and during one of his visits he met and befriended her granddaughter, Moira Payne. That day an orange tabby also decided to follow him home and was promptly named and adopted by Sparrow. Initially furious, his mother seems to have taken a shine to the new pet. His other haunt was his Aunt Verine's potioneering office, and so long as he checked the stock and kept her updated, she let him read in peace.


FIRST YEAR Wren spent much of his first year simply relishing in his newfound freedom. He was pleased to be put in the same house as Moira and As, and less pleased that that was the same house as his cousin August. Although he occasionally skipped class to laze around, Wren for the most part paid attention and did his work. Surprisingly, he took a shine to flying, and didn't mind hanging out with friendly folks from other houses -- if anything he figured they would be amusing friends to keep around.

SECOND YEAR While he confirmed Aspen Hill's half-nymph bloodline, Wren was mildly disturbed by some of the elements to it; he didn't use it against her and actually became closer friends with her. Later in the year he was confronted by Aspen's twin sister, Laurel, about it, but seemed to persuade her he had no intention of hurting his new friend or her family. Instead he spent the year reading up on the theory behind mind-reading magic, training not to suck at Quidditch, and occasionally stopping by Cooking Club.

THIRD YEAR Wren begrudgingly took six electives as his mother demanded, and was surprised to enjoy most of them. He reprised his role as "Critic Kid" in Cooking club and kept an eye out for Yukon's younger sister Weslyn there. Throughout the year, he was very touched by not only how Yukon treated both his siblings--even the obviously adopted one--but also by how they both obviously respected and adored him. His favorite amusement though, was "The Princess and the Scribe": watching August Li and Rhea Lane dance around a relationship: August was a wreck, which was hilarious, and even more hilarious whenever Wren fed him some slightly-exaggerated report of Rhea "not eating". The show ended at the Valentine's Dance, which Wren attended in a dress, as someone at home had mistakenly sent him a dress instead of dress robes.

Finally, Wren had a very illuminating encounter with Aspen and her aunt Rosalia in the springtime. They were hanging out when Aspen sang to her plants and Wren felt some bit of the nymphic magic he had been so fascinated by. He decided it was terrible. It didn't stomp him from wanting to learn legilimens, but he did think controlling people was a terrible feeling.

His entire family convened in Taiwan for his great-uncle's funeral. There was another baby sibling sucking up all the silence in the house, and between the funeral and Chadwick breaking up with her for the nth time, Sparrow was moping, so Wren took Sparrow to get her hair colored--and heard some interesting conversation along the way--then visited Aspen for a reprieve. After swapping out Care of Magical Creatures for Study of Ancient Runes because he thought it would be better for his enchantment and crafting interests, Wren resigned himself to studying the rest of summer.

FOURTH YEAR Wren was very skeptical of being offered the Quidditch vice-captaincy at the beginning of year, but accepted it and continued to try to recruit fresh blood. He was salty at Skip for not making it to tryouts. Late in fall, he and Nimbus found and rescued a litter of orphaned kittens and found homes for all of them among the students of Hogwarts. In the meantime, caring for the kittens put them in more frequent contact, and over the winter, after yet another bickering match, they realized the misunderstanding that had led to their friendship breaking apart seven years ago. They reconciled the first weekend back at Hogwarts. They already shared mutual friends, and hanging out as a group just sort of happened.

FIFTH YEAR Wren was extraordinarily amused and annoyed to be appointed prefect--although the prefect's bath mostly made up for patrols and getting to take points away was always a threat he liked having. He had patrol with Laurel occasionally, and found it was a good chance to show that he was genuinely apologetic since second year and always kept the Hill girls' secret. During mid-winter when Aspen wasn't sleeping though, Wren did once use his knowledge of her nymphic bloodline to make her rest.

In winter, he and Nim found themselves in a relationship of sorts--it started with a kiss anyways, and their teasing was more flirtatious than before. After discovering Yukon and Aria had a mutual crush on each other, the four of them discussed the situation, which led to Wren and Aria breaking their betrothal and both couples settling into a sort of relationship after the break. Aside from a night where he pierced his ears with a few friends later, Wren kept plenty busy with Quidditch and studying for OWLs for the rest of the year.

SIXTH YEAR meant Wren could finally take Legilimency classes. He had read about it extensively over the years and with some instruction quickly picked it up. He and Eion frequently practiced outside of class, leading to more than a few embarrassing stories spilling out. He also took over the Quidditch captaincy a little early, was offered the Culinary Club leadership, and otherwise stuck to his studying, reading, and friends. He did though, get an opportunity to abuse his prefect privledges when he caught Wes's boyfriend Eden cussing out Angus's brother Rian.

Over the summer he picked up a job as an assistant at Ollivander's, giving him another place to escape to aside from his aunt's potioneering office and Madame Ursula's fortune telling shop.

At the end of the summer, tensions came to a head between Nim and his abusive stepmother, and confrontation led to the deaths of both parents and, more tragically, Aria. Wren and Moira arrived too late, their skills too limited to save her. While Wren did his best to be there for Nimbus and Yukon in the aftermath, he felt extremely guilty knowing about the abuse and not doing more to stop it. Still, he was glad Nim was alive, and entered seventh year bitter but determined.

SEVENTH YEAR was mostly spent watching out for Sparrow and Yukon who seemed determined to go through life drunk. Nim brought up breaking up once, amidst the self-harm, but after a gentle conversation over Winter Break, they both confessed to loving each other. Most of the rest of the year was spent working on his studies, practicing legilimency, and leading Slytherin Quidditch and Culinary club.

✦✧POST GRADUATION Wren renewed his position at Ollivander's post-graduation, using his other free time to continue dabbling into potions and alchemy work. He was dragged off to learn about his parent's philanthropy work with the Winchester Foundation more often than he liked, but these were expected as part of taking over as the Heir.

Parents Eliana Zeshu Winchester, nee Li, homeschool teacher, former librarian (squib); Cohen Winchester, Unspeakable in the Time Chamber of the Department of Mysteries (pureblood)
Grandparents Anthony Jacobson, librarian (pureblood); Sparrow Winchester, Unspeakable in the Thought Chamber of the Department of Mysteries (pureblood)
Siblings Sparrow Winchester II, annoying actress; Robin Winchester, manageable minion; Phoebe Winchester, importunate infant.
Cousins Sonora Li, cursebreaker bird; August Li, overbearing legal rat
House elves Hobby and Piper
Pets Duncan/ "Dunce" (his orange tabby cat), Acetylcholine/ "Ack" (a cactus Aspen gifted him, named after his childhood stuffed occamy.)

BOYFRIEND Nimbus Siddall (npc)

Co-Conspirator Moira Payne
■ Friend group 1: Eion Delacroix, Aspen Hill, Yukon Knolle, Moira Payne, Nimbus Siddall
■ More friends: Kimia Abbasi, Asbjorn and Rune Borson, Hailey Scheer, Billie Xanders
■ Colleagues: Damien Edgeworth, Seth Wynters, Rebekah Heartwood

Vivyan Frank, Skipper Hawkins, Celeste Shoichet, Lizzie Spektor
These are under protection. Touch them and perish Kennebec and Weslyn Knolle, Aria Siddall (deceased)

Most Amusing/ Favorite Adult Ursula Payne
■ Kitten people: Eliza Ann Whitmore, Calliope Whitethorne, Austen Masters

CREATED November 2018
UPDATED 05 May 2021
■ Updated for graduation-- includes submitted NEWT grades and job.
■ Weakness changed from superiority complex > hesitation to act
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY 7/9/2019 ĸυng
ACCEPTED BY ~ Dia [10/01/19]